information requirements to be sent to players by the CiC of the Major Power concerned.
How to count up ATG Corps Sub formations types in the same hex: = = 30 Plus 51 above = 81
How a 3 rd Party battle is started: When all Siege and Trivial combat is completed you then identify the hexes where your current attacking force has numbers over the 50 sub formation value in hex and where you want to make contact using 3rd Party Combat to do this you must indicate to the other player CiC where these battle are to take place. Stating the hex number you wish to attack into and sending him screen shots of your forces. Screenshots must show clearly the hex or hexes you want this to occur. Please see screenshots below: “ATTACKING into hex 38,38” This will be in the battle name once this has been determined and when maps are made a town name must be included as well. AP value. Any value lower than 100 may come on as reinforcements. This represents the logistical situation of each Corps, and they will have stragglers. i.e. Corps AP value reads at 50 the rest of the Corps Arrive 50% arrive as reinforcements in 30 mins increments, per Regiment spread evenly during the 1st day. See AP Values this screenshot. If you have a stack value higher than 200 this will not be permitted. And must be removed at the players first opportunity to another hex as reinforcements at a next battle only 200 stack points allowed per battle. This is about 130,000 men. This map is in ZOOM mode. Hexes are Approx. 50KM across ATG Gives extra penalties if the stack is 200. R = the only hexes where the attacker/defender can bring in Reinforcements if stack they attack/defend into is under 200 limit only. If other friendly units exceed this limit they may not be brought into the 3 rd Party Battle. No other Attacker/Defender Reinforcements will be allowed outside, the hexes indicated. RR
How a third Party Battle is started: Once you have all the screenshots, send them to your human opponent save your game but do not pass on the ATG file until all 3 rd Party Battles that you have declared have been completed.
Completion of Battles: After you receive all your 3 rd Party Battles reports Submit your ATG Campaign File to the forum for the next players, to complete their turns
In our example, the defending player here in Dark yellow has just opened his ATG Campaign file as the current phasing player. The first thing he must do before he does any movement is take out the casualties from the Histwar 3 rd Party battle, just completed. This can be done by creating another ATG sub formation and then transferring the casualties as outlined in the previous page. The new ATG Sub formation has to be renamed as “ Casualties Battle of X” If the defender won the battle he may advance to the enemy. If he lost he must withdraw the stack to one friendly hex. After distributing Casualties to the new “Casualty of Battle X” ATG sub formation the player must delete this unit immediately, by using a ATG Delete Unit Action Card
Play this card as indicated then scroll down towards the Casualties to be deleted Find the unit to be deleted and press “select” A confirmation text will appear to you, and then to all players to show that you have deleted your Casualties Transfer all casualties of that Battle to the new Sub formation “Casualties of the Battle Name” To a hex away from 38,38 where the battle occurred. Then use the “Delete Action Card”
The defender now the current Phasing player, may proceed with the rest of his turn as normal in ATG and repeat from page 2 When the French player does his next turn, in the next turn round, he must delete all units as indicated in the previous page 7, in that battle and before any movement is done in the same way, as the defender When he does so, a text confirmation will be displayed to all players that he has taken the required casualties from that battle see screenshot as an example As the French Player is now the Phasing player he may continue with the rest of his turn. If there is more than one 3rdParty Battles in the one turn for more than 2 players. Each Phasing players would play the turn the same way, do all the battles in order. IF there are no more 3 rd Party Battle then all movement is per ATG
38Inf + 5 Art + 8 Cav = 51 3Art + 8 HvyGrd Cav + 10Gds = Inf + 3Art = 30 =HQ Total Strength is 102 CEH Histwar or ATG’s All AP Values to be rounded up to the nearest 5 (88 Become 90) This is the percentage already deployed on the battlefield the balance as Reinforcement during the first day in 1/2hour segments per regiment. Only 25% of all Inf Corps artillery can be 12 PDR there is a total of 11 CEH of Artillery here. Designated Artillery Reserve made up into a Corps may have unlimited guns poundage. Light and Line Cavalry as per Histwar status Quota 8 Hvy Guard Cavalry as per Histwar status Quota The best way to add these CEH is by doing a running total of your Histwar OOB as you go, to get your final CEH
In this example the 6 th Corps has a AP of 20 therefore 80% comes on as Reinforcements in 1/2Hour increments :Reg 14inf + 2 Art + 2 Hvy/Grd Cav 3 Guards In this case as Germany Has no Army leader in the game Reitzenstein will have to act as Army HQ Total Strength Is 58 CEH or ATG’s = 18 14inf + 2 Art + 2 Hvy/Grd Cav = 18 14inf + 2 Art + 2 Hvy/Grd Cav = 18
The interpretation of the Histwar Battle Analysis back to ATG Values: New Potential Loss Percent (NPL%) Army Initial Strength – New Potential = Losses – = Loss Losses / Initial Strength x 100 = Losses % / x 100 = 27% Loss % from Game Analysis – Losses% = NPL% 45% - 27% = 18% Each Unit type is now recalculated using a similar formula. The figure needed in all the below calculations is the NPL% ( 18% in this example) Infantry Infantry Initial Strength – Final Strength = Losses – = Losses / Initial Strength x 100 = Infantry Losses % / x 100 = 42% Infantry Losses % - NPL% = Final Infantry Loss % 42% – 18% = 24% The Infantry now lose 24% of their CEH in ATG Cavalry Cavalry Initial Strength – Final Strength = Losses – 3767 = 8585 Losses / Initial Strength x 100 = Cavalry Losses % 8585 / = 70% Cavalry Losses % - NPL% = Final Cavalry Loss% 70% - 18% = 52% The Cavalry now lose 52% of their CEH in ATG Artillery Artillery Initial strength – Final Strength = Losses 196 – 64 = 132 Losses / Initial strength x 100 = Artillery Losses % 132 / 196 x 100 = 67% Artillery Loss % - NPL% = Final Artillery Loss% 67% - 18% = 49% The Artillery now lose 49% of their CEH in ATG French Losses example:
The interpretation of the Histwar Battle Analysis back to ATG Values 2: Army Commander Report back with Calculator CiC or CiC should be aware Of any special losses like the guard was wiped out to the man! Or there was not commitment of Hvy Cavalry all losses should be Light Line Cavalry! Copy also sent to opponent. End Game replay should be submitted by the Army Commander or Histwar Corps Casualty Report see this page to proportion losses.
National Infantry of the 14 Regimes Guard “ Artillery “ Light/ Line Cavalry “ Guard/ Heavy Cavalry “ PP Infantry/ Militia Garrison Troops ATG Sub formations Histwar OOB HW Line/Light Infantry incl Reg Art* HW Grenadiers, Guard, Elite etc HW Inf Corps Art 12pdr Art Corps open. HW Inf Corps or Cav Corps HW Same as above or Cav Corps HW Militia mainly ATG Garrison troops only * All Troops are subject to Histwar Quota system at the time a Histwar OOB is made up this is why there is a stack limit of 200 ATG or CEH in a battle. The Histwar OOB slider can allow for 300CEH and is set there when making Histwar OOB to maximize the Histwar Quota System.
The Histwar OOB’s are made up by the Army Commander if not a CiC. In otherworld's if you don’t own Histwar than you can’t be an Army Commander. When the CiC is the phasing attacking player he must provide info as per Screenshot as in Pages 9 & 10 with at least one screenshot showing the Hex Grid where the Battle is to take place so the map can be made up. The Histwar OOB must represent the Info provided by the CiC (ATG data) as the same percentages This OOB is then sent to your opponent who will can double check the data. Naming the OOB must have hex grid numbers and Town name