Sue Baker Director, Time to Change
2014: It’s the little things
Parity of Esteem Mental health care accounts for NHS 13% of spending, whilst mental illness is responsible for 28% of all morbidity in England
Some Risk Factors for Suicide (men) Mental Illness Socio economic (unemployment, sickness absence, deprivation) Retirement & “challenges of mid-life” Recent hospitalisation Not talking or seeking help Relationship breakdown/being single Notions of masculinity Personality factors
Our approach People with lived experience leading change (national campaign, within employers, local ‘contact’ based activities) Peer-led empowerment Social marketing and social contact Not awareness but action/behaviour (being supportive instead of discriminating, talking, help-seeking) Talking (tailored approaches between genders, ethnicities, and age) Employment focus – cross-sector
Male focused work
Meet the Wolfpack
Time to Talk Day ,066,506 conversations 800 organisations took part 93% of individuals who took part said it made them feel more able to talk about their mental health.
Children and young people 12 pieces of research and a Guardian roundtable (teachers and parents) Includes social marketing aimed at year olds, ‘train the trainer’ sessions and social leadership programme for young people and social contact ‘villages’ at schools YP Panel and Parent Panel Pilot campaign ran in Birmingham/West Midlands, 2nd pilot region October 2013 Evaluation of 1st pilot: 1.3% improvement in attitudes of all young people 3% improvement in attitudes of stakeholders (parents, teachers & youth professionals 6.8% increase in empowerment scores of young people with MH problems 2.1% increase in social capital scores
Work with employers 261 organisations have pledged
Impact of the pledge Action the pledge leads to 72% internal awareness campaign 64% training on mental health 40% promotion of support services 31% changes to policy 28% line manager resources for managing mental health in the workplace 15% of organisations have seen an increase in disclosure of mental health problems
Proportion very likely to consult a GP about a mental health problem
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