Facts on Common Cause Based in Washington D.C. founded in National membership of more than 300,000. One of the largest voluntary membership organizations in the United States working on government accountability issues. 38 State Organizations.
Common Cause History "Everybody's organized but the people. Now its the citizens' turn." --John Gardner, 1972 speech Founded by John Gardner who served as the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare in the Johnson administration and was an architect of “ Great Society. ”
Highlights of Past Common Cause Accomplishments 1971: Helps pass the 26th Amendment, giving 18-year-olds the right to vote. 1974: Helps lobby Congress to end funding for the Vietnam War. 1974: Leads efforts to pass presidential public financing : Helps pass Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and open meetings laws at federal, state and local levels. 1978: Led effort to pass the historic Ethics in Government Act of 1978, requiring financial disclosure for government officials and restricting the "revolving door" between business and government.
Common Cause Today To increase the diversity of voices and ownership in media, to make media more responsive to the needs of citizens in a democracy and to protect the editorial independence of public broadcasts. To campaign reforms that make people and ideas more important than money. To remove barriers to voting and to ensure that voting systems are accurate and accessible. To increase participation in the political process. Today– we focus on four main goals
Common Cause Campaign Style Strategic Research Legislative Advocacy Media Outreach Grassroots Organizing
Election Reform Address the Problems Voters Face in Registration Expand Election Day Enforce Laws Prohibiting Voter Suppression/Intimidation Felony Re-Enfranchisement
Election Reform (continued) Reduce Partisanship and Conflict of Interest in Election Administration Fix, Replace, Test and Maintain Voting Machines Poll Worker Training and Recruitment, Accessibility, and Voter Education ID Requirements and the Voter Databases Develop Uniform Statewide Provisional Ballots Standards Increase federal, state, and local funding for elections
Ethics and Accountability Create an Independent Ethics Commission to investigate congressional ethics misconduct. Impose an effective gift and travel ban Slow the revolving door Prohibit registered lobbyists from acting as fundraisers and campaign treasurers for federal elected officials Real-time reporting of lobbying contacts and real enforcement of disclosure rules
Government Accountability A free society depends upon a high degree of mutual trust. The public will not give that trust to officials who are not seen to be impartially dedicated to the general public interest, nor will they give trust to those high in government who violate the rule of law they ask citizens to obey at the expense of self-interest, or to those who present government as the place where one feathers his own nest, [or] exchanges favors with friends and former associates. --Archibald Cox, Common Cause Chairman Emeritus
Government Accountability Issues Ethics Watchdog Improving Disclosure Open Meetings and Freedom of Information Act Fighting Government Secrecy Protecting whistleblowers
Media and Democracy Fighting Media Consolidation Protecting Public Broadcasting Holding the Media Accountable by Promoting Public Interest Obligations. Developing and Advancing a Long Term Agenda for a more Democratic Media FOX President Rupert Murdoch
Money in Politics Bipartisan Campaign Act of 2002 Public Financing of Campaigns