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A wholly owned subsidiary of the British Medical Association (BMA) Established in 1840 One of the world’s leading general medical publishers Unique access to more than 100,000 doctor members Over 27 leading journals cover all major medical specialties A wide range of books including the ‘ABC’ series Flexibility to respond to the ever changing needs of the medical profession BMJ is the Group’s flagship journal BMJ Publishing Group Ltd the doctor will see you now
Our Vision To be the world’s most influential and widely read medical journal Our Mission To publish rigorous, accessible and entertaining material that will help doctors and medical students in their daily practice, lifelong learning, and career development In addition, to be at the forefront of the international debate on health BMJ Publishing Group Ltd the doctor will see you now
Published weekly: - 4 main editions - 11 BMJ local editions world-wide 6000 articles submitted, only around 10% are selected after rigorous peer review Unique ‘general’ nature Contents:- Expert Editorials - Original Scientific Papers - Primary Care/General Practice - Information in Practice - Clinical Review - Education & Debate - News, Minerva, Letters BMJ Editorial Profile the doctor will see you now
The BMJ produces special theme issues which cover a specific topic of importance to the medical profession For further information on past, current and future theme issues please look at BMJ Editorial Profile the doctor will see you now
Interactive Case Reports - allows readers to post diagnoses and suggestions for management on, as cases unfold in BMJ Extracts from - provides information for doctors and patients The BMJ Family Page - up to date research from BMJ Journals New premium advert position - facing second Contents New sections - continuing education and medical cases More concise papers - more readable New BMJ Editorial Developments in 2003 the doctor will see you now
BMJ Clinical Research
Market leader: Average Issue Readership (AIR) 79% of all UK Senior Grade hospital doctors (nearest competitor 62%) * 68,000 weekly circulation Ratio of 75% editorial to 25% advertising ensures maximum visibility and impact for campaigns ** BMJ Clinical Research is rated as being the most interesting and educational medical title, with the most overall value * Sources: * Taylor Nelson Sofres plc Hospital Media Survey 2002 ** Media Monitoring Services, November 2002 BMJ Clinical Research the doctor will see you now
Average Issue Readership (AIR) All UK Senior Grade Hospital Doctors BMJ Clinical Research Source: Taylor Nelson Sofres plc Hospital Media Survey 2002 the doctor will see you now % AIR
Best for Diabetes, Urology, Genito-Urinary Medicine Average Issue Readership (AIR) - Senior Grades Diabetes & Endocrinology Genito-Urinary Source: Taylor Nelson Sofres plc Hospital Media Survey 2002 Urology BMJ Clinical Research the doctor will see you now % AIR
Best for Heart Disease Specialists Average Issue Readership (AIR) - Senior Grades Chest Disease/ Thoracic Surgery Cardiology General Surgery Source: Taylor Nelson Sofres plc Hospital Media Survey 2002 BMJ Clinical Research the doctor will see you now % AIR
Best for Rheumatology, Obs and Gynae, Gastroenterology Average Issue Readership (AIR) - Senior Grades Obs and Gynae Rheumatology Gastroenterology Source: Taylor Nelson Sofres plc Hospital Media Survey 2002 BMJ Clinical Research the doctor will see you now % AIR
Best for Child Health, Thoracic Surgery and ENT Average Issue Readership (AIR) - Senior Grades Thoracic Surgery Paediatrics ENT Source: Taylor Nelson Sofres plc Hospital Media Survey 2002 BMJ Clinical Research the doctor will see you now % AIR
Best for Neurologists, Geriatricians and Psychiatrists Average Issue Readership (AIR) - Senior Grades Psychiatry Dermatology Geriatrics Source: Taylor Nelson Sofres plc Hospital Media Survey 2002 BMJ Clinical Research the doctor will see you now % AIR
SELECTIVE INSERT SERVICE Target your message to hospital doctors specialising in specific therapeutic areas through: Loose Inserts Bound Inserts Band Wrappers Tip-on Cards Minimum charges: £1000 Loose Inserts £1100 Bound Inserts £1200 Banded Wrappers BMJ Clinical Research the doctor will see you now
The obvious choice for launching a product or continuing brand awareness amongst hospital doctors across all grades and all specialties BMJ Clinical Research the doctor will see you now
BMJ General Practice
27,000 weekly circulation Read by doctors in all areas of primary healthcare Ratio of 75% editorial to 25% advertising ensures maximum visibility and impact for your campaigns Widely read by younger doctors and female doctors* 7% of GPs read the BMJ but NOT the other weekly primary care titles** Reaches GPs whom pharmaceutical representatives have difficulty targeting face-to-face* Most re-read title and retained for future reference* Source: * JICMARS National Medical Readership Survey, October 2002 ** IMS Reach & Frequency Report 2002 BMJ General Practice the doctor will see you now
Circulation and Readership comparisons between the weekly general practice journals Circulation as % of universe TAIR as % of total universe TAIR as % of circulation Source: JICMARS National Medical Readership Survey, October 2002 BMJ General Practice the doctor will see you now %
One week’s advertising: coverage of GPs Source: IMS Reach & Frequency Report 2002 BMJ General Practice the doctor will see you now % of all GPs
Readership comparisons between the general practice clinical journals Source: JICMARS National Medical Readership Survey, October 2002 BMJ General Practice the doctor will see you now % of all GPs
Good for reaching GPs with low face-to-face exposure to the pharmaceutical industry Source: JICMARS National Readership Survey, October 2002 / IMS Reach & Frequency Report 2002 BMJ General Practice the doctor will see you now % of all GPs
Enables you to reach those general practitioners, other publications can’t reach*, and thus maximise your product’s exposure to GPs BMJ General Practice the doctor will see you now Source: *JICMARS National Medical Readership Survey, October 2002
Weekly Delivered to 14,800 overseas doctors Africa 650 Australasia 1370 Central and South America 290 Europe 7850 Far East 865 Indian sub-continent 255 Middle East 320 USA and Canada 3200 BMJ International the doctor will see you now
Read by retired members of the BMA who maintain an active interest in medicine Circulation 13,500 Readership Profile: Affluent discerning and receptive AB socio-economic audience with a high disposable income –More than twice as likely to donate to charities –Twice as likely to purchase luxury products –Four times as likely to possess gold cards & branded store cards –50% more likely to own a property in the top 3 council tax bands BMJ Compact - an excellent medium for pin-point targeted campaigns to this ever increasing influential audience BMJ Compact the doctor will see you now
Visitor clicks on a site banner and travels to a dedicated Brand Portal - conventionally located at
ABPI Code compliant MCA Approved for POM advertising IAB Member PPAi Award Winner Best Business Product Highly acclaimed development partner Stanford University Best read medical website by UK GPs Best Integration of Media (Business Sector) AOP UK Award 2002 Topic targeted Audited site traffic: 470,904 users Recognised brand & respected publisher Authoritative professional association
BMA News
Launched in April 2001 A weekly, news driven A3 newspaper Lively mix of the latest news, comment, debate, financial advice and coverage of medico-politics The main channel of communication between the BMA and its members, offering up-to-date and authoritative information about BMA campaigns, negotiations and lobbying activities Campaigning for Doctors’ rights BMA News the doctor will see you now
A3 FORMAT 16 Pages Ability to use creative treatments suitable for the tabloids but not the BMJ ONE EDITION Target ALL doctors when budget is tight, or as an effective back-up to core advertising in BMJ General practice and BMJ Clinical research WEEKLY Greater frequency - more OTS BMA News the doctor will see you now
FIRST FOR NEWS Breaking news EVERY WEEK from a top-class reporting team with unique access to the key decision-makers and opinion formers FIRST FOR VIEWS Comment, opinion and insight from the leaders of the medical profession Entertaining and provocative columnists Forum for debate on the issues that effect doctors BMA News the doctor will see you now
BMJ Journals (formerly Specialist Journals)
Over 27 BMJ Journals published by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd in conjunction with other professional bodies Read by consultants and senior registrars - the opinion leaders Used as a constant reference source, guaranteeing a long shelf life for your adverts BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
HEART - reaches 80% of Cardiologists THORAX - read by 89% of Thoracic Surgeons JNNP - reaches 82% of Neurologists ARD - 61% of Rheumatologists BJO - 63% of Ophthalmologists EMJ - 78% of Accident and Emergency Specialists GUT - 79% of Gastroenterologists ADC - 91% of Paediatricians STI - 85% of Genito-Urinary Medicine Specialists BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
New design across all special journals to ensure… Clearer pages Stronger content More cohesive style Greater readability More impact BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Target the opinion leaders and give your campaigns even greater impact BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Heart The official journal of the British Cardiac Society PublicationMonthly Total Circulation3950 UK Circulation1500 European Circulation775 North American Circulation825 Impact Factor2.636 Journal Ranking13 (of 65) Readership80% BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Heart The official journal of the British Cardiac Society Leading international clinical journal that keeps cardiologists in touch with advances in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease High quality original papers published on all aspects of cardiovascular disease as well as topical, authoritative editorials, comprehensive reviews, case reports and education series BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Thorax The official journal of the British Thoracic Society PublicationMonthly Total Circulation4500 UK Circulation2200 European Circulation900 North American Circulation750 Impact Factor4.09 Journal Ranking3 (of 30) Readership89% BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Thorax The official journal of the British Thoracic Society A leading journal in respiratory medicine Enviable, long-standing reputation for publishing clinical and experimental research articles covering many disciplines, including pathology, immunology and surgery Additional coverage of recent developments in basic biomedical sciences and a regular review series to keep thoracic physicians abreast of advances High citation index, rapid publication and strong emphasis on clarity makes Thorax a leading international journal in its specialty BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Gut The official journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology PublicationMonthly Total Circulation4900 UK Circulation1880 European Circulation1200 North American Circulation975 Impact Factor6.17 Journal Ranking4 (of 47) Readership79% BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Gut The official journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology A leading international journal in Gastroenterology Established reputation for publishing first class clinical research of the alimentary tract, the liver, biliary tract and pancreas All branches of Gastroenterology covered BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry PublicationMonthly Total Circulation3050 UK Circulation650 European Circulation1000 North American Circulation840 Impact Factor3.024 Journal Ranking17 (of 136) Readership82% BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry JNNP publishes important papers covering the whole field of clinical neurological practice Emphasis given to common disorders such as: - Cerebrovascular Disease- Epilepsy - Multiple Sclerosis- Subarachnoid Haemorrhage - Parkinson’s Disease- Pathogenesis - Peripheral Neuropathy Only high priority articles are published BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (ARD) PublicationMonthly Total Circulation6650 UK Circulation800 European Circulation4250 North American Circulation750 Impact Factor3.188 Journal Ranking2 (of 22) Readership61% BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (ARD) The official journal of EULAR (European League Against Rheumatology) First published in 1939 Fully international, ARD features original work on all aspects of Rheumatology and disorders of the connective tissue Topical leaders and reviews commissioned to address wider aspects of Rheumatology Published materials: Clinical, Epidemological and Laboratory Reports, Hypothesis Articles and Clinical Teaching (including Diagnostic Radiology cases and lesson of the month) Concise scientific communication is encouraged and peer- reviewed proceedings of international meetings are featured BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Archives of Diseases in Childhood The official journal of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health PublicationMonthly Total Circulation9500 UK Circulation6000 European Circulation1100 North American Circulation775 Impact Factor2.129 Journal Ranking7 (of 69) Readership91% BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Archives of Disease in Childhood (ADC) The official journal of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health First published in 1926, the journal focuses on all aspects of child health and disease from the perinatal period (in the Fetal and Neonatal edition) through to adolescence Published monthly, ADC includes peer reviewed material of a high standard - original papers, editorials and commissioned review articles published in each issue Truly international with international readership and papers originated world-wide BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
British Journal of Opthalmology PublicationMonthly Total Circulation2200 UK Circulation575 European Circulation600 North American Circulation440 Impact Factor1.942 Journal Ranking12 (of 43) Readership63% BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
British Journal of Opthalmology (BJO) Fully international Founded in 1917 by the amalgamation of the Royal London (Moorfields) Ophthalmic Hospital Reports with the Ophthalmoscope and the Ophthalmic Record Main features: –articles on clinical and laboratory sciences –a series of articles in the form of perspectives: providing brief, up to the minute reviews –commentaries: an occasional series challenging current dogma and opinion BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Electronic Editions of BMJ Journals 27 specialist journals available online Fully searchable archive Articles collected by topic Customised alerts Direct access to medline and cite track Visit for advertising and sponsorship opportunities, as well as details of traffic statistics, user profiles and competitive rates BMJ Journals the doctor will see you now
Cost effective and authoritative Effective for direct marketing, exhibitions, sales support campaigns and mailing new product information to doctors Ideal way to: –Support new product launches and product development –Update target audience with developments –Receive feedback on topical issues –Distribute to conference delegates and exhibition visitors Reprints the doctor will see you now
Clinical Evidence is a compendium of the best available evidence for effective healthcare The current issue updates and expands topics included in the previous issue. Each topic provides: –up to date background information about the condition –evidence of benefits and harms of interventions –a list of key outcomes that matter to patients –common questions raised by practising physicians, each followed by more detailed summaries of the best evidence on the beneficial and adverse effects of interventions Clinical Evidence the doctor will see you now
BMJ Publishing Group Special Projects encompasses sponsorship programmes with the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device industry The aim is to develop strategic alliances with companies through our range of BMJ journals, for example, concept of referral-based access to electronic journals, virtual journals, Clinical Evidence, evidence-based medicine and education Programme can be tailored to meet the individual needs of companies Special Projects the doctor will see you now
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Don’t forget… BMJ Clinical Research is the Market Leader across all specialties BMJ General Practice has increased its readership over 2002/2003 The BMJ Journals readership has also risen 11 BMJ Local Editions BMJ USA - Circulation of 95,000 US Physicians BMJ Books ABC Guidebook Series BMA/BMJ Conferences BMJ Publishing Group Ltd the doctor will see you now
Student BMJ BMJ Careers (formerly BMJ Classified) BMJ Journals Supplements BMJ Journals/Evidence-Based Titles (pay per access/pay per view/referral-based access/referrer-based access) Electronic Licensing Evidence-Based Titles: EBM, EBMH and EBN Apollo BMJ Publishing Group Ltd the doctor will see you now