Opportunities for Faculty in a Specialty Organization Council Of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine Stephen R. Hayden, MD President of CORD
Vision Vibrant community Dedicated to GME Sacred trust
“I desire no other epitaph than the statement that I taught medical students in the wards, as I regard this by far the most useful and important work I have been called upon to do.” Sir William Osler Farewell Address, 1905
This mission is paramount CORD must be a resource to training directors in emergency medicine Resource to the international community
CORD Activities CPC Competition Faculty Development Conference Best Practices Conference Program Directors Monograph Standardized letter of recommendation
CORD Activities Information Resources Committee Question and Answer Bank Internet Based Tests Slide Bank Digital Image Bank
CORD ECG Website
CORD Activities Model emergency medicine curriculum Simulations Diversity training Program directors longevity Standardized evaluation tools
CORD Activities International EM Committee Liaisons with international community of training directors Exchange programs Develop common resources
Improve program director longevity Pinnacle of an academic career