i4d 2007 award India i4d 2007 award India i4d 2007 award India eWorld 2011award India Best Telecentre album 2011 Philippines Sudanese best NGO - ICT award 2011
Free training Free computers to keep at home Inclusion through global, regional and national conferences
Telemedicine GDCO in partnership with NTC & NIC - faculty of medicine Gedaref University - Constructed 228 meter square telemedicine Unit 1- treat sick people online any where 2- training and capacity building of medical staff and medical students
Out of school children e-learning 3 million out of children and double illiterate adults Drying illiteracy resources e- Sheppard e-tanker
Illiteracy eradication Agriculture services (including Easyfarmer) Power supply 4 mobile charging Telemedicine Poverty elevation for students water resources and grazing area discovery solve the conflict between farmers, Sheppard and forestry