SUPPORTING INQUIRY BASED TEACHING & LEARNING The Inquiry Based Science Teaching and Learning Framework
SUPPORTING INQUIRY BASED TEACHING & LEARNING What is the Learning Framework? The Discover Sensors framework has been developed by a group of Discover Sensor facilitators and teachers working with Irish education consultants and academics. The DS Framework is designed to be used when planning the teaching of a topic or a theme on the syllabus. This is referred to as a 'learning activity'.
Topic/Learning Activity Title and syllabus reference: Student Cohort Student level: Prior knowledge required by the students: Stimulus to Engage How do you get the students interested in the topic to start? Science Questions Current Electricity OP50 / 3C3 Static electricity, atomic structure, energy conversions Phet, Circuits set up, Electrstorm, Wire wool and battery What is Electric Current? What makes it happen?
Learning Outcomes Content Knowledge: Process: Skills: Working with others Communicating ICT – Phet, dataloggers Managing myself Investigation – Big Circuit, Ropes for Resistance. Ohms Law inv. Data representation /Graphing Questioning Logical Thinking As per Syllabus: current as a flow of charge; measuring current; measuring potential difference (voltage) and resistance (for metallic conductors). Establish relationship between voltage, current and resistance.
Questions during Activity Questions to drive student learning (directing them to the learning outcomes): Questions to probe understanding: Questions to get students thinking about their own learning (metacognition): Where are electrons coming from? What makes them move? Can I slow them down? Can I get them to go faster? What do you think will happen if I ? How could I make bulb brighter, dimmer ? Why does bulb dim when graphite is put into the circuit? Why no current when stick is in circuit? Do connections to battery make a difference? Can we measure the energy in the circuit What use can I make of this learning? Who else is interested? Could I do a project on this
Developing the Activity How do you stimulate students to ask even more questions/think further? Possible supporting activities: Questions for supporting activities: Put in two bulbs – what will happen? Different batteries. Different wires. Is V always proportional to I?- try a bulb Develop models of electrical resistance Phet Series and parallel circuits Electrostorm – what is happening – link static and current Can you show series and parallel with Phet?
Reflecting back to Learning Outcomes How many of your intended outcomes were achieved? Do any of your intended outcomes need to be revised? Additional Resources Stimulus materials, websites, etc.: Phet IOP cds Virtual Physics lab Crocodile Clips Des Bishop ESB videos
How has the use of ICT enhanced the learning? Evidence of enhancement: Additional Comments A difficult topic to teach. Big Circuit proven to work.
Topic/Learning Activity Title and syllabus reference: Student Cohort Student level: Prior knowledge required by the students: Stimulus to Engage How do you get the students interested in the topic to start? Science Questions Initial questions leading to the questions students will work on during the activity: Learning Outcomes Content Knowledge: Process: Skills: Questions during Activity Questions to drive student learning (directing them to the learning outcomes): Questions to probe understanding: Questions to get students thinking about their own learning (metacognition): Current Electricity OP50 / 3C3 Static electricity, atomic structure, energy conversions Phet, Circuits set up, Electrstorm, Wire wool and battery What is Electric Current? What makes it happen? Working with others; Communicating; ICT – Phet, dataloggers; Managing myself Investigation – Big Circuit, Ropes for Resistance. Ohms Law inv. Data representation /Graphing; Questioning; Logical Thinking As per Syllabus: current as a flow of charge; measuring current; measuring potential difference (voltage) and resistance (for metallic conductors). Establish relationship between voltage, current and resistance. Where are electrons coming from? What makes them move? Can I slow them down? Can I get them to go faster? What do you think will happen if I ? How could I make bulb brighter, dimmer ? Why does bulb dim when graphite is put into the circuit? Why no current when stick is in circuit? Do connections to battery make a difference? Can we measure the energy in the circuit What use can I make of this learning? Who else is interested? Could I do a project on this
Developing the Activity How do you stimulate students to ask even more questions/think further? Possible supporting activities: Questions for supporting activities: Reflecting back to Learning Outcomes How many of your intended outcomes were achieved? Do any of your intended outcomes need to be revised? Additional Resources Stimulus materials, websites, etc.: How has the use of ICT enhanced the learning? Evidence of enhancement: Additional Comments Where are electrons coming from? What makes them move? Can I slow them down? Can I get them to go faster? What do you think will happen if I ? How could I make bulb brighter, dimmer ? Why does bulb dim when graphite is put into the circuit? Why no current when stick is in circuit? Do connections to battery make a difference? Can we measure the energy in the circuit What use can I make of this learning? Who else is interested? Could I do a project on this Put in two bulbs – what will happen? Different batteries. Different wires. Is V always proportional to I?- try a bulb Develop models of electrical resistance Can you show series and parallel with Phet? A difficult topic to teach. Big Circuit proven to work.