Catie Ladner & Cassie Briffett
Summary Our project goes throughout each decade in American highlighting what beauty looked like for women. Using icons of those times, we include an examination of makeup, hair and body type.
1920’s “Roaring Twenties” Flappers Short bobbed/waved hair Flat chested (boyish figure) Smoked cigarettes Use of makeup Pale powder, plucked eyebrows, draw in arches, bright red lipstick cAgIB5FtKPMhttp:// cAgIB5FtKPM The influence of cinema played a huge role on trends for the first time in history
1930’s/1940’s “The War Years” Females became more conservative and sophisticated Curves were no longer de-emphasized, very feminine, longer skirts which highlighted natural waistline Hats & gloves were popular accessories Make up Pale skin Rouge & lipstick to brighten faces Fake eyelashes Hair Shoulder length hair Soft curls Bette Davis 1930’s Bette Grable 1940’s
1950’s “After WWII” Tradition & Conservative values came back Women could do chores without a hair falling out of place Curvy – large hips (baby boom) Make up Pale Complexion “Doe Eye” : Eye shadow on lids, heavy eye liner, penciled eyebrows and mascara Hair Teased, styled, sculpted & sprayed to form perfect curls, waves & bouffants D.A & Pompadour Marilyn Monroe
1960’s “Feminism” Women moving into the workplace meant complex hairstyles went out of fashion Short bobs were back Makeup Dark eyes & pale lips By end of 60’s make out went out due to the hippie movement tch?v=8Y6zLbavwSIhttp:// tch?v=8Y6zLbavwSI Twiggy
1970’s “Sexual Revolution” Fuller figure Breasts & Hips Makeup Bronzer (tanned skin) Natural look (mid toned shadow) Glossy lips Hair became a symbol Long, free, natural, curls Micro mini & maxi skirts, bellbottom jeans, platform shoes Farrah Fawcett
1980’s “Fitness Craze” Fit body “buns of steel” “rock hard abs” Makeup Vibrant colors Hair “The bigger the better” Intentionally messed up /watch?v=VA5_IwEA2Pghttp:// /watch?v=VA5_IwEA2Pg Cindy Crawford
1990’s “Globalization” “Alternative rock” look Makeup Brown lipstick Colored mascara Glitter hairspray Hair “the Rachel” from Friends Extreme thinness “heroin chick” Weight loss, strung out look Kate Moss
2000’s-Present Skinny Makeup Mineral makeup Black eyeliner Long, bold lashes Hair Long and straight or big curls Side part com/watch?v=fnzOd 43pbCghttp:// com/watch?v=fnzOd 43pbCg Nicole Ricci, Lindsay Lohan, Cameron Diaz
Resources ards_of_Beauty_An_Illustrated_Timeline ards_of_Beauty_An_Illustrated_Timeline %20beauty.asp %20beauty.asp eauty-female-aesthetics-through-the-years/