Introduction 1. What is demography? 2. Predict the 10 largest countries in the world by population 3. Which countries do the following cities belong to? Jakarta Dhaka Rio de Janeiro Calcutta Johannesberg Manila
What is the ‘typical 7 billion’? Watch the following National Geographic Videos and record one statistic from each of them that is meaningful to you. “Typical 7 Billion” 7 Billion, National Geographic Magazine
Review: Why do we care about the growth and demography of the world’s population?
Age Pyramid Review – Early Expanding CONCAVE SHAPE High Birth Rates High Death Rates Populations are not extremely high because of death rates Short life expectancy Congo (51), Afghanistan (61), Sierra Leone (48)
Age Pyramid Review – Expanding Typical PYRAMID shape High Birth Rates Death Rates are starting to lower – increased health care Generally large populations Slightly longer life expectancies India, Mexico
Age Pyramid Review – Stable Often looks like a ‘house’ Relatively straight sides Birth rates significantly lower Death Rates significantly lower – strong health care Much larger elderly population Population can sustain itself USA, France
Age Pyramid Review – Contracting Bottom is extremely small Very low birth rate Low death rate Large population of elderly people Needs immigration to sustain its population with labour force Japan, Germany, Canada
Prediction Questions Which pyramid type has a “shrinking” population? CONTRACTING Which pyramid type has the highest birth and death rates? EARLY EXPANDING Which pyramids do you think have the highest standard of living? STABLE/CONTRACTING Which pyramid do you think is most likely to represent Brazil or India? EXPANDING Which pyramid do you think represents Afghanistan or Congo? EARLY EXPANDING Which pyramid has the largest number of people under 15, and people over 64? EXPANDING DEPENDENCY RATIO – # of PEOPLE IN A POPULATION WHO NEED TO BE TO TAKEN CARE OF
Discuss: Why would the gov’t care if: If there is a large elderly population (contracting)? If nearly half a population is under 15? If Canada’s (with a stable- contracting population) immigration is dropping? Do you agree with Canada’s policy of focusing on accepting ‘highly-skilled’ immigrants?
What makes populations progress through different stages?
Good Question… We’re not sure exactly, but the Demographic Transition Model attempts to explain it. Suggests that as economic and social development occurs in a country, it will move towards different stages to more stable population growth Ex. Less poverty, better health care = Less Need for Large Families Model has 5 stages – pg
Expressed Visually…
Now match it up to Pyramids… *** This is a spectrum..with space in between different stages
So… How CAN we control the world’s population? China and India – discuss. ○ DO you think this is a good strategy, for government to attempt to control population through policies like ‘the one-child?” Hans Rosling ○ How does HE propose that population growth be controlled? ○ What is the role of the DEVELOPED world in this?