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Jeopardy The House/ Congress Jeopardy The Senate/ Congress Jeopardy Who Is It? Jeopardy Bills & Laws Jeopardy Wild Card 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Jeopardy Parties and Committees
What is the minimum age requirement to run for the House?
How many Rep.’s are in the House, and how long are their terms?
435 Rep.’s, 2 year terms
What is the salary of a federal House Rep? A Florida Rep?
$174,000 for the federal Rep’s- $30,000 per year for the state Rep’s
When are Congressional elections held?
“Super Tuesday”- the Tuesday following the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year.
Explain what gerrymandering is and why it occurs.
Answer 5a
What is the vocab word that describes the structure of our Congress?
Answer 1b Bicameral
How old do you have to be to run for the Senate?
Answer 2b 30
How many Senators are in the Senate, and how long are their terms?
Answer 3b 100 Senators, 6 year terms
Name three typical characteristics of a member of Congress.
Answer 4b White, male, 55, married, has 2 kids, lawyer, college-educated, not a first-term Congressperson, not their first time as an elected official
Explain three nonsalary compensations given to Congresspeople, including the franking privilege.
Answer 5b Franking privilege, special tax deductions, free pool and gym and cafeteria in the Capitol, cheap insurance, full care at the VA, pension plan, Allowances for staff and offices and travel, free parking In reserved spaces
Each political party meets before session to set their agenda. This meeting is called a:
Answer 1c Caucus
Each party has a person in charge and their assistant. What are those two positions called?
Answer 2c The floor leader and the whips
What is the seniority rule and what are some pros and cons of it?
Answer 3c The longest-serving majority party member on the committee Is the chairperson. It’s good because it brings Experience to the committee process and is an easy rule to apply, but it ignores ability and discriminates against younger members.
Explain select, joint, and conference committees.
Answer 4c Select: for a specific purpose Joint: to write a bill for both Houses Conference: to modify a bill that has passed both Houses but in different forms
Explain a standing committee and how the members are elected. Give an example of a committee from each chamber.
Answer 5c A standing committee exists all the time In order to deal with bills. The members Are elected by each chamber, and the majority party Gets the majority of the seats. House Committees: Rules, Ways, and Means; Appropriations; Armed Services; Agriculture; etc. Senate Committees: Foreign Relations; Finance; Judiciary; Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; etc.
Who is the current President of the Senate?
Answer 1d The Vice President of the US, Joe Biden
Who is the current President Pro Tempore of the Senate?
Answer 2d Daniel Inouye of Hawaii
Who are our current Florida Senators?
Answer 3d Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio
Who is the current Speaker of the House?
Answer 4d John Boehner (R-OH)
Who is the current majority leader in the House?
Answer 5d Eric Cantor (R-VA)
What is a bill?
Answer 1e A proposed law presented to the House or Senate For consideration
What is a resolution?
Answer 2e A resolution deals with matters concerned with one house only.
Compare and contrast joint and concurrent resolutions.
Answer 3e Joint resolutions are for unusual circumstances, and When passed have the force of law. Concurrent resolutions Deal with issues that must be addressed by both chambers, But do not have force of law. Usually used to state the Position of Congress on an issue.
Once the House becomes the Committee of the Whole, what happens?
Answer 4e General debate, a second reading of the bill, amendments Are offered, votes are taken to amend the bilk. When this is done, the House resumes.
What are the four types of voting used in the House?
Answer 5e Voice votes, standing vote/division of the House, teller vote, roll-call vote
What is a constituency?
Answer 1f The voters of a district
Compare and contrast strict and liberal constructionists.
Answer 2f Strict interpretation of the Constitution (no loopholes) versus A broad interpretation with implied and inherent powers
What is a filibuster and how is cloture related to it?
Answer 3f A filibuster is an attempt to talk a bill to death. Cloture can stop it, but 60/100 Senators have to Vote for cloture.
When presented with a bill, name and explain the President’s 4 options.
Answer 34f Sign the bill, veto, allowing it to become law Within 10 days without signing it, or a pocket veto
Explain the process of impeachment and explain one case of Presidential impeachment- what was the president accused of, and what happened?
Answer 5f The House votes to impeach the President, to put him on trial In the Senate. The Senate can subpoena people. After All evidence presented, the Senate votes to convict or Acquit. Three Presidential examples: Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton. Johnson and Clinton were Acquitted, Nixon resigned before impeachment.
Make your wager
Name and explain five expressed powers of Congress.