Book By: Patricia Beatty Report By: Addison Johnson
Getting to know you.
Meet the Characters Hannalee Reed The Yankee Soldiers Hannalee is a 12 year old girl with black hair and brown eyes. She is part Cherokee Indian on her mother’s side. She is brave and outgoing. Her greatest fear is to be separated from her family forever. Hannalee is best at helping her family, taking care of her younger brother, and being a bobbin girl for the Confederate Army. The Yankees Soldiers were mostly men and a few boys. The Yankee soldiers are portrayed as gruff, mean, men. Their greatest fear is losing the Civil War. They were good at trying to free the slaves.
Hannalee Reed (above) Hannalee is an adventurous girl who loves her family and her town.
The Setting Where When The majority of the book takes place in Roswell, Georgia but the story also takes place in Indiana and Kentucky. The setting moves around a lot. It takes place anywhere from small log cabins to mansions, small towns to big cities, rich and poor communities, on the streets traveling or in a house. The setting is real. It affects the story because it makes the story more accurate. The book takes place in the Spring, Summer, and Winter. The story took place somewhere from , during the civil war.
Roswell, Georgia (above) The setting is in Roswell, Georgia. In it was a fairly small town with a Confederate Mill.
The problem is…
Character vs. Self In this type of conflict, the main character experiences some kind of inner conflict. The conflict Hannalee had with herself was when she was trying to come up with a plan and she couldn’t decide what to do. It was a minor conflict because she ended up deciding what to do and everything turned out fine.
Character vs. Character This type of conflict finds the main character in conflict with another character, human or not human. A conflict Hannalee is having with another person is when Rosellen refuses to leave and help Hannalee. It is a minor conflict because Hannalee ended up finding Jem to help her instead.
Character vs. Nature This type of conflict finds the main character in conflict with the forces of nature, which serve as the antagonist. A conflict Hannalee has with nature is, in the Winter there is not enough food for their family. It is a major conflict because they almost starved.
Character vs. Society This type of conflict has the main character in conflict with a larger group: a community, society, culture, etc. A conflict Hannalee has is with the Yankee Soldiers, because they took her and other mill workers away from their family and friends and forced them to work for Union families. It is a major conflict because it affects the whole story and the book would not be the same if it had not happened.
The tension is rising!
3 Major Events 3. The Union Army comes to Roswell. 2. Davey leaves Roswell to go to Virginia where he is stationed for the Confederate Army. 1. Hannalee’s brother, Davey says he won’t marry Rosellen until after the war.
We have reached the turning point in the story.
The High Point The climax of the story is when Hannalee, Jem, and Rosellen are taken from Roswell by the Union Army. Then Hannalee promises her mother that she will return as soon as the war is over. My prediction was that Hannalee would return to Roswell by the end of the book.
Working out all the loose ends.
3 Major Events 1. Hannalee, Jem, and Rosellen get separated after they are taken to Kentucky. 2. Hannalee runs away from her job in Louisville, Kentucky and goes on a journey to find Rosellen in Cannelton, Indiana. 3. Rosellen won’t leave Cannelton with Hannalee so Hannalee leaves to find Jem. After she finally finds him they run away together in hopes of getting back to Roswell.
The problem has been solved.
Wrapping It Up How has the conflict been solved? What questions are left unanswered for the protagonist? The conflict has been solved because Hannalee, Jem, Davey, Baby Paulina, and their mother have been reunited despite the Union Army taking them away from each other. A question left unanswered for Hannalee is; “Will Rosellen ever return home?”
Personal Response I liked the book because it was from a different perspective than most books about the civil war. I also liked the book because the author helped you feel like you were really there. My favorite part of the book is when Hannalee and Jem get reunited with their mom and new baby sister. I had not read the book before now. AR Score: 10/10