GEO Work Plan Symposium Capacity Building Side Event CEOS Capacity Building Activities Working Group on Capacity Building and Data Democracy - WGCapD Hilcéa.


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Presentation transcript:

GEO Work Plan Symposium Capacity Building Side Event CEOS Capacity Building Activities Working Group on Capacity Building and Data Democracy - WGCapD Hilcéa Ferreira INPE - Brazil 01 May 2014, Geneva, Switzerland

Founded in 1984 Coordination of space-borne EO Participating Organization in GEO 31 Members and 24 Associates (“CEOS Agencies” = Members and Associates) Work areas: agriculture, food security, climate, deforestation, forest carbon, disasters, water and oceans – Data Democracy

THE BIRTH OF DATA DEMOCRACY Initiated within CEOS in 2008 by CSIR First Steps Towards DD – CBERS free data policy in Brazil – 2004 – CBERS Data for Africa – 2007 – Landsat for free – 2008 Reconstitution of CEOS WGCapD (Working Group on Capacity Building and Data Democracy) to focus on DD – 2011 WGCapD is focused on building capacity for the effective use of EO data as well as providing wider and easier access to those data Tie ins with GEO – Lead in ID-02 Institutions and Individual Development

DATA DEMOCRACY EXPLORED Illustrated through the exploration of the WGCapD activities Data Democracy Software Tools Capacity Development Data Dissemination Data Access

DEM DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Development Project Work within the United States agencies to make previously unavailable Level 2, 1 arc second (30m) elevation data gathered on the Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) available to certain countries Deliver to underserved communities in developing regions of the world Data Access

DEM WORKSHOP Regional workshops across the world utilizing the SRTM 2 data Train participants on how to utilize the data in capacity building workshops May 6-10, 2013: DEM Workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya, hosted by RCMRD 12 participants (Ethiopia, Somalia, Zambia, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda) Instructors were from SANSA, INPE, RCMRD/SERVIR, USGS, FEWSNET and SWF. Capacity Development Data Access

E-LEARNING COURSE 180 hour courses that target university professors in the sciences to teach them the benefits of incorporating EO into their classes Use of data sets that are normally restricted Taught by consortium of CEOS agencies and partners Supported by INPE in Brazil July 2013: e-learning course was concluded and the final grades were compiled: from 30 students enrolled, 16 have successfully competed the course. Capacity Development Data Access

SOFTWARE TOOLS: OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE Regional DEM Development Workshops – Train on open source software tools that all users can (TerraHidro, TerraMA2, SPRING) E-Learning Course – SPRING – GEOBIA - Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis InterImage (Free software for GEOBIA application) Capacity Development Data Access Software Tools

Practical EO Education for Students and Teachers Increasing the awareness for Earth Observation data at secondary school level (primary target). Education Stand during ESA Living Planet Symposium, with support of ESA, UK and DLR. – 9-12 September, 2013 Edinburgh, UK – 200 High School Students and Teachers – Hands-on activities and learn about science and technology behind Earth Observation. Capacity Development Data Access

DATA DISSEMINATION: GEONETCAST GEONETCast is a low cost satellite-based data and product dissemination system WGCapD support of GNC – GEONETCast Americas Forum GEO Plenary side event Focus on the end users Synergies, issues, improvements E-Learning – Work with regional GEONETCast provider to transmit training material Data Democracy

SUPPORT TO CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES Workshop on the Use of Space Science and Technology for the Prevention of and Response to Disasters in Mesoamerica : 19 – 22 November 2013, MCTP, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico – Demonstrate and build capacity in the use of Earth Observation images from various satellites for disaster prevention and relief. Presentations included on-going work and resources made available by the GEOSS)and the capacity building and relevant resource availability for Latin America and the Caribbean under the EOPOWER project of the European Commission. – Participants: disaster prevention and civil protection authorities from Mesoamerican countries and remote sensing and geographical information system experts from regional space science and technology institutions Data Democracy

SUPPORT TO CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES Flood and Drought Monitoring and Modeling, Namibia (January, 2014) Partners: NASA and SANSA NASA-SERVIR CREST Modeling Workshop Data Democracy

CAPACITY BUILDING RESOURCE FACILTY Resource to help coordinate existing capacity building activities and inform future planning. Searchable, interactive map displaying capacity building projects on the use of space- derived Earth observations. Partnering with EOPower to achieve a better product.

CEOS QUESTIONNAIRE First round of questionnaires, inputs were received from main points of contact (50+ inputs received):

PLANS FOR E-learning continuation to be assessed by ISRO 2.SRTM2/DEM release and future workshops with or without this data 3.Continuation of Practical EO Education for Students and Teachers 4.More engagement into EOPOWER Resource Facility (GEONETCab CB Portal) 5.Continuous support to WGDisasters and planning to increase engagement with other CEOS VCs and WGs to identify ways to contribute to or facilitate CB within those contexts. 6.Development of Webinars on thematic areas 7.Tandem-X Pilot Project 8.More outreach activities: update video, newsletter, listserve etc. 9.Continuous support to GEO ID-02 task

WGCapD OUTREACH To Find Out More & Get Involved, please visit: Please check the WGCapD Video which summarizes our main activities since we have started in 2012:

THANK YOU Presenting on behalf of Eric Wood, WGCapD Chair Hilcéa Ferreira