Redesign Course Website for COMP 6620/7620 Dongjin Kim : Jamare Lane :
Introduction The aim of this project is to redesign Dr. Seals’ course webpage for COMP 6620/7620. The site will include course's general information, syllabus, lectures, available resources, assignments, and project information. Efforts will be made to make an attractive, usable, and consistent interface that makes it easy to find and access information, and pleasurable to browse and navigate. Our goal is to meet the needs of our client, Dr. Seals, as well as the students who will explore this website.
Project Schedule
Requirements Hardware ◦ PC or laptop computer or PDA Any type of hardware that can execute a browser ◦ Internet connection Software ◦ Web browser ◦ Acrobat Reader ◦ Power point and Word to read attachments
Lexicon User interface Syllabus Lecture Resources Assignments Project Evaluation
Software Development Process - Extreme programming We have 2 members in group and programming in pair is a better way than dividing it into 2 parts. It empowers our responding to changing customer’s need. It emphasizes team work and we definitely need team work. It is originally designed to small teams and we are one of smallest team. It is attractive who normally don’t adopt any software process. It helps us with focusing on coding and avoid needless paperwork and meeting.
Original Webpage
Conceptual Model (1/3) COMP 6620 User Interface Design and Evaluation Resources UID Books Understanding Reading List for Popular UI Website useit. com Monthly Links WML Details WAP Emulator WML Samples WML Images(WBMPs) Links UID Chap Presentations World Usability Day Pres. Course Description Theory and practice of designing interfaces for interactive systems, usability engineering techniques; implementing and evaluating interfaces Course Textbooks Interaction Design, Preece, Rodgers and Sharp, 2007 Additional Textbooks GUI Bloopers Don'ts and Do's, Morgan Kaufmann, Johnson, COMP 7620 | COMP6620 | COMP4730 | COMP4640 | COMP4970 | COMP7930 | COMP7070 Home Syllabus Lectures Assignments Projects Video Dr.Seal’s Home Black board
Conceptual Model (2/3) COMP 6620 User Interface Design and Evaluation Resources UID Books Understanding Reading List for Popular UI Website useit. com Monthly Links WML Details WAP Emulator WML Samples WML Images(WBMPs) Links UID Chap Presentations World Usability Day Pres. Instructor : C.D. Seals, Ph. D. Office : 3101 Shelby Center for Eng Tech. Phone : (334) 844 – Course Description Theory and practice of designing interfaces for interactive systems, usability engineering techniques; implementing and evaluating interfaces. The objectives of this course are: (i) to introduce students to the interdisciplinary theoretical foundations of the field of User Interface Design Course Description Interaction Design, Preece, Rodgers and Sharp COMP 7620 | COMP6620 | COMP4730 | COMP4640 | COMP4970 | COMP7930 | COMP7070 Home Syllabus Lectures Assignments Projects Video Dr.Seal’s Home Black board
Conceptual Model (3/3) COMP 6620 User Interface Design and Evaluation Resources UID Books Understanding Reading List for Popular UI Website useit. com Monthly Links WML Details WAP Emulator WML Samples WML Images(WBMPs) Links UID Chap Presentations World Usability Day Pres. Dr.Seal’s Home COMP 7620 | COMP6620 | COMP4730 | COMP4640 | COMP4970 | COMP7930 | COMP7070 Home Syllabus Lectures Assignments Projects Video WeekMon ~ TuesWed ~ Thurs 1 Aug 16 - Aug 22 Introduction to UID Chapter 1 reading Introduction In-class Assignment 1 Usability and HCI 2 Aug 23 - Aug 29 Chapter 1 User Center Design Go to resources to see example of good and bad 3 Aug 30 - Sep 5 User view Incredible interface Conceptual Model Chapter 2 Reading 4 Sep 7 - Sep 13 Black board Week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
Scenario for Student Students can utilize the COMP6620 course website to find details about the course, curriculum, instructor, and view video recordings from the class. Students may view the syllabus, lecture notes, resources, assignments, and projects provided that the instructor uploads them and makes them available. The lecture notes are organized by date so that they are easily distinguishable by the student. The assignments are organized similarly to the lecture notes to promote ease of use to the student. The projects are presented in more of a historic fashion. Past projects are available to view to facilitate current students with their current projects.
Functional Requirements for student’s scenario The course page should support a novice user in finding information about ◦ Introduction for COMP6620/ 7620 courses ◦ Syllabus for each course ◦ Assignments ◦ Lectures ◦ Projects ◦ Resources related to each course ◦ Link to video if possible
Scenario for Instructor The instructor can utilize the COMP6620 course website to provide details about the course, curriculum, herself, and upload video recordings from the class. The instructor may upload a syllabus, the lecture notes, additional resources, assignments overview, and past projects to facilitate currents students with their current projects. The instructor has complete control over the course page and creative control.
Functional Requirements for instructor’s scenario The course page should support an instructor ◦ To edit introduction about the courses. ◦ To upload assignments and provide information about the assignments. ◦ To upload lectures for the user to view or download. ◦ To provide an autobiography and list their accomplishments.