Medsin Spring General Assembly May 7 th and 8 th, 2011 Voting Session 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Medsin Spring General Assembly May 7 th and 8 th, 2011 Voting Session 1

House-keeping and Formalities To elect the Chair for the SGA; To elect the Secretary for the SGA; To adopt the minutes of the MAW 2010; To adopt the financial report for the year ; To adopt the Branch Fee categories for the year 2011 – 2012;

Motion 1: Activities (1) - Proposed by National Committee To delete Section 4 of the Bylaws (Activities) Rationale: It is in a bit of a mess, it is structurally unclear how Medsin Activities contribute to the Medsin vision. It also creates a lot of unnecessary work for Activities. The new bylaws keep all of the necessary old bylaws and create a new structure for Activities in Medsin.

Motion 1: Activities (1) - Proposed by National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 2: Activities (2) - Proposed by National Committee To adopt Bylaws 4.1 (‘Definition’) & 4.2 (‘Benefits to becoming a Medsin Activity’), written as follows: 4.1The term “Medsin Activity” refers to strategically planned interventions by students with the aim of achieving Medsin-UK’s vision or mission statements. Information regarding all Medsin activities will be listed on the Medsin-UK website. 4.2Benefits of becoming a Medsin Activity: 4.2.1Medsin Activities have voting rights at Medsin-UK Voting Sessions Activities Director will be responsible for keeping a copy of each Medsin Activities’ Strategic plan for them to update each year, as well as supporting Medsin Activities in strategic planning Activities Director is responsible for reviewing Medsin Activites’ Strategic Plans and Crtieria each year in consultation with the Activities Activities Director will arrange a meeting for Activities at least once a year, where Activities can request training, discuss common issues, network and collectively mandate the Activities Director to carry out mutually beneficial tasks for the remainder of their term in office Medsin Activities will be included in an online discussion forum with other Medsin Activities to share best practice, network and carry out mutually beneficial tasks Medsin Activities will be able to work with the Medsin National Committee to help them achieve their Strategic Plans Medsin Activities will be given full and free opportunity to use the Medsin newsletter, Medsin website and other means of communication to contact and make use of Medsin Branches, Members, Alumni, Activities and Externals in achieving their Strategic Plan.

Motion 2: Activities (2) - Proposed by National Committee Rationale: If Activities can prove that they have an active role to play within the network, then we should do everything we can to suppor them in doing this. These bylaws set out the benefits acitivites will be entitled to.

Motion 2: Activities (2) - Proposed by the National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 3: Activities (3) - Proposed by National Committee To adopt Bylaws 4.3.1, and , (‘Responsibilities of becoming a Medsin Activity’), written as follows: The Medsin General Assembly will decide at voting session which Activities should become Medsin Activities. With advice from the Medsin National Committee, Activities Director will make recommendations to the General Assembly regarding affiliation of Activities Activities Director recommend activities who have fulfilled requirements set out in the bylaws, and whose strategic plan is specific, measurable and achievable. A strong emphasis is to be placed on whether the Activity’s plans are relevant to Medsin’s vision and mission Activities Director will not recommend activities who do not fulfil all requirements set out in the bylaws, who cannot demonstrate progress towards Medsin’s vision through evaluation of their year’s activities, who do not have a structure in place appropriate to their level of activity, or who are felt to have aims which do not add value to Medsin’s vision and mission. Rationale: This sets out the process for becoming a Medsin Activity. Activities Director will work with Activities to create a strategic plan, which will demonstrate all planned aims and activities for the coming year. The Activities Director will review this and create a recommendation based on whether the activity will be relevant to Medsin and has a good plan for how to achieve it’s aims and work within Medsin. Ultimately, it is the voting members who decide at a General Assembly whether an activity will become a “Medsin Activity”.

Motion 3: Activities (3) - Proposed by the National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 4: Activities (4) - Proposed by National Committee To adopt bylaws , (‘Responsibilities of becoming a Medsin Activity’, continued), written as follows: In order to be affiliated as a Medsin Activity, Activities must update their contact details and strategic plan at least once per year The Activity’s Strategic plan must demonstrate how the Activity’s mission helps to achieve Medsin’s vision The Activity’s Strategic plan must demonstrate specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound objectives, with a considered evaluation process Additional requirements of Medsin Activities are: That the opportunity to be involved is open to all Medsin members To input into one Activities Meeting per year and work with other Medsin activities throughout the year That the Activity has a National Committee or National Contact Person, able to provide the appropriate level of support for the Activity’s local groups and keep in regular contact with the Activities Director That the Activity keeps consistent contact with all of its local groups and can provide Medsin Branches with the contact details for all of its local groups That they will, when appropriate: Register with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, or the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland if deemed necessary as defined in UK law Write an implement a Child Protection Policy Write and implement full Risk Assessments and/or Health & Safety Policies That they consider the ethical and environmental consequences of their work.

Motion 4: Activities (4) - Proposed by National Committee Rationale: These are further responsibilities and requirements Acitivities must fulfil in order to be considered a “Medsin Activity”. They ensure a good strategy, practical things like a point of contact, and legal things such as child protection cover.

Motion 4: Activities (4) - Proposed by the National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 5: Activities (5) - Proposed by the National Committee To adopt bylaws , (‘Affiliation as a Medsin Activity’), written as follows: 4.4. Affiliation as a Medsin Activity Activities must request the permission of the Medsin National Committee for any grants they submit if they using the Medsin-UK name and/or charity number If an activity needs the assistance of the Medsin National Committee for a grant application, the activity must submit the necessary documents to the Medsin National Committee at least one month before the deadline of the grant Activities may ask the Medsin National Committee to apply for grants on their behalf, subject to the following: The Medsin National Committee must agree that the use of the grant will be within the Charitable Objectives of Medsin-UK The Activity will be fully responsible for all logistical aspects of the grant application, including writing it The Medsin National Committee may refuse to apply for a grant on behalf of an activity If the grant application is successful, the Medsin National Committee will require a full expenditure report with relevant receipts, within an agreed time frame of the money being transferred, and by the end of the financial year Activities and Branches of Activities may not use Medsin UK's charity number to fundraise. They may raise money directly for Medsin-UK with prior permission from the Medsin National Committee, with all monies to be deposited directly into a Medsin-UK Bank account Medsin-UK accepts no responsibility or liability for any Activity supported by Medsin on a local or national level. Individual participants should take full responsibility for themselves during the preparation, travelling and for the duration of the activity. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, Medsin-UK accepts no responsibility of the following: financial loss, illness, kidnapping, personal disappointment, personal injury or death, sexual or other harassment, travel difficulties, war or weather complications Participants in any Medsin Activity or Exchange must make sure they have adequate insurance coverage for any activity they undertake. None is provided by Medsin-UK in any form.

Motion 5: Activities (5) - Proposed by the National Committee Rationale: Most of these are reworded and re-tweaked Bylaws from the old set of Bylaws. These clarify our legal and financial responsibilities.

Motion 5: Acitivities (5) - Proposed by the National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 6: Exchanges (1) - Proposed by Exchanges To amend by-law from: The National Committee will be composed of 9 positions as follows. Any position can be held by more than one person concurrently National Coordinator Vice Coordinator Secretary Treasurer Activities Director Policy and Advocacy Director Global Health Education Director Training Director Communications Director To: The National Committee will be composed of 11 positions as follows. Any position can be held by more than one person concurrently National Coordinator Vice Coordinator Secretary Treasurer Activities Director Policy and Advocacy Director Global Health Education Director Training Director Communications Director National Exchange Officer (Incoming) National Exchange Officer (Outgoing)

Motion 6: Exchanges (1) - Proposed by Exchanges Rationale: To summarise the changes, we are proposing to have 2 compulsory NEO positions on the Medsin-UK National Committee - a NEO Incoming and a NEO Outgoing. They will be elected from the Medsin network (in a similar way to the rest of the NC, with their candidature being approved by their Medsin branch president) at the Spring GA and will officially come into office the following September. They will participate in all Medsin-UK activities as members of the National Committee and will attend IFMSA GAs bi-annually. They will also serve as IFMSA links for the NC. All national finances for Medsin Exchanges will be controlled and audited by the National Committee Treasurer. A financial report will be presented on a yearly basis. The bylaws also indicate how Medsin Exchanges should be managed on a local level.

Motion 6: Exchanges (1) Proposed by Exchanges Proposed by:Exchanges Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 6b: Exchanges (1b) Proposed by Exchanges If Motion 6 fails, to amend by-law to: The National Committee will be composed of 10 positions as follows. Any position can be held by more than one person concurrently National Coordinator Vice Coordinator Secretary Treasurer Activities Director Policy and Advocacy Director Global Health Education Director Training Director Communications Director National Exchange Officer

Motion 6b: Exchanges (1b) Proposed by Exchanges Rationale: An amended version of the proposed bylaws, which states that there is one compulsory position for a NEO on the Medsin-UK National Committee, if two is deemed to be too many.

Motion 6b: Exchanges (1b) Proposed by Exchanges Proposed by:Exchanges Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 7: Exchanges (2) Proposed by Exchanges To add by-law – , ‘National Exchange Officer (Incoming)’ and ‘National Exchange Officer (Outgoing)’, written as follows: National Exchange Officer (Incoming) See Appendix - Medsin Exchanges bylaws Be responsible for facilitating professional exchanges in the UK, primarily for Incoming students, in consultation with the NEO (Outgoing) Be responsible for working with the other NEO and the Medsin-UK National Committee to work towards the national aims, by expanding Medsin Exchanges on a national level Together with the other NEO, a financial report for Medsin Exchanges will be compiled to be presented at the National Autumn General Assembly The two NEOs will serve as a link between the Medsin-UK National Committee and the IFMSA National Exchange Officer (Outgoing) See Appendix - Medsin Exchanges bylaws Be responsibile for facilitating professional exchanges in the UK, primarily for Outgoing students, in consultation with the NEO (Incoming) Be responsible for working with the other NEO and the Medsin-UK National Committee to work towards the national aims, by expanding Medsin Exchanges on a national level Together with the other NEO, a financial report for Medsin Exchanges will be compiled to be presented at the National Autumn General Assembly The two NEOs will serve as a link between the Medsin-UK National Committee and the IFMSA.

Motion 7: Exchanges (2) Proposed by Exchanges Proposed by:Exchanges Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 8: Exchanges (3) Proposed by Exchanges To add by-law 3.5, ‘Medsin Exchanges Team’, under ‘Section 3: Support teams’, written as follows: 3.5 Medsin Exchanges Team The Medsin Exchanges Team will comprise of the 2 National Exchange Officers on the Medsin-UK National Committee, a Local Exchange Officer at each school and the Local Exchange Committee in each school The National Exchange Officers will be supported on a local level by the Local Exchange Officers, as outlined in the Medsin Exchanges bylaws (see Appendix) The Local Exchange Officers will be supported by their Local Exchange Committees at their school The Medsin Exchanges Team will meet at least once a year at the annual National Medsin Exchanges Training day/weekend in October Appendix 6 is the Medsin Exchanges bylaws, which outline the duties of all members of the Medsin Exchanges Team.

Motion 8: Exchanges (3) Proposed by Exchanges Proposed by:Exchanges Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 9: Exchanges (4) Proposed by Exchanges To add by-law 11.10, under ‘Section 11: Financial Management’, written as follows: The National Treasurer will also be responsible for controlling and auditing national finances for the Medsin Exchanges. Local finances will be dealt with by a Local Exchanges Committee.

Motion 9: Exchanges (4) Proposed by Exchanges Proposed by:Exchanges Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 10: Communications Team (1) - Proposed by National Committee To replace by-law 3.3: ‘The Communications Team include the Medsin-UK Webmaster and Magazine Editor, as described in and 3.3.2’ With: ‘3.3 The Communications Team includes at a minimum, the Communications Director, the Webmaster and a Press Officer. The Communications Director can add members to the team as necessary, as long as they are advertised to and voted in by the voting members.’ Rationale: Support teams should not have such a clearly defined structure, they should be more dynamic, and if a number of gaps are identified in the way we communicate, it should be possible to bring someone in for an undetermined amount of time in order to carry out that task. We need to move away from seeing bylaws as key to explaining absolutely everything we do, and see them more as guiding principles.

Motion 10: Communications Team (1) - Proposed by National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 11: Communications Team (2) - Proposed by National Committee To replace by-law 3.3.1: ‘3.3.1The Magazine Editor is responsible for: Manage a team to produce the bi-annual national magazine Work with the Communications Director and the Regional Communications Director to support local global health magazine initiatives’ With: ‘3.3.1 The Press Officer is responsible for: Managing a team to produce the bi-annual national magazine Working with the communications director and the regional communications director to support local global health magazine initiatives” Creating press releases for the network and liaising with the traditional media Producing training on how Medsin branches & Activities can use the local and national media’

Motion 11: Communications Team (2) - Proposed by National Committee Rationale: The Magazine at National Conference is a great production that really advertises our work well. We would like to see these skills being used for wider external communications by having the same person responsible for press releases, articles and training branches in how to use local media. If this seems like a lot of work, then the Communications team should be a dynamic team that can take on more people as necessary (motion 10 above).

Motion 11: Communications Team (2) - Proposed by National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 12: Policy Statement on Fair Medical Trade - Proposed by National Committee To adopt the following Policy Statement on Fair Medical Trade: ‘Medsin believes that the NHS has a responsibility to procure resources that are fairly and ethically sourced. Currently, some medical supplies are produced in hazardous environments and use child labour exposing people to conditions that are damaging to health. Moreover, these working conditions usually affect the poorest in society. Medsin supports the Ethical Procurement for health Guidelines and the NHS Supply Chain’s Code of Conduct and believes that they should be implement through out all NHS services.’ Rationale: The products used to preserve and maintain health of patients within the NHS should not be detrimental to the health of others. We would like to see the NHS consider the global health impact of its medical supplies and for Medsin to continue to support this issue through local and national response.

Motion 12: Policy Statement on Fair Medical Trade - Proposed by National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 13: Policy Statement on Reproductive Health - Proposed by National Committee To adopt the following Policy Statement on Reproductive Health: ‘Reproductive Health for women still remains poor with the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5b, to ensure universal access to contraceptives, remaining the most off track MDG. We support a combined clinical, social and human rights approach to reproductive health, in accordance with the proposed convention by Winrow et al, 'Asserting the clinical rights of pregnant women, girls and newborn infants: a proposed convention'. Furthermore that reproductive health needs to remain high on the international agenda post the 2015.’ Rationale: Reproductive health is an important global issue that is often discussed in global health, Medsin at a local and national level should engage in the issue when appropriate.

Motion 13: Policy Statement on Reproductive Health - Proposed by National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 14: Policy Statement on Mental Health - Proposed by Minds for Health To adopt the following Policy Statement on Mental Health: ‘Mental illness is a globally neglected problem, particularly in Low and Middle Income Countries, where it is often under diagnosed and under treated. Additionally, mental illness is still highly stigmatized, which frequently acts as a barrier to treatment. Medsin supports the scaling up and development of psychiatric services with an emphasis on community based projects. This approach needs to be coupled with relevant action from policy makers and with social services. Furthermore mental health services should incorporate a human rights approach promoting participation and inclusion from service users.’ Rationale: The capacity of mental health services needs to be developed to ensure that people have access to the services they require. This development needs to work hand-in-hand with education and awareness projects that will additionally reduce stigma and therefore reduce this further barrier to treatment. We would like to see Medsin continue to engage in this issue when appropriate.

Motion 14: Policy Statement on Mental Health - Proposed by Minds for Health Proposed by:Minds for Health Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 15: Policy Statement on Carbon Costing - Proposed by National Committee To adopt the following Policy Statement on Carbon Costing: ‘Climate change poses a huge threat to global health, thus Medsin as a network has a responsibility to be sustainable in terms of its environmental impact. We believe that Medsin’s events (conferences and meetings) and those of other health organisations have a duty to reduce their carbon expenditure in a move to be more sustainable. Therefore we support the notion that internal carbon costs need to be fully evaluated and monitored to ensure that health organisations reduce their carbon footprint.’ Rationale: Health organization need to take this threat seriously and start evaluating and monitoring their carbon expenditure with an aim to reducing it by 40% in accordance with global recommendations.

Motion 15: Policy Statement on Carbon Costing - Proposed by National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 16: Guidance Statement on Finances - Proposed by National Committee To adopt the following Guidance Statement on Finances: This General Assembly encourages future National Committees to adhere to the following guidelines in managing Medsin-UK’s finances: 1.Only the Treasurer and National Coordinator should have access to the Charity account, and only these individuals should carry out transactions; 2.The Treasurer must carry out a proper handover to their successor before being relieved of responsibility in their role; 3.Accounts and any unfinished business must be completed and in order before handover: the Treasurer should not be relieved of their responsibilities until they have concluded any outstanding business and have resolved all remaining issues. 4.The Treasurer must have regular with the Trustees, in particular the Trustee with accounting experience. Rationale: Chun, our current Treasurer, is still dealing with 2009/10 accounts, with transactions he doesn't have the faintest idea about. This was/still is a totally unacceptable way for him to start his role. Any outsider who sees this situation would describe it as an absolute shambles and a disgrace, and he would agree. The fact that money has moved in and out of the account, and that no-one can account for it, with him being told, "Sorry mate no idea, but you know what, this person, they might know" is just an untenable and frustrating situation. If something happens on your watch, SORT IT OUT. Do NOT leave it for the next gullible sod to deal with.

Motion 16: Guidance Statement on Finances - Proposed by National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 17: Guidance Statement on Medsin’s Delegation to the IFMSA’s General Assemblies - Proposed by National Committee To amend the current ‘SGA 2009 Guidance Statement on IFMSA delegation’ from: The Medsin network continues to gain a lot from the IFMSA general assemblies. However, we feel that we should aim to reduce the delegation for the following reasons: –we should aim to reduce Medsin’s carbon footprint; –previous delegations feel that a smaller delegation is easier to manage and more productive; –each person attending an IFMSA should have a defined role. The National Committee should aim to select a maximum delegation of 12 for IFMSA Gas unless they feel accepting more will be beneficial to the meeting. This delegation will consist of the following people: –President –BMA representative –2 National Exchange Officers –1 Project Coorindator –1 Campaign Coordinator –President elect (at August meeting only) –1 x SCORA representative –1 x SCOPH representative –1 x SCORP representative –1 x SCORE representative –1/2 other delegates who are new or have a specific role for the meeting

Motion 17: Guidance Statement on Medsin’s Delegation to the IFMSA’s General Assemblies - Proposed by National Committee To: The Medsin network continues to gain a lot from the IFMSA General Assemblies. However, we feel that we should aim to reduce the delegation for the following reasons: –We should aim to reduce Medsin’s carbon footprint –Previous delegations feel that a smaller delegation is easier to manage and more productive –Each person attending an IFMSA should have a defined role. The National Committee should aim to select a maximum delegation of 12 for IFMSA GAs unless they feel accepting more will be beneficial to the meeting. This delegation will consist of the following people (the positions in red are automatically taken): RoleStanding CommitteeNotes Medsin-UK National CoordinatorPresidents’ Session National Coordinator-electPresidents’ SessionAt the August Meeting only BMA RepresentativeSCOME 2x National Exchange OfficersSCOPEElected at Medsin’s Spring General Assembly Activities CoordinatorSCOPH/SCORA/SCORPUsually, but not necessarily, Medsin’s Activities Director Advocacy CoordinatorSCOPH/SCORA/SCORPUsually, but not necessarily, Medsin’s Policy and Advocacy Director Global Health Education Coordinator SCOMEUsually, but not necessarily, Medsin’s Global Health Education Director 4x General delegatesSCOPH/SCORA/SCORPNew to Medsin or the IFMSA, or have a specific role for the meeting

Motion 17: Guidance Statement on Medsin’s Delegation to the IFMSA’s General Assemblies - Proposed by National Committee Rationale: The current Guidance Statement, while positive in its intent, leaves room for ambiguity regarding the size of the delegation, as it is not explicit which roles are for which Standing Committees. For example, the Project Coordinator may wish to attend SCORA, in which case this role has been counted twice. The table proposed above hopefully brings greater clarity to the composition of the delegation.

Motion 17: Guidance Statement on Medsin’s Delegation to the IFMSA’s General Assemblies - Proposed by National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 18: Guidance Statement on Medsin in the IFMSA - Proposed by National Committee To adopt the following Guidance Statement on Medsin in the IFMSA: This General Assembly: RECOGNISES that Medsin-UK is the UK’s National Member Organisation of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), and thus represents UK medical students at an international level and to the World Health Organisation; FURTHER RECOGNISES that Medsin’s membership fees to the IFMSA represents a significant proportion of Medsin’s annual expenditure; NOTES that there are no Constitutional clauses, By-laws, Guidance Statements, or Policy Statements on Medsin’s role within the IFMSA, or how Medsin should carry out its relationship with the IFMSA; BELIEVES that the potential benefits and opportunities of Medsin remaining within the IFMSA are not currently fully realised; ENDORSES the work of previous members, delegations, and National Committees in promoting Medsin- UK’s Vision & Mission within the IFMSA, and in promoting advocacy and global health education internationally; IS CONCERNED that these efforts will be wasted if Medsin-UK does not make the benefits of being affiliated with the IFMSA relevant to Medsin’s grassroots network; MANDATES the outgoing National Committee (for 2010/2011) and the incoming National Committee (for 2011/2012) to convene a Small Working Group of individuals from the National Committees, Voting Members including Branch Presidents and Activity Coordinators, and other interested Medsin Members, to complete the following tasks by the Medsin Autumn Weekend, 2011: –To carry out a full evaluation of the IFMSA’s March Meeting 2011 in Indonesia and the August Meeting 2011 in Denmark, and Medsin’s role within them; –To carry out a full evaluation of Medsin’s role within the IFMSA, including all potential benefits and costs to the network and to Medsin’s Vision & Mission; –To present the findings of the evaluations at the Medsin Autumn Weekend 2011; –To propose By-laws at the Medsin Autumn Weekend 2011 detailing Medsin’s relationship with the IFMSA, and how Medsin will take forward this relationship strategically in line with the Strategic Development Plan, including, if deemed appropriate: the creation of a Strategic Plan for Medsin within the IFMSA; the creation of a role of IFMSA Liaison Officer; and/or the proposal of a vote to withdraw from the IFMSA at the Medsin Autumn Weekend 2011.

Motion 18: Guidance Statement on Medsin in the IFMSA - Proposed by National Committee Rationale: Medsin’s membership in the IFMSA represents a significant cost to the Charity in the form of the annual membership fees, which are around £1500 each year. Furthermore, the National Coordinator must dedicate a significant amount of their time to the tasks demanded by the IFMSA, including attendance at the two week-long General Assemblies of the IFMSA each year. This heavy financial and time burden is not often translated into obvious benefits for Medsin’s members at a local Branch level, and many of our members are unaware that Medsin is even a member of the IFMSA. Nonetheless, Medsin has made many positive steps within the IFMSA, including increasing the prominence of advocacy within the IFMSA, promoting Global Health Education within the Standing Committee on Medical Education and the Standing Committee on Professional Exchanges, and defending the principles of equity within the IFMSA. Medsin also carries out around 60 bilateral exchanges each year through the IFMSA, which in the past have covered the cost of Medsin’s membership fees to the IFMSA. Rather than Medsin continue to engage sporadically with the IFMSA every six months at the General Assemblies of the IFMSA, a full evaluation of Medsin’s role within the IFMSA by a Small Working Group should allow these discussions to be carried out formally and to inform either a vote on whether Medsin should withdraw from the IFMSA, or the creation of By-laws detailing how this relationship should be carried out in a more strategic manner.

Motion 18: Guidance Statement on Medsin in the IFMSA - Proposed by National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result:

Motion 19: Guidance Statement on Medsin Conferences - Proposed by National Committee To adopt the following Guidance Statement on Medsin’s Conferences: This General Assembly: IS PROUD of Medsin’s signature conferences, which are huge success twice a year; IS ALSO PROUD of the work that Medsin Branches and Activities carry out at a grassroots level throughout the year; RECOGNISES that Conferences represent a unique coming-together of the whole network, and opportunities for sharing the successes achieved locally throughout the year; ACKNOWLEDGES the significant carbon cost of hosting a Conference drawing around 400 students from across the country, twice a year; IS CONCERNED about ensuring the environmental and financial sustainability of hosting such Conferences; THEREFORE MANDATES the outgoing National Committee (for 2010/2011) and the incoming National Committee (for 2011/2012) to convene a Small Working Group of individuals from the National Committees, Voting Members including Branch Presidents and Activity Coordinators, and other interested Medsin Members, to complete the following tasks by the Medsin Autumn Weekend, 2011: –To carry out a full evaluation of the last National Conference and Global Health Conference; –To carry out a full evaluation of Medsin’s Conferences in general, including all potential benefits and costs to the network and the wider environment and to Medsin’s Vision & Mission, including exploring alternative models such as reducing the number to one annual conference, or reducing the number of external speakers at the National Conference; –To present the findings of the evaluations at the Medsin Autumn Weekend 2011; –To consolidate the By-laws (Section 7) on Conferences and the various current Guidance Statements on the environmental sustainability of Conferences, to propose By-laws at the Medsin Autumn Weekend 2011 detailing how Conferences will be organised from the 2011 National Conference onwards, and how Medsin will take forward this relationship strategically in line with the Strategic Development Plan, including, if deemed appropriate, the creation of a new Conference Contract, to be signed between the National Committee and the Organising Committee, detailing what the conference will involve and what measures are being taken to ensure environmental and financial sustainability.

Motion 19: Guidance Statement on Medsin Conferences - Proposed by National Committee Rationale: Medsin’s Conferences have been a huge success over the past few years, but carry a significant financial and environmental cost. Furthermore, there is a possibility that such conferences may begin to represent Medsin less, and to focus more on simply informing students about global health in general, rather than about sharing Medsin’s successes and empowering students to continue taking action at a grass-roots level, through their Branches and Activities. These discussions have been continuing for some time, and should be a priority for the incoming National Committee to resolve, particularly before a contract is signed for the hosts of this year’s National Conference.

Motion 19: Guidance Statement on Medsin Conferences - Proposed by National Committee Proposed by:National Committee Seconded by: Amendments Direct Negatives: Alternative motions: Result: