PITTMED STUDENT EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Intro to Leading a Student Group or Interest Group March 21, 2012
What is the SEC SEC = Student Executive Council The Bylaws state: “The purpose of this organization shall be… to act as a representative government of the students of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine to promote communication within the student body to promote communication among the student body, the faculty, the administration, and other student organizations at the University of Pittsburgh and to consider other pertinent aspects of the medical students' curricular and extracurricular concerns.
What Does the SEC Do? Oversee & Fund Student Groups & Student Organizations Oversee the student activities calendar Establish the budget for all student groups & events (excluding Departmental Interest Groups) Oversee many major Annual Activities/Resources/Traditions: Black Bag Ball, Talent Show, SARC Manual, FAST, Murmurs, Scaife Improvements Run Meetings on the 2 nd Wednesday of Each Month A Forum for timely student concerns re: curriculum, student life, upcoming activities, etc. Represent the student body as a whole to the administration and via the GPSA, to the University of Pittsburgh at large Serve as a forum for cooperation & collaboration between student groups & students in general
Who Makes Up The SEC? President – coordinates, mediates, administrates, & delegates VP: Internal – coordinates between class councils, SEC committees, SEC special activities, maintains the bylaws VP: External – communicates & negotiates, maintains the SEC website, publicizes meetings & elections, maintains agendas & minutes, represents us to the GPSA VP: Finance – oversees the budget, maintains financial records, oversees reimbursements for travel grants and student activities VP: Academic - SEC’s Representative on Curriculum & Admissions committees, provides updates re: curriculum & academics at monthly SEC meetings, facilitates student forms to discuss academic life at PittMed
How Does the SEC Affect Me & My Group? If you are an officer for a group: the SEC will set your budget for next year Reimbursements for expenditures are processed through the SEC You are required to enter activities on the SEC Events Calendar If you want to go to a conference: You can apply to the SEC for a travel grant If you want to start a new group: You must turn in a constitution & budget to the SEC New Groups must be ratified by the student body at an SEC meeting Groups must be approved by the SEC to reserve space in the SOM or use its services and to have a site on the Zone If you have an issue, concern, or event that you want to draw attention to: You can bring it up at an SEC meeting
Additional requirements for funding: In order to receive funding for the coming fiscal year, all groups must have the following UPDATED information in addition to the EOYR + Budget (on each group website): Group constitution Student leaders
Topics SEC Zone Site SEC Calendar Room Reservation ListServs Student Leader Contact Information
SEC Zone Site Zone>Student Groups>Student Executive Council
SEC Zone Site
Calendar Located on SEC Zone Site Is one of the sources for the main Zone calendar visible to all students Posting events on the SEC Calendar is required in order to receive reimbursement
Calendar 2 ways to get there: SEC Zone Site Student Groups Home
Calendar: Adding Events
Reserving Rooms Zone>Student Groups
Reserving Rooms
How to send to lists Addresses on Zone Student Groups Page C/O 2011: Informal 2011: AMSA: You can only send to a list if already subscribed
List Etiquette If sending mass s, include all lists in “To:” field, instead of one at a time Please use these lists for group activities, and only send to class lists if truly school-wide activities
Leadership Contacts Very important that these stay up to date Include position, name, (at least) Office of Student Affairs uses these lists to contact groups SEC will withhold group funding if these lists are not up to date
Student Group Contact Info
2012/2013 BUDGETING Survey Results
09/10 SEC Funding Breakdown Lunch Talks: 41.6% Community Service: 8.5% Schoolwide/Social: 25.1% Conferences: 13.4% Classes: 11.5% Workshops: 0% Journal Clubs: 0% Transition: 0%
10/11 SEC Funding Breakdown Lunch Talks: 18.3% Community Service: 15.3% Schoolwide/Social: 27.8% Conferences: 21.9% Classes: 10.6% Workshops: 2.9% Journal Clubs: 1.8% Transition: 1.4%
11/12 SEC Funding Breakdown
12/13 SEC Funding Breakdown
Where to find this slide show
THANK YOU! 2012 SEC Officers