WP5. Training N. Catalán Lasheras
Outline Introduction Existing vs. new training General training for all ESRs Training by work package Secondments in industry and universities Resident courses Conferences Workshops 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
Introduction PACMAN is a Innovative Doctorate Programme. A Marie Curie Action financed by the EU Training should be primarily through research on individual, personalised projects, complemented by substantial training modules in key transferable skills common to all fields. 600 EUR/month for each student training courses –Individual technical and soft skills training –Attendance to conferences and workshops 6000 EUR/month for the PACMAN network training initiatives –University fees –Organization of courses –Visiting professors –Secondments subsistence 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
Ready to order training CERN has a large training catalogue of regularly scheduled courses. –Includes safety, technical, language and management curriculums –Students apply for training through EDH –After approval of their supervisor they join the next available session Academic training is also provided by CERN free of charge and regularly during the year –Academic lectures by one of several lectures in a specific topic –Special sessions for summer students Partners also have training capacities and a number of courses already prepared. –Universities –NI: LabView certification, –Hexagon: Introductory and advanced metrology –Cranfield mini courses on precision enginering 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
Taylor made courses To be requested/organised by the network –Organized in collaboration with the training unit at CERN. Can become a technical training open to other CERN participants –Special training sessions may be organized together with other EU-FP7 networks and benefit a larger number of students –Organized in collaboration with the partners. Based on existing training with very specific audience –Workshop/seminar. Open to other members of the network and the international community 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
Global training for all ESRs Regular Courses scheduled at CERN Introduction of particle accelerators. ACCEL or Summer students Program lectures MATLAB Electromagnetic compatibility Safety awareness Communication towards the general public Communication program Management program French/English Framework proposal writing Taylor-made for PACMAN CLIC principles and technology challenges –Academic lectures Basic principles of metrology and survey –1-2 days seminar by SU Dimensional metrology –By visiting scientist Robert Ruland Team building Entrepreneurship for researchers 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
Training by work package WP1. Metrology and alignment –CMM fundamentals basics and usage of operating software QINDOS. (w WP3). Organized with Hexagon –Advanced course in FSI. Organized with ETALON WP2. Magnetism –Basic LabView (w WP4) –ANSYS EMAG WP3. Precision mechanics and nano- positioning –ANSYS WP4. Microwave technologies –CST Microwave studio –NI RF module. Organized with NI To be organized by the network 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
Industrial secondments CompanyESRTraining onDuration DMP3.1, 3.2 High precision machining, quality control, alignment. Management, manufacturing, logistics 4 Eltos2.2PCB definition, design and manufacturing3 Etalon1.2, 1.3 Portable means of metrology and dimensional metrology3 Hexagon1.1Basic metrology, operation software, sensor qualification testing. 3+2 Metrolab2.1Magnetic measurements for research, medical and industrial users. Encoders and digital integrators. 2 National Instruments 4.1, 4.2 Lab View software, PXI technology, high speed digitizers, timing and syncing modules 3 SigmaPhi2.1, 2.2 Magnet manufacturing and magnetic measurements2 TNO3.3Precision technology, high accuracy mechanisms, metrology and vibration attenuation 4 The final nature of the secondment will be decided by the supervisors and the company responsible. It will generate a written report. Management skills as well as technical skills 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
Academic secondments InstitutionESRTraining onDuration in months ETH1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Doctoral program courses. Project work TBC Sannio University2.1, 2.2 Doctoral program courses. TBC Cranfield University3.1 Doctoral program courses. Project work 1 TU DELFT3.3 Doctoral courses 2 SYMME3.2 Doctoral courses. Project work 7 IFIC Valencia University 4.1, 4.2 Doctoral program courses TBC Doctoral courses depending on the university Needs to be defined by academic supervisor depending on the final ESR academic background. Some institutions will also host research and laboratory work Still to be defined case by case 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
Resident courses A number of courses given by partners or outside sources have been identified as being potentially beneficial for a group of students. –Course on vibrational aspects of accelerators. US particle accelerator school –Introduction to accelerator Physics. CERN Accelerator school held every two years. –JUAS courses in electromagnetism and magnets and in accelerators technology organized every year in Archamps (FR) –Precision Engineering Industrial Short Course. Regularly organized by Cranfield university. –… Students will join these courses depending on course availability and curriculum benefit 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
A non exhaustive list of conferences The international society for optics and photonics, (SPIE) organizes a conference in Optical metrology. The series of International Workshops on Accelerator Alignment (IWAA) are held every two years. The biennial ISMA conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering focuses on structural dynamics, modal analysis and noise and vibration engineering. The European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN) organizes every year an international conference and industrial exhibition. The international Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC) organized yearly The International Magnetic Measurements Workshop (IMMW) is also organized The international conference in Magnet technology (MT) is organize every two years The International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS) is a yearly working event for world experts working on linear colliders. The LINAC conference is devoted to linear accelerators over the world. It is held bi-yearly The International Particle Accelerator conference (IPAC) reunites every year accelerator scientists and A special meeting of Women in Science is organized at this conference with presentations by women scientists in accelerators and engineering. National Instruments organizes the NIDays, once a year. Since 2011, Hexagon Metrology organizes the Hexagon Conference The European Gender Summit, is organized yearly by genSET These conferences will be used for training as well as for dissemination of results by the students in the form of posters and oral presentations. 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
PACMAN workshops Three workshops on PACMAN technical subjects, lasting about three days. First workshop at CERN. ESRs will contribute to the workshop preparation. The first PACMAN workshop –will be devoted to setting up the scenario. –Present state of the art in each field by partners and world experts. –ESRs will introduce their research program and PhD subject prepared in conjunction with their supervisors. The second PACMAN workshop –first results and conclusions presented by ESRs. –large part of the workshop should be devoted to discussions. The final workshop –experts from outside the project will be invited from universities, laboratories and industries. –ESRs will promote their work, enlarge their network and look for future career opportunities. –The organization of the workshop will be fully assured by the ESRs themselves 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
Intellectual property and technology transfer First introductory seminar by KT group at CERN. –Open to other CERN users Self-study of the distance learning program by WIPO for each ESR – e_learning/ e_learning/ Training workshop at CERN prepared by KT, WIPO academy and IP teams of TNO, NI, Hexagon, etc. –Around IP rights, patents and innovation, technology transfer – Practical examples from partners. Optional WIPO summer school for interested students 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
Milestones and deliverables #MilestonesLead participantMonth M5-1PACMAN workshops completedCERNM12, M28, M44 M5-2All secondments completedCERNM33 M5-3All doctoral credits completedCERNM23 #DeliverableLead participantMonth D5-1Presentation of fellows at PACMAN workshops CERNM12, M28, M44 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting Additionally: Definition of the carrier development plan for each student in coordination with his/her supervisors Definition of secondment project Preparation of periodic reports for the Supervisory Board
Role of the partners (and CERN) For industrial partners Train the ESRs in the job and in aspects that they would not see in academia –Real prototyping, –Full manufacturing chain –Quality assurance –Client relations –Logistic chain – Market studies –… For academic partners Introduce the ESRs to research –Scientific method –Self questioning Offer them the required knowledge –Specialised courses, –state of the art Supervise their doctoral studies in accordance with the university rules Integrate the ESR in a team eager to share their know-how and practises Help the ESR s to adapt to a new country, a new culture and work method Assistance for accommodation, language, transportation. 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting
Conclusions A thorough program for all ESRs based in Technical competences and complementary skills. Training from literature, in the class and on the job. –Using available and new custom-made training Students will be encouraged to suggest additional training that will be subject to approval by their supervisors. All partners will contribute and benefit from the training program Lots of work ahead of us. But we have the knowledge these students are looking for. 11/20/2013PACMAN kick-off meeting