JUVENILE EXPUNGEMENT IN ILLINOIS Sharlyn Grace, LAF (Legal Assistance Foundation) Patrick Keenan-Devlin, James B. Moran Center for Youth Advocacy March 13, 2014
Agenda Introduction Definitions Juvenile Records Expungement Impact of a Record Expungement Eligibility Expungement Process LAF & CGLA’s Juvenile Expungement Help Desk Moran Center’s Juvenile Expungement Project Questions
Common Misconceptions Young people I talk to often think: A person doesn’t have “a record” if they weren’t found guilty; Juvenile records automatically disappear when a person turns 18; No one can see juvenile records; Serious offenses can’t be expunged; and The process for expunging is expensive.
What is a juvenile record? Juvenile arrests. Juvenile arrests are: All arrests under age 17 Arrests for misdemeanors up to age 18 (January 2010 – December 2013) All arrests up to age 18 (Since January 1, 2014) Juvenile arrests are not: Traffic violations Ordinance violations (unless petty offense)
Who keeps juvenile arrest records? …that depends on what happens after the arrest. 1. Arresting law enforcement agency creates record; and 2. Maybe sends it to Illinois State Police. Illinois State Police Informal Station Adjustments - Misdemeanors (optional) Informal Station Adjustments - Felonies (mandatory) Formal Station Adjustments - Felonies (mandatory) Formal Station Adjustments - Misdemeanors (optional)
What else is a juvenile record? Juvenile delinquency court cases and petty offenses. Where the case is heard determines what rules control expungement. Cook County Juvenile Court: 1100 S. Hamilton Petty Offenses: curfew violations, etc. Not juvenile tried as adults Not traffic offenses heard in traffic court
Who can see juvenile records? Juvenile records are automatically “sealed”… …but there is no definition of sealed in the Juvenile Court Act. -- There are also many exceptions, such as for: Schools; The park district; The public (for certain offenses); and Certain kinds of employers.
How can a juvenile record affect a young person? 1.May be asked to disclose a juvenile record for: College applications Job applications 2.May show up on background checks for: Certain kinds of jobs Teaching Nursing Private security Other jobs (unlawfully) Certain Professional Licenses Public/Subsidized Housing Applications Immigration/Citizenship Applications 3.Police Harassment
What is Expungement? Destruction of the police records; severely restricted access to court records (available only by motion before the court). After expungement, no one will see a juvenile history except: Military Employers Law Enforcement Employers Immigration Officials
Juvenile Expungement Eligibility §915(1): age 18, no pending cases Section 622 (705 ILCS 405/5-622 §915(2): age 21, 5 year waiting period, no adult convictions §622: age 18, misdemeanor offense Never Eligible: Findings of Guilt for First-degree Murder and Felony Sex Offenses Please note: sex offender registry
Qualifying for § 915(1) Expungement Arrests with no court case Dismissed juvenile court cases Supervision satisfactorily completed Guilty Findings for minor offenses: o Petty Offenses o Class C Misdemeanors o Class B Misdemeanors
Common § 915(1) Findings of Guilt Assault Disorderly Conduct* Possession of Marijuana Criminal trespass to Real Property Possession of Look-alike Substance Turnstile jumping False Police Report
Qualifying for § 622 Expungement “Any minor charged with a [Class A] misdemeanor offense as a first offense…” 705 ILCS 405/5-622 Counselors should argue that “first offense” connotes finding of guilt as opposed to mere charge. Counselors should argue that an earlier case, in which the juvenile satisfactorily completed court supervision, as an example, does not constitute a previous offense. See attached “Motion to Reconsider” to support above arguments
Practitioners’ Note for § 622 Expungements Juvenile Defense practitioners should file an order within 30 days after the entry of a minor’s first Class A Misdemeanor conviction – setting a time for an expungement review hearing within a month of the minor's 18th birthday or within a month of completion of the minor's sentence or disposition of the charge against the minor, whichever is later. Please note that the Juvenile Court in Cook County has held that the failure of an attorney to file such an order with the court within 30 days after the entry of a minor’s first Class A Misdemeanor conviction does not preclude a minor from filing a ripe expungement petition under Section 622.
Qualifying for § 915(2) Expungement Guilty Findings for: Class A Misdemeanors (Those offenses not qualifying under Section 622); and Felonies (Excluding First-degree Murder and Felony Sex Offenses).
Common Subsection 2 Findings of Guilt: Aggravated Assault Robbery Armed Robbery Theft Retail Theft Criminal trespass to state property (e.g. a school) Criminal damage to property Criminal trespass to vehicle Battery Unlawful Use of a Weapon
The Juvenile Exungement Process Step #1: Get juvenile rap sheet (arrest record). Step #2: File petition(s) for expungement. Step #3: Call State’s Attorney’s Office. Step #4: Show up on the court date. Step #5: Check records.
Step #1: Get Juvenile Arrest Record Need I.D. (school ID often sufficient) May be fingerprinted Chicago Police Department: 3510 S. Michigan Available same day Free! Other law enforcement agencies may require a FOIA, may not give rap sheets Minimum info: Arrest date(s) and arrest charge(s) Contact Help Desk if police department says it will not give any information
Step #2: File Petition(s) One per arrest/court case Always in Cook County Juvenile Court 1100 S. Hamilton, Ground Floor (Room 13) $64 Filing Fee due on day of filing (per petition) Fees can be waived! File an “Application and Affidavit to Sue or Defend as an Indigent Person”
Step #3: Call State’s Attorney’s Office Call State’s Attorney’s Office ( ) one or two days prior to the scheduled hearing, and ask to speak with the ASA assigned to Calendar 59 (Expungements). Ask the ASA whether the State will file an objection to the petition filed. If yes, prepare arguments to rebut the objection. If no, prepare two bullet points speaking to your client’s worthiness for expungement. (Section 915 petitions are usually only objected to based on technical eligibility.)
Step #4: Attend Court Date Please note that a petitioner is not required to attend in-person. (An expungement hearing is a civil proceeding.) Check in first with Juvenile Court Clerk’s Office, Room 13, before proceeding to the courtroom. Then proceed to Courtroom 9. Judge Rodney Brooks presides in Calendar 59. At the hearing, the Judge will consider the expungement petition(s) and the accompanying fee waiver application. Please note that the $60 Expungement Fee will be due if the application is denied or if no application was offered. If your expungement petition is granted, proceed to the Clerk’s Office, Room 13, for a copy of the signed and sealed order of expungement. Additional copies of the expungement order cost $4 per copy.
Step #5: Check Records Approximately 60 days from court date: You or your client will receive notification from the Illinois State Police confirming expungement. Contact your client regarding the clearing of their record, and then advise your client that that they do not need to disclose their juvenile record following an expungement and that employers are not legally permitted to consider expunged records.
Attached Materials Eligibility Flow Chart Juvenile Expungement 101 pamphlet Sample Forms (Petition to Expunge, Subsection One; Petition to Expunge, Subsection Two; Notice; Order of Expungement; Application and Affidavit to Sue or Defend as an Indigent Person; Request for Records, and Release of Information, and Review of Records) Section 622 Sample Order - Filed within 30 days of Judgment Section 622 Sample Motion – Filed with Subsection 1 Petition
Juvenile Expungement Help Desk Mondays and Tuesdays: 9:00am – 4:00pm Thursdays: 9:00 am – 12:00pm Cook County Juvenile Center 1100 S. Hamilton, Ground Floor, Chicago
Moran Center’s Juvenile Expungement Project The Moran Center’s Juvenile Expungement Project aims to (1) petition to clear our current clients’ juvenile records as soon as they are eligible for expungement, (2) review disposed files to check whether previous cases are “ripe” for filing expungements, and (3) provide brief service to people who contact our office with juvenile expungement questions.
Thank You! Sharlyn Grace | VISTA Attorney LAF Chicago Children and Families Practice Group Phone: | Fax: South LaSalle Street, Ste. 900 | Chicago, IL Patrick Keenan-Devlin | Deputy Director/Staff Attorney James B. Moran Center for Youth Advocacy Phone: | Fax: Emerson, Suite 203 Evanston, IL