Career and Technical Education 2013 Summer Conference Update CTE Administrators 2013 Summer Conference Update CTE Administrators
Perkins Blueprint No real movement toward reauthorization. Recent movement to combine Perkins funding with WIA funds
The Common Career Technical Core Initiative
CCTC Next Steps North Carolina was one of the first states to participate in the gap analysis done by NASDCTEc. We have received a draft report of the findings and are in the process of reviewing the report. We may ask the State Board to endorse the national CCTC.
Teacher Effectiveness and Support for Growth
CTE and Teacher Effectiveness Many CTE teachers received data in Standard 6 in 2012 Most will have data for the school year Status of Curriculum identifies the means to measure teacher effectiveness in
Value Add Models Value Add Model-predicted score compared to achieved score – Predictions based on data points for students over time – Need about 1,000 matched records to create a model Pre/Post-Test Model – Courses without sufficient data to match for prediction model
Measures of Student Learning Measures of what students know and are able to do after completing a course or grade Tightly linked to the instruction that a teacher delivers One part of how North Carolina will evaluate the effectiveness of its teachers Similar to the common summative assessments that many districts already have in place
NC DPI Home Base System
Why is North Carolina developing Home Base? The central focus of READY is improving every student’s learning... …and enabling and ensuring great teaching is how we get there. One of the ways to enable great teaching is to put powerful tools in the hands of teachers and school leaders.
Assessment Student Information and Learner Profile Instructional Design, Practice & Resources Data Analysis and Reporting Information a simpler, better information system to replace NC WISE Integrated Instructional Solution a new standards-aligned tool for instruction (e.g. lesson plans, unit plans), assessment and data analysis Effectiveness a simpler, better online evaluation system and new professional development system InformationInstruction Educator Effectiveness: Evaluation and Professional Development Test Nav Summative Assessment OpenClass Collaboration Schoolnet Instructional Tools and Assessment PowerSchoo l Student Information Truenorthlogic Evaluation and PD
Products being integrated to create Home Base OpenClass Collaboration Schoolnet Instructional Tools and Assessment PowerSchool Student Information Core Instructional Improvement System Test Nav Summative Assessment Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation R R = Required R R User Portal Content in System Tools for Teaching Assessment Creation Truenorthlogic Professional Development via PowerSchool Initial Content Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies Assessment Items for Benchmarking and Classroom Assessment Instructional Content (e.g. lesson plans and unit plans) housed in the NC Learning Object Repository
How will Home Base be rolled out? Home Base will be available to districts without costs for the school year. Home Base will be phased in with many key functions available at the beginning of the school year year will be a kick-off year; we expect it to take districts time to learn and apply the resources in Home Base.
Time Line July/August 2013 PowerSchool Student Information R Schoolnet Instructional Tools and Assessment Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation R Content in System Tools for Teaching Assessment Creation User Portal via PowerSchool Students Parents Teachers Administrators State Admin Content Specialist Student Information Scheduling Gradebook Attendance Transcripts Instructional Tools Classroom and Benchmark Assessments Reporting Online Evaluation (Teachers Only) Initial Content NWEA Science and Social Studies Assessment Items [9,600 items] ClassScape Items in EOG and EOC tested subjects (Math, ELA, Science) [22,000 items] Pearson Science and Social Studies Digital Library [~10,000 resources] Open Educational Resources from NC Learning Object Repository [4,000 and counting}
Time Line October 2013 OpenClass Collaboration + Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation Collaboration Online Evaluation (Principals and Teachers) Content in System Tools for Teaching Assessment Creation Next Generation K-12 Common Core ELA and Math Items [starting in October and phased-in]
Time Line March 2014 Truenorthlogic Professional Development Test Nav Summative Assessment R School Year +
Home Base Website and Updates Home Base website is To sign up for Home Base Biweekly Newsletter, please as ask to be placed on the newsletter We will continue to the biweekly updates, but you can also find them archived on the Home Base website at
Contact: Remedy You can your questions about Home Base (the system, implementation or training) Questions will be logged into Remedy for assistance Support personnel provide the answer, research or assign to the appropriate area for resolution Incidents are categorized for statistical reporting to aid in identifying problem areas as well as providing a knowledge base If you have a question that is not about the system, implementation or training, you may contact the Home Base staff at
Honors Revisions Background State Board of Education approved a framework for developing and implementing Honors Level Courses NCDPI began revising the 2004 Honors Implementation Guide and Rubric to more effectively address new standards and instructional best practices June, State Board of Education approved the new Honors Level Course Rubric
What's new in the Implementation Guide? Teacher rationale including intentional reflection and philosophy in each of the three buckets. Language that specifically addresses: Credentials 21 st century skills Common Core State Standards Formative and summative assessment Post-secondary alignment Electronic submission to the state level for review. Either met or not met. Peer evaluators with state level coordination. Recommendations if not met.
Links to Honors Information NCDPI Honors Wiki NCDPI CTE Honors Wiki Q&A Webinars: CTE Webinar:
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions Who completes the portfolio? Individual teacher Who approves the portfolio? Principal, CTE Director, Superintendent (or designee) and NCDPI Will existing CTE standards and objectives meet honors level requirements? No. Honors levels standards and objectives must be an extension of the current objectives.
More FAQs Will we be required to develop a portfolio for honors level courses that are in field test status? Yes How much extra work is required to earn honors credit? Instruction should be differentiated at a higher level and not assign extra work. The focus should be on extension, acceleration, and enrichment. CTE recommends an extension of 25% of the course content. Should standards be rewritten or should new standards be added? Teachers may extend an existing standard or add a new one. Either is fine.
More FAQs May we work together? – Portions of the portfolios can be common and it is the expectation that the LEA will provide PLC or PD opportunities for teachers to work collaboratively. However, individual teacher portfolios should reflect the course implementation in his/her classroom. Example: Student work samples should be collected by individual teachers for their portfolio.
More FAQs Do students needs to score a higher grade on Elements post-assessment to earn honors credit? No (And they take the same post-assessment as regular credit) What if I already have an honors portfolio I created using the old implementation guide? A new portfolio following the new rubric and revised implementation guide must be developed.
Portfolio Review Timeline Transition Year Fall/Winter: Portfolio review process for First Cohort Spring: Notification of Second Cohort Second Cohort will be reviewed Third and Final Cohort will be reviewed
High School Diploma Endorsements State Board of Education Policy allows students to earn endorsements based courses taken in high school – Career – College – College UNC
Credentials for Technical Attainment Certain courses may substitute earning a Credential for the Statewide post-assessment Refer to the Status of Curriculum
40-Hour Induction Modules DPI Staff have used feedback from surveys completed last year to revise the induction process. One less session Fewer days out of the classroom for teachers Blended learning Cost savings
Induction Schedule will follow the new blueprint Final dates for have not been set Notice the transition plan in your packet Completion of the induction within the three year window should be a priority for teachers
Elements Performance – Much improved in spring administration Transition to the E3 platform – Ongoing – Professional Development – Equipment Data population Security of post-assessments
Budget Perkins reductions will impact activities at the state level – 75% of federal money is in salaries – After fixed costs, $200,000 operating budget Cost sharing for projects Commitment to support of schools and districts
Statewide Agreements Microsoft – License for Academy has been approved and cost paid at the state level for – Certiport is now part of that agreement August renewal Final cost yet to be determined Adobe – Annual opportunity to add seats – Use state support fund allotments centrally
Credit by Demonstrated Mastery Allows students to earn credit without seat time – Must show mastery on state assessment AND – Project Goal is to place students in advanced courses Implementation guide due out early fall
Math in CTE Alignment process this spring Revised list of courses in CTE that can meet math requirement for graduation – May not meet requirements of Community College Multiple Measures placement policy
Licensure Licensure requirements were approved this spring and are effective July 1, 2013 – Change in years of experience for Health Sciences – Changed course specificity – Changed credential timing requirements – Allowed associate degree to teach Scientific Visualization and Gaming
WorkKeys Data
Certificate Distribution
State/National Comparison