ALT Conference 4-6 September 2007 re-thinking learning spaces: theme summary? Tim Rudd
3 Broad Areas Physical learning spaces & re-design Technologically augmented/mediated spaces & practice Virtual learning spaces
Physical learning spaces & re-design Planners now recognise that sense of place cannot be ‘designed into’ a place; rather, a sense of place ‘arises from the experiences of those using places rather than from deliberate ‘place making’’ (Jive and Larkham, 2003). Agree or Disagree? Both – sense of place created by users BUT space can be designed radically differently if we know the needs/interests of end users
Inqbate project & JISC infokit Inqbate – design supporting pedagogical shifts –constructivist principles – socio-cultural approaches to leaning –technological changes –political changes –Learner led demand for change JISC infokit – tools for thinking about learning space re-design
Learners as co-designers Do we ask learners? Do we know learners? Are curricula relevant or are they inappropriate or abstract, archaic and elitist?
Fountaineers A project to co-design and develop an interactive and programmable object (intelligent water fountain) to be constructed within the school grounds of a primary school. The design of the artefact and the management of its use thereafter is to be owned and led by learners Fountaineers involves a whole primary school in the co-design of an interactive, programmable water fountain. The project will explore different ways of organising learning, create alternative educational experiences and enable learner voice
“A learning journey that has thrown up excitement, uncertainty, frustration, possibility, chinks of light and unadulterated terror! One certainty, however, is that teaching and learning will never be the same again”. State of being ‘in the fog’ - out of our comfort zone and we didn’t like it one bit. Maybe this is what it’s really about – child centred education where we let go of complete classroom autonomy - taking it where the children are fired up and enthusiastic to go.
Assessment Dylan Williams – evidence centred assessment – BLP – learners create learning Agree or disagree? Both – BUT based on fixed and static knowledge base & teacher-learner relationships Underplays potential of knowledge construction and emergent curricula Distributed cognition, situated learning and wisdom (and dumbness!) of crowds
Network logic Clash between the way we learn and operate outside school/learning institutions and the approaches to learning inside How we learn – skills we need, who we learn with and from, what we learn The technologies mobile, outside, informal, collaborative, networked etc
The 3 C ’ s: New Possibilities - creation, communication & collaboration Mailing Lists Bookmarks Photos Media Sharing Weblogs Wikis Chat Instant Messaging Videos Screencasts Blog Search Screen Sharing Tagging Feeds Skype, Video conferencing Social Networking VoIP Film making Virtual reality Bulletin boards Flickr Pod-casts Games Creative software Online collaborative writing
Technologically mediated spaces & practice eLIDA CAMEL project – reflected on communities of practice – communities supporting meaningful, purposeful social and emergent learning Peer learning and blended learning approaches Using VC/IWBs etc - observe and provide 360 degree feedback to improve practice leading to changes in learning and pedagogy – promoting learner experience – cultural challenges Handheld ‘brain-training’ improving skills with medical students
Technologically mediated spaces & practice Children clearly stating they thought teachers would not change their ways – web 2.0 tools Webslam – workshop demonstrating power of web and distributed cognition/working Accessibility issues – highlighting lack of knowledge of learners needs RLOs and flexibility for supporting customisation (but who ‘owns?’)
PDA’s Shift toward more shared learning Bringing more people into curriculum Better creative links/approaches Technology creating better understanding/link between home and school Personal ownership and responsibility Better outcomes
Create-a-scape Freely available – GPS, PDA, Mediascape authoring tool (audio, visual, now video overlays onto real world – content ‘repository and tagging’)
Virtual spaces 2 nd life –SLoodle – convergence of virtual and social network environs. Convergence of virtual and real Technology augmented environment
The personalisation continuum? shallow PL mass customisation deep PL system transformation Incremental changes. Adapt to change. Underlying organisation unchanged Increased options for learners – content and approach ‘Choices’ for learners still largely focussed around navigation of existing content ICT as tool to reduce transaction costs – different content and more collaboration New organising principles emerge Learners voice heard and embedded – begin to direct their learning Learning through exploration Focus on learning skills not content ICT enables evidence based picture of learning needs Teacher role as mentor/coach Peer to peer mentoring Location and educational modes of delivery change New learning networks emerge. New model of education ICT allows learners deeper into curriculum – learner led choices start to emerge
Asset Mapping. Individual or organisation wide: Tapping into existing resources