Dan Uhrhan GEOG 596b April 29, 2014. Problem Statement Assumptions Goals and Objectives Proposed Methodology Area of Interest Reactor Locations Results.


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Presentation transcript:

Dan Uhrhan GEOG 596b April 29, 2014

Problem Statement Assumptions Goals and Objectives Proposed Methodology Area of Interest Reactor Locations Results References Questions Agenda 2

3 Problem Statement Are the nuclear power plants in Illinois sited in areas where the risks of operation are mitigated? Not trying to find where a new nuclear power plant should be built, rather to identify areas of risk and how they come together into a Risk Terrain Model (RTM) Major risk factors in Illinois: Earthquakes Tornadoes Floods When completed, the RTM should show that current nuclear power plants in the state are in locations where many outside risks to the plants are minimal

4 Assumptions Risk factors do not stop at state borders, but only the state of Illinois is the area of interest (AOI). The risk factors being examined are not zero at any one place; rather the probabilities for risk are lower at one place than at any other. Risk factors are generally considered to be natural phenomenon or random environmental influences whose causes are understood, but may not be accurately predicted. The data and maps I have found are accurate representations of risk factors for the AOI. While nuclear facilities are considered to be high priority targets for acts of terror, the risk of terrorism will not be a factor included in the Risk Terrain Model. The fact that it is a nuclear facility automatically makes that facility and adjacent areas a high risk factor.

Goals and Objectives 5 Develop a Risk Terrain Model, or RTM, for the nuclear power plants in Illinois Utilize Earthquake, Flood, and Tornado data Try to incorporate Landslide and Karst data for a more complete RTM

Proposed Methodology Utilize Risk Terrain Modeling, or RTM RTM can help us visualize various risk factors in a given location Multiple risk layers can be combined into a risk terrain map This map can give users an idea of all risk factors, or lack of risk, at every location of an area of interest 6

Area of Interest 7

Reactor Locations 8 Surprisingly easy to find Exelon Corporation website – Street addresses Wikipedia – Coordinates The State Journal-Register – Google Maps App Google Maps App, from SJ-R.com

Results 9 EarthquakeFloodTornado KarstLandslide

Results 10 Earthquake Risk Layer Reactors located in the zones of lowest risk from the New Madrid fault

Results 11 Flood Risk Layer Reactors located in the zones of high risk Reactors are usually near rivers, lakes, or reservoirs for cooling purposes

Results 12 Tornado Risk Layer Reactors located in the zones of moderate risk

Results 13 Karst Risk Layer Many reactors located in the Karst Zones across the state

Results 14 Landslide Risk Layer Reactors located in the zones of low to low- moderate risk

Results 15 Earthquake Risk Layer Flood Risk Layer Tornado Risk Layer Reactors located in the zones of moderate risk

Results 16 Earthquake Risk Layer Flood Risk Layer Karst Landslide Tornado Risk Layer Reactors located in the zones of low to moderate risk

Catastrophe.org. (2011, April 18). US Tornado Map | Catastrophe.org. Retrieved July 29, 2012, from Catastrophe.org Web Site: Dedman, B. (2011, March 17). What are the odds? US nuke plants ranked by quake risk. Retrieved July 29, 2012, from MSNBC News Web Site: Exelon Corporation. (2011). Dresden Generating Station Fact Sheet. Retrieved April 28, 2012, from Exelon Corporation Web Site: Exelon Corporation. (2012). Exelon Corporation: Illinois. Retrieved April 28, 2012, from Exelon Corporation Web Site: Harder, A. (2012, February 13). Is America Poised For A Nuclear Renaissance? Retrieved April 28, 2012, from National Journal Web Site: Illinois Emergency Management Agency. (2009, May). Nuclear Generating Facilities in Illinois. Retrieved April 27, 2012, from Ready Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey. (2005). Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data Clearinghouse. Retrieved April 27, 2012, from Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Web Site: Landis, T. (2011, March 15). Illinois' nuclear ban not going anywhere. Retrieved April 30, 2012, from The State Journal-Register Web Site: learn-from-Japan-state-representative-sayshttp:// learn-from-Japan-state-representative-says NatHazMap.com. (2012). Hazard Maps, News, & Resources - Natural Hazard Maps, News, and Resources. Retrieved July 29, 2012, from NatHazMap.com Web Site: References 17

National Atlas of the United States. (2012, July 22). NationalAtlas.gov. Retrieved July 29, 2012, from National Atlas Data Download: Ready For Anything Now. (2010). Tornado Risk in Tornado Alley. Retrieved July 29, 2012, from Ready For Anything Now Web Site: Rutgers Center on Public Security. (2011). Retrieved June 26, 2012, from Rutgers Center on Public Security Official Website: SJ-R.com. (2011, March 14). Nuclear power stations in Illinois - Google Maps. Retrieved April 30, 2012, from Google Maps: or 290bbb bbb U.S. Geological Survey. (2012, August 16). Earthquake Hazards. Retrieved July 29, 2012, from USGS Earthquake Hazards Program Web Site: United States Census Bureau. (1996). Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to Retrieved April 27, 2012, from United States Census Bureau Web Site: United States Department of Energy. (2010, November 22). CP-1 Goes Critical, December 2, Retrieved April 27, 2012, from The Manhattan Project: An Interactive History: 1_critical.htmhttp://web.archive.org/web/ / 1_critical.htm United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. (2012, March 29). NRC: Zion Units 1 & 2. Retrieved April 30, 2012, from United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Web Site: 2.htmlhttp:// 2.html United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. (2012, March 29). NRC: History. Retrieved April 27, 2012, from United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Web Site: References, continued 18

Questions? Contact Information: Dan Uhrhan 19