MARY KAY Mary Kay Ash founded the company with her son in 1963. Mary Kay is an established, easily recognized brand nationally. Mary Kay has asked Chic PR to better represent the needs of the 18-25 year old age group Opened new opportunities for women in a previously male-dominated business world. Company evolved from a start-up to a multi-billion dollar corporation in a short amount of time . Operates on a multi-level marketing platform.
This survey question was also able to show what people thought of when they thought of MARY KAY. A consistent theme mentioned was that MARY KAY was associated as a product for older women.
SWOT WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS OPPORUNITIES THREATS Negative perception concerning multi level marketing platform. IBCs average age is 42.7 which is not consistent with the target audience Target audience perceives Mary Kay as a company for older women Low social media presence on Instagram Twitter and Facebook STRENGTHS One of the largest cosmetic companies in the U.S. Has 3 million IBCs worldwide who can mobilize quickly and support the brand Strong presence on Pinterest Ranked sixth among other brands in skin care OPPORUNITIES Educate the audience of the benefits associated with skin care products Educate audience of the correlation of exercise and healthy skin Expand social media presence Increase loyalty and positive perception of Mary Kay among demographic THREATS Target audience prefers shopping at makeup stores Competitors have direct online purchasing Competitors are consistently introducing new products Other companies have stronger mainstream social media presence
Target Audience Primary Audience 18-25 year old active females and males Secondary audience Physical instructors, athletic trainers, coaches and 18-25 year old athletes Tertiary Audience MARY KAY IBCs
Campaign Goals Reputation Management among Target Demographic Increase visibility of MARY KAY Change MARY KAY’s perception Create positive perception of IBC profession Relationship Management Goals among Target Demographic Enhance the IBC to customer relationship Increase IBCs in the demographic Task Management Goal among Target Demographic Increase MARY KAY skin care market share
The campaign will establish a presence on five college campuses across the nation.
THE CAMPAIGN’S COLLEGE CAMPUS PRESENCE THRIVE will hire three college students and an IBC to table and promote the CrossFit event, held at the end of the school year Will hand out skin care product samples and informational palm cards Will utilize student media organizations for promotion of the CrossFit event Will sign up students who want to participate in the event CrossFit event at the end of the year will be hosted by Chic PR and exercises will be led by the trainer hired by the PR team
Campus CrossFit Event #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 Event # Type of Exercise Push-ups Pull-ups Muscle-Ups Leg-less rope climb 100 Calorie Row Hand-Stand Walk Weightless 1-legged squats Burpee Speed, Reps, Distance Reps Speed
In addition to the campuses the campaign will sponsor the CrossFit Games held in Northern California in July.
CAMPAIGN’S SPONSORSHIP OF THE CROSSFIT GAMES The THRIVE Campaign will sponsor the CrossFit games Chic PR will hand out informational palm cards to attendees and skincare product samples Will hand out water bottles filled with THRIVE skin care products to the participating athletes This will promote the usage of products among the secondary audience
The Social media campaign Will encourage social media users to create posts using #WhyIThrive #WhyIThrive posts will tell an individuals story of them THRIVING The social media campaign will be promoted on the Thrive campaign’s micro site, its social media and by word of mouth developed by the campaign
INCENTIVES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN Three most creative posts as determined by the Chic PR will receive An all expenses paid trip to Miami, Hawaii or Vegas Will be featured in a Youube documentary that will be shared on social media Will be featured in the THRIVE Campaign commercials developed after the end of the campaign
FINAL EVALUATION Evaluation will be completed after data is gathered upon end of eight month campaign. Evaluation will help MARY KAY better understand the demographic Evaluation will show amount of awareness the campaign created, effects on perception of MARY KAY, direct and indirect sales impact. Positive social impact by promoting fitness. Public relations professionals with gather data to ensure accuracy and credibility Information will give MARY a better understanding of audiences for future campaigns.