Esri Developer Summit 2012 Should You Use a Swiss Army Knife or a Simple Screwdriver?
Esri Developer Summit 2012 Should You Use a Swiss Army Knife or a Simple Screwdriver? We have all seen sites out here on the ether that have so many menu, tools, widgets, etc. that you really don’t know what you are suppose to do. Sites that make you ask yourself, What in the World is this?
Esri Developer Summit 2012 Should You Use a Swiss Army Knife or a Simple Screwdriver?
Esri Developer Summit 2012 Should You Use a Swiss Army Knife or a Simple Screwdriver? You need to ask your self when you design a web mapping site, a couple of simple questions.
Esri Developer Summit 2012 Should You Use a Swiss Army Knife or a Simple Screwdriver? 1.What is the MAIN purpose of this site? 2.Who is the intended user (the general public or an experienced GIS person)? 3.What must the user be able to do on this site to achieve my main purpose. 4.Will adding a particular feature require a lot of instruction and training to use? 5.Just because I can… Should I?
Esri Developer Summit 2012 Should You Use a Swiss Army Knife or a Simple Screwdriver?
Esri Developer Summit 2012 Should You Use a Swiss Army Knife or a Simple Screwdriver? Just because you know what GIS is and how you can do a multiple attribute query in ArcMap does that mean that your web mapping needs to expose that same capability? Developer really need to consider the end user before they begin their design.
Esri Developer Summit 2012 Should You Use a Swiss Army Knife or a Simple Screwdriver? Consider overall visual appearance of your site VS
Esri Developer Summit 2012 Should You Use a Swiss Army Knife or a Simple Screwdriver? So now lets take a look at a site that is focused and simple using the Flex Viewer. Crime Map
Esri Developer Summit 2012 Should You Use a Swiss Army Knife or a Simple Screwdriver? Download the code Pieces from here: You will not get access to the full app. The code provided is for developers NOT Configurers and help/support implementing the code will not be provided.