Poster Title Author(s) Institution Poster Title Author(s) Institution INTRODUCTION HISTORY SIMSCON 2015 1 8 th South Indian Medical Students’ Conference,


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Presentation transcript:

Poster Title Author(s) Institution Poster Title Author(s) Institution INTRODUCTION HISTORY SIMSCON th South Indian Medical Students’ Conference, SMVMCH.

Poster Title Author(s) Institution Poster Title Author(s) Institution CLINICAL FEATURES 2 SIMSCON th South Indian Medical Students’ Conference, SMVMCH.

Poster Title Author(s) Institution Poster Title Author(s) Institution INVESTIGATIONS DIAGNOSIS 3 SIMSCON 2015 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS 8 th South Indian Medical Students’ Conference, SMVMCH.

Poster Title Author(s) Institution Poster Title Author(s) Institution DISCUSSION 4 SIMSCON th South Indian Medical Students’ Conference, SMVMCH.

Poster Title Author(s) Institution Poster Title Author(s) Institution TAKE HOME MESSAGE 5 SIMSCON th South Indian Medical Students’ Conference, SMVMCH.