A Personal Journey Nicola Moran Clinical Physiotherapy Specialist in Stroke Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
A Personal Account Thank you Stroke Association Award for Professional Excellence Personal Journey:- A Tale of Opportunity
“The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity” Ayn Rand High Quality Patient Care Staff Learning & Development Service Improvement and Innovation
In the beginning…many years ago!!
“Start wherever you are & start small” Rita Baily
. “Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you knock down the door. “Kyle Chandler Continued to develop my passion for stroke care Opportunity to develop within number of roles. Involved in service development /change management FES Early supported discharge Gained a place on a strategic leadership program
“Change brings Opportunity”Nido Quebin Created a clinical governance forum for 5 stroke teams. Integration/ reprofiling of 2 stroke units Development of AHP stroke rehabilitation area Development / Enhancement of Early Supported Discharge Service Input into AHP & nursing stroke modules Provide stroke teaching for medical students Physiotherapy Clinical Educator Member of the physiotherapy learning and development group Supporting the implementation of KSF
“Change brings Opportunity”Nido Quebin Deputy chair of NIMAST Joint planning committee for NI stroke conference /UKSF RQIA Engaging service users Ongoing work streams:
Final Opportunity …………