1. He threatened to use nuclear weapons to end the Vietnam War. 2. He initiated the complete democratization of North Vietnam. 3. He escalated U.S. military involvement in South Vietnam. 4. He refused to participate in a French-led occupation of Vietnam.
1. the increasing use of technology 2. the issuance of an isolationist trade policy 3. the establishment of a restrictive immigration policy 4. the initiation of extensive farm subsidy programs
1. Restore the agricultural industry in the Plains states. 2. Provide financial support for irrigation projects. 3. Address the urgent need for agricultural laborers. 4. Increase the revenue of crop producers.
1. Unemployed Midwestern industrial workers. 2. Relocated Southern sharecroppers. 3. Displaced workers from the Plains states. 4. Immigrants from Mexico.
1. Placed a limit on wage rates. 2. Favored big business interests over union interests. 3. Forced the consolidation of the AFL and CIO unions. 4. Placed too much bargaining control in the hands of Congress.
1. Increase the collective bargaining power of labor union leaders during wartime. 2. Place strict limits on striking labor unions when national interests were at stake. 3. Register the names of striking union workers with a federal review board. 4. Activate National Guard units in order to force labor unions back to work.
1. Passage of Constitutional Amendments on voting. 2. Expansion of executive power during periods of crisis. 3. Loss of the Supreme Court is power to review Congressional actions. 4. Revival of the authority of the states.
1. It limited the powers of Congress during time of war. 2. It limited the power of the President to use U.S. troops overseas. 3. It authorized the President to send troops into battle. 4. It granted the President the authority to declare war.
1. Malaria. 2. Smallpox. 3. Cholera. 4. Tuberculosis.
1. electric lighting 2. radio broadcasting 3. satellite 4. television
1. Begin drafting African Americans into the armed forces. 2. Order an end to racial segregation in the military. 3. Create special African-American combat units. 4. Continue the Tuskegee Airmen program.
1. It brought about anti-discrimination legislation that applied to other groups. 2. The backlash caused other minority groups to limit the use of civil disobedience. 3. It convinced other groups to create one unified civil rights movement. 4. It convinced other groups to minimize the use of protests as a way to end discrimination.
1. Permitted affirmative action in admission to colleges. 2. Ended Bible reading and prayer in public schools. 3. Outlawed racial segregation in public schools. 4. authorized schools to censor student newspapers
1. Eliminate racial discrimination in housing. 2. Allow African Americans to vote in local elections. 3. Integrate the public schools. 4. Admit African Americans to graduate programs.
1. Native Americans. 2. Hispanic Americans. 3. Korean Americans. 4. Chinese Americans.
1. Reinforced the population patterns reflected in the laws of the 1920s. 2. Greatly increased ethnic diversity in American society. 3. Encouraged immigration from Western European countries. 4. Discouraged immigration from Asian countries.
1. A the deportation of large numbers of political refugees. 2. B an increase in the number of Eastern European immigrants. 3. C the elimination of an immigration policy based on national origin quotas. 4. D an increase in the deportation of Asian immigrants.
1. A Alliance for Progress. 2. B Fair Deal. 3. C Great Society. 4. D New Deal.
1. A The U.S. agricultural industry shifted to the use of corporate farms. 2. B The U.S. government initiated the use of food production centers. 3. C Demand for grains declined in the United States because of European imports. 4. D Exports of U.S. agricultural products to Asian countries declined.