This is NCMA!
Mission Our mission is to advance the people and practices of contract management. Our vision is that contract management is recognized as an essential core organizational competency, mastery of which is required for all organizations to succeed; and that contract management is a business profession, with a recognized body of knowledge, educational programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees with contract management emphasis, career progression, and widely adopted performance and practice standards.
History Founded in 1959 to service defense industry contracts specialists. Expanded scope to all federal agencies, and federal employees in 1960’s. Commercial focus late 1990s. Conferences started Journal published Contract Management published Certifications launched Seminars implemented World Congress created Website launched Job board Mission has remained unchanged for 50 years!
Governance and Management Board of Directors composed of 25 leaders from within the contract management profession. President is chief elected officer and chairman of the board, Executive Director is chief staff officer – work together as co-CEOs. Ten committees provide oversight and direction. Staff of 22 employees manage programs, products and services. Annual budget of $6.0 million. Facility in Ashburn, VA.
Strategic Objective 1 Develop the Next Generation of Contract Management Professionals Introduce undergraduate students and institutions to the CM profession and involve them in NCMA. Increase the preparedness for candidates entering the CM workforce. Accelerate the development of new professionals. Increase research and writing opportunities for new professionals.
Strategic Objective 2 Increase Professional Advocacy Improve perception of the contract management profession. Increase recognition of NCMA. Increase membership participation in advocacy activities.
Strategic Objective 3 Reach More People in the Federal Contracting Community Expand the number of programs to serve the federal community. Increase communication and involvement of the senior executive cadre within the profession. Utilize education partners, advertisers and corporate sponsors to reach new people in the federal community. Increase use of social media. Collaborate with acquisition-related associations.
Strategic Objective 4 Develop Professional Standards Baseline existing professional standards for government and industry organizations; benchmark standards and processes of other professions. Reach consensus among stakeholders (chapters, EAC, BOD, academia) on Generally Accepted Contract Management Practices (GACMP). Align professional standards and certification processes.
What Business Are We In? Affiliation Credentials Learning Information Networking Advocacy
Affiliation “Recognizing professionals as valued members of the CM community.” Membership: 19,500 members. –65% industry, 30% federal employees, 5% academia –All federal agencies, 2000 companies. –Regular, Associate, Retired, Students, Organizational Chapters: 115 chapters across U.S. and internationally. Communities of Practice: virtual connections. Awards and Honors: professional and volunteer. Corporate members and Education partners.
Credentials “Demonstrating professional mastery.” Certified Professional Contract Manager (CPCM) Certified Federal Contract Manager (CFCM) Certified Commercial Contract Manager (CCCM) Affiliated Credential Programs Certified Schedules Contract Manager (CSCM)
Learning “Developing the professional knowledge, skills and abilities to succeed.” Chapter workshops and meetings: More than 750 chapter events worldwide. Audio-seminars: 24 sessions annually. More than 750 sites and 2,000 participants total. National Education Seminars: 50 sessions annually. More than 1,800 attendees. CMLDP: accelerated leadership training for new CM professionals. E-courses: 7 titles. Certificate in Business Ethics. National education conferences: Government Contract Management and Aerospace and Defense Contract Management conferences serve more than 1,000 attendees. Education Partners: more than 20 institutions with hundreds of continuing education, undergraduate, and graduate programs.
Information “Providing the information needed to perform effectively.” Contract Management: 84 pg, 4-color, monthly magazine to members and subscribers. Journal of Contract Management: peer reviewed, research journal, annual. MacFarlan Research program. Books: 100 Worst Mistakes in Government Contracting. Standards: “Salary Survey 2008”; “Position Standards for the CM Profession”; “Organizational Placement of the CM Functions”; “Contract Management Body of Knowledge 3.0”. Website: CM news, articles database, e-newsletters, presentations, CM Jobs Advertisers, Exhibitors: products and services.
Networking “Connecting members to the people, organizations, tools and services that matter to them.” National Education Conferences Chapter meetings. Leadership training. CM Jobs online board. Job Fairs: July and November. Communities of Practice (CoPs): online forums, content focused programs. Social media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter Advertisers and Exhibitors: products and services to help your organization manage the CM function.
Advocacy “Doing together what we cannot do individually.” Representing the community and the practice. Informational emphasis vs. legislative agenda. –Provide information on legislation and regulation to members. –Obtain feedback and share with appropriate bodies. –Position papers on important issues: informational only. University Relations Committee. Advocacy Committee. NCMA does not lobby.
World Congress 2010 July 18–21, 2010 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Participate in the largest gathering of contract management professionals (affiliation). Presentations and panel discussions by leaders in the federal acquisition and business community (information). Attend more than 100 breakout sessions by subject matter experts, and post-conference seminars (learn). Meet peers, potential employers, experts and service providers (networking). Prepare for exams, take exams, and become certified on site. Obtain CPEs for certification qualification or recertification (credentials). Participate in advocacy….
Strategic relationships International Business Development Consortium (IBDC) National Council of Public Procurement and Contracting (NCPPC) Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI)
Contact Me! Neal J. Couture, CPCM Executive Director National Contract Management Association Beaumeade Circle, Suite 125 Ashburn, VA (fax) (cell)