S. Men, C. Resagk, H. Brauer, M. Ziolkowski, M. Kuilekov Ilmenau University of Technology 2D Measurements of Magnetic Field near the Interface between Two Fluids Carrying an Electrical Current
Motivation Theoretical Model Experimental Setup Results and Discussion Summary and outlook Outline
Motivation Several MHD applications in processing of materials: Aluminum reduction, steel/iron making, glass melting, crystal growth, etc. require deep knowledge of behaviors of the surface/interface of electrically conducting fluids. the use of probes is difficult or even impossible (limited access and hostile environment). necessary to develop appropriate methods for cell diagnosis.
Build up a magnetic sensor system to detect weak magnetic field (~nT); Develop optical techniques to observe interface displacement; Identify the main interface shape features by means of MFT. Magnetic Field Tomography (MFT) Construct a highly simplified aluminium reduction cell to investigate a MFT system
Theoretical Model
Experimental Setup CCD camera Light sheet laser Two-fluid cell: KOH+ GaInSn Pneumatic shaker
Specifications: Measuring range: ±100µT Output voltage: ±18.5mV/µT Noise: 30pT/ Hz Bandwidth(-3dB): DC to 1.25kHz Linearity: 0.25% Orthogonality: 1° Operating temp: -40~+85°C Zero drift: 100nT/K Supply voltage: 5V ±0.1V DC Supply current: 5mA eff Output impedance: <1k Dimensions— sensor: 2mm 15mm electronics: 26mm 2D fluxgate sensor -FXM 205
Optical measurement of interface oscillation Results and discussion Mode 11 : f shaker = Hz f shaker =7.3Hz, I dc =1.0A, A=10.17mm Mode 21 : f shaker = Hz f shaker =9.4Hz, I dc =1.0A, A=8.28mm
electrolyte liquid metal BzBzBzBz BrBrBrBr J0J0J0J0 Simulation of interface oscillation mode 11, A=10mm
Simulation of interface oscillation mode 21, A=8.0mm
Schematic of data acquisition and processing
Signals of eight B z and B r at f shaker =7.3Hz, z=57.5mm Magnetic field measurements Peak at 3.65Hz Subharmonic at interface
Contour line of mode 11 at 1.0A, f shaker =7.3Hz Forward calculationMeasurements BzBz BzBz BrBr BrBr A= mm A=10.0mm
Mode 21 at f shaker =9.4Hz, I dc =1.0A Forward calculation Measurement A= mm A=8.0mm
Interface mode mn, A FEM3D Extract current density Biot-Savart law Magnetid flux density In sensor positions Flow chart of interface reconstruction
Reconstructed interface CF 12% CF 16% mode 21mode
1.A sensor ring consisting of eight 2D sensors is suitable to measure the magnetic field near the oscillating interface between two electrically conducting fluids for modes m 2, n 3. 2.Forward calculation by FEM3D based on the optical measurement is consistent well with the experimental results. 3.Evolutionary algorithm is effective for the magnetic field tomography to reconstruct a non-axisymmetric interface of a low mode. 4.Better experimental results (smaller reconstruction error) can be expected when more sensors in one ring and/or more sensor rings are applied. 5.A rectangular cell whose shape is similar to an aluminium reduction cell will be investigated a little later. Summary and outlook
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