Culinary Arts
Always a student Graduate of Illinois State University English Graduate of St. Xavier University English Graduate of Chicago State University Educational Administration Graduate of Kendall College Culinary Arts
My Family My Friends My Boyfriend My Dog You
Fencing Reading Writing Recipes
Be here!!! If you come in with a pass, sign in with a reason. If you leave class for any reason, sign out with a reason and sign the log at the end of class.
Bring your textbook everyday. If you don’t have it, sign the log at the end of class (rule #1) Bring your materials (paper, pen) everyday. If you don’t have them, sign the log at the end of class. (rule #1) Be ready to begin working when class begins. When the bell rings, quietly wait for instructions or announcements.
Taking Back—it’s rude Sagging pants—it’s gross Throwing paper at the garbage can or recycle bin Lining up at the door—it is not kindergarten Not standing for the pledge of allegiance Talking through announcements
Follow all District 206 rules and policies as stated in student handbook, page 15 Wear ID at all times Come prepared to class with materials and work ethic Be respectful in volume, tone and content when speaking to others in class Electronic devices are to be kept out of sight and silent at all times.
1. Verbal Warning, Sign Log, Pre-dismissal. (PAC) 2. Last one out of the class, Sign Log, Pre- dismissal. (PAC) 3. One minute after class, Sign Log, Pre- dismissal. (PAC) 4. Parent Phone Call, Sign Log, Pre-dismissal. (PAC) 5. Referral to dean. (PAC)
Please listen as I read it to you Remember where it is located
directly 1. Go directly to your seat (once in, no leaving) low 2. Keep voices low 3. Get materials ready
sit up 1. Stay in seat – sit up 2. Clear desk (keep notebook, pencil) 3. Raise hand and wait to be called on 4. Disturbing others or me will require a signature in the behavior log
Follow directions. Do not disturb others. If you are disruptive in class, you will sign the behavior log (rule #4) Do not prevent others from completing tasks. Wait quietly for others to finish working. You may work on something else, or bring something to read or draw.
You are expected to have an ID at all times. If you do not, you will receive a pass to the ID room. You will also sign the behavior log at the end of class (rule #2)
All cell phones are to be out of sight and silent. If out, sign the behavior log (rule #5). First offense will result in return at end of class. Second offense will result in return at end of school day. Earbuds are not to be worn, even if not attached to any electronic device. If worn, sign behavior log (rule # 5). Second offense will result in end of school day.
Purses are not to be larger than a piece of paper. If they are, put them in your locker before class Backpacks are to be kept in your locker No string bags are allowed in class, please leave them in your locker
Please enjoy them outside of the classroom You may take your food from the lab home at the end of the day, or to lunch, but not to your next class.
Use an “inside voice”. Conversations should be private. If reminded about volume or tone, second reminder will result in signing log. (rule #3) Language used in class is to be school appropriate in language and content.
1. Do not interrupt teacher 2. Raise hand and wait to be recognized In & Out Log 3. Sign “In & Out Log” 4. Sign behavior log at pre-dismissal (Rule #1) Students will not be penalized for violation of Rule #1 if the teacher sends you on an errand or you receive a call slip – only if YOU chose to be out of class for the bathroom, your locker, or your personal business.
sit up 1. Stay in seat – sit up 2. Clear desk (not homework time) 3. No talking, others need to hear--- Including me!!!
1. See teacher if: Tardy Absent Name in behavior log 2. If absent – check folder for work 3. If none of the above: Clean up low Keep voices low Stay seated Wait for dismissal
1. Teacher will dismiss class – not the bell. Students will not leave lab without teacher dismissal. 1. Push in chairs in lab 2. Walk, don’t run 3. Keep voices low
1. Weekly Incentives—all students without any behavior log entries will receive 10 participations points (this will equal either one homework assignment or ½ quiz grade) 2. Music—you can choose the play list. 3. Monthly Incentives—if the class has ZERO referrals for behavior either severe or mischievous, the class will be allowed to have a “free” lab the last week of the month.
Perfect Attendance—students who have perfect attendance in class for third quarter will be allowed to use a “Floating A” for any assignment up to 100 points.
One song per person. Include Song Title, Artist, and Album. If the qualifications below are not met your song will not be added to the play list and you will not have a second chance, so make sure the song is clean. No songs about violence, sex, gangs, drugs or other inappropriate actions or items. No songs with foul or derogatory language. If you do not know of a song then pass the list and bring it in tomorrow.