Introduction Pathology - a branch of medicine studying diseases outer and inner factors causing diseases - etiology (TB - caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis)
Introduction how and why - development - pathogenesis (infectious endocarditis - thrombembolism - multiple abscesses) related disciplines: anatomy, histology, microbiology, clinical chemistry, hematology, laboratory medicine
autopsy search for changes in dead patients, correlation with clinical symptoms - feed-back educational role chronic toxicity studies (pharmaceutic industry) pathological autopsy is different from anatomic autopsy and forensic autopsy gross examination, microscopy, special methods (cultivation, chemical tests, etc.) Methods used in pathology
biopsy (surgical pathology) 80% of workload since 1950! microscopical diagnostics, for living patients histology, cytology (exfoliative-Pap test; fluids, fine needle aspiration cytology) Methods used in pathology
specimens: fluids (physiological - urine; pathological - pus, ascites) endoscopic samples (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, etc.) tru-cut needle biopsy (liver, kidney, prostate) diagnostic excisions (skin, breast, pancreas) entire organs (hysterectomy, mastectomy, lung resection, colectomy) pathological dx = golden standard (important for treatment) (A. Hailey: Final diagnosis) Methods used in pathology
How to handle specimen for histology fixation (×frozen section) clinical information (identification!!!!; symptoms; preliminary diagnosis; what do you expect from pathologist)
History of pathology Vesalius Sixtus IV. - permits to use cadavers in teaching of medical students Clement VII. - the same 18th cent. - Jean Baptist Morgagni ( ) autopsies - case reports - clinico-morphologic correlations - founder of modern pathology 19th cent. - Karl Rokitanski (Austria) - born 1804 in Hradec Králové, University of Vienna, of autopsies - only gross examination Rudolf Virchow - founder of modern pathology (classification of tumors, mitosis, apoptosis, causal relationships) - Berlin (Charité)
our country: Jesenius 1600, two public autopsies Prof. Jaroslav Hlava - end of 198th cent. - his last pupil was Dr. Antonin Fingerland ( ) Dept. of Pathology in Hradec Králové - inspiration = Mayo Clinic (clinicopathologic conferences, close cooperation, continuous education) History of pathology
Organization of education general pathology - main principles systemic pathology - diseases and pathologic processes in different organ systems lectures - (Aleš Ryška, MD, PhD; Karel Dědič, MD, PhD) practical classes - Karel Dědič, MD, PhD (excursion at the Department, autopsy, surgical pathology, microscopy)
textbooks: Basic Pathology (Cumar, Cotran, Robbins) Oral Pathology (van der Waal, van der Kwast) you MUST know before start of your practical classes: normal anatomy, normal histology of most important organs, basic embryology, normal physiology) Organization of education
pay close attention to other disciplines!!! (pathophysiology, microbiology, biology, biochemistry) credits - examination of histologic slides exam - lectures, practicals, Robbins, van der Waal Dr. Ryška Dr. Dědič Mrs. Hejnová (secretary) Organization of education
Good luck !