Charles De Gaulle’s Grand Design, 1967
De Gaulle in Montreal, 1967, Vive le Quebec francais
De Gaulle The president as monarch
The Concorde: French-led European technology
Very Big Presidential Projects: Pompidou’s Beaubourg Museum
Valery Giscard d’Estaing, an aristocratic president,
Minitel: France catches up and surpasses in telephone communications
Presidential modernization, also touches Women’s and consumer issues under Giscard. He appoints cutting-edge journalist, Francoise Giroud, former editor of Elle and founder with Jean-Jacques Servan-Schrieber, of l’Express as the first undersecretary of state for women’s issues.
Moving in different directions: Mitterand, the socialist president, with SPD chancellor, Helmut Schmidt, Margaret Thatcher, and Ronald Reagan, 1981
Francois Mitterand, An imperious socialist president,
The New National Library, or TGB (tres grande bibliotheque), a word play on another great undertaking of the 1980s, the TGV or trains a grande vitesse (super –fast trains
Jacques Chirac,
Prime Minister Andreotti with President Nixon, circa 1971
1946 Giulio Andreotti (b. 1919) with mentor, Alcide De Gaspari
Giulio Andreotti, 87, Senator-for-Life, 2007
Enrico Berlinguer, Secretary of Italian Communist Party (PCI); spokesman for Euro-Communism, speaking at the annual party congress, 1976
Aldo Moro, former prime minister, secretary of the Christian Democratic Party, force behind the idea of the historic compromise, kidnapped and assassinated by the Red Brigades in 1978
In May, 1978 after holding him 55 days, the Red Brigades murdered Aldo Moro to stop the historic compromise
Funeral of Berlinguer after his premature death in 984. The European spokesman for “national” or “Euro- communism,” a form of social democracy seeking independence from Moscow and favoring the adaptation of Marxism to local requirements.
Funeral of Berlinguer, 1984, the final salute
Bettino Craxi: strong man head of Italian Socialist Party
Bettino Craxi: longest serving prime minister, on the eve of his ouster for corruption
Craxi with a political protege, building and media magnate, and future prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, 1980s