Environmental Advertisements Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Opportunities of Political Advertisements 政治广告的机会 Elements of Persuasion 说服 Challenges of Political Advertisements 挑战 4 Basic Types of Advertisements 广告的基本类型 Advertisement Techniques 战略 Political Advertisement Examples 例子 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunities Types Challenges ElementsTechniquesExamples Background Analytical Framework Advertisements
Political Cartoons Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Eisenhower, 1952 “Eisenhower Answers America” URL: ( ) ISSUE ADS 问题 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Opportunities of Political Advertisements 政治广告的机会 Elements of Persuasion 说服 Challenges of Political Advertisements 挑战 4 Basic Types of Advertisements 广告的基本类型 Advertisement Techniques 战略 Political Advertisement Examples 例子 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunities Types Challenges ElementsTechniquesExamples Background Analytical Framework Advertisements
Opportunities of Political Advertisements 政治广告的机会 Provide Information Set Agenda Frame Debate Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunities Types Challenges ElementsTechniquesExamples
Spill Here Spill Now, 2008 “No Obama” URL: ( ) PUBLIC-SPONSORED ADS 公众赞助 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Opportunities of Political Advertisements 政治广告的机会 Provide Information Set Agenda Frame Debate Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunities Types Challenges ElementsTechniquesExamples
Bush, 1988 “Boston Harbor” URL: ( ) American Advertisements 美国环保广告 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Elements of Persuasion 说服 Attention Cognition Affect Behavior Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunities Types Challenges ElementsTechniquesExamples
DPP, 2008 “Marine” URL: ( ) Taiwanese Advertisements 台湾广告 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Elements of Persuasion 说服 Attention Cognition Affect Behavior Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunities Types Challenges ElementsTechniquesExamples
Obama, 2008 “Energy” URL: ( ISSUE ADS 问题 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Elements of Persuasion 说服 Attention Cognition Affect Behavior Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunities Types Challenges ElementsTechniquesExamples
Challenges of Political Advertisements 挑战 Why don’t advertisements always succeed? Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunities Types Challenges ElementsTechniques Examples
Challenges of Political Advertisements 挑战 Prior Knowledge Selective Attention, Retention, and Action (Mis)Interpretation Competing Information Ad Watches Low Credibility of Ads Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunities Types Challenges ElementsTechniques Examples
Reagan, 1980 “Bear In the Woods” URL: ( ) ISSUE ADS 问题 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Challenges of Political Advertisements 挑战 Prior Knowledge Selective Attention, Retention, and Action (Mis)Interpretation Competing Information Ad Watches Low Credibility of Ads Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunities Types Challenges ElementsTechniques Examples
4 Basic Types of Advertisements 广告的基本类型 Identification (ID) Issue Attack Moment of Reflection Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunitiesTypesChallenges ElementsTechniquesExamples
Advertisement Techniques 战略 Hard-Sell vs. Soft-Sell Humor/Cartoons Cinéma Vérité News Camera Interview Clips Endorsements One-on-One Sincere Sell Omniscient Narrator Audio Visual Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunities Types ChallengesElementsTechniquesExamples
American Environmental Advertisements 美国环保广告 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunitiesTypesChallengesElementsTechniquesExamples
Kennedy, 1968 “Air Pollution” URL: ( ) American Advertisements 美国环保广告 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Gore, 2000 “Beaches” URL: ( ) American Advertisements 美国环保广告 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Gore, 2000 “We” URL: ( ) ISSUE ADS 问题 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Kryzan, 2000 “Defends Polluters” URL: ( ) ISSUE ADS 问题 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Obama, 2008 “Something” URL: ( ) American Advertisements 美国环保广告 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Lyndon B Johnson, 1964 “War on Poverty” URL: ( ) American Advertisements 美国环保广告 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Taiwanese Environmental Advertisements 台湾广告 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunitiesTypesChallengesElementsTechniquesExamples
DPP, 2008 “Love River” URL: ( ) Taiwanese Advertisements 台湾广告 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
KMT, 2008 “The Power of Change” URL: ( Taiwanese Advertisements 台湾广告 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
KMT, 2008 “Lantern Lighting” URL: ( ) Taiwanese Advertisements 台湾广告 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Interest Group Advertisements 利益集团的广告 ISSUE ADS 问题 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Blue Man Group, 2006 “Climate Change” URL: ( ISSUE ADS 问题 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Project Save Earth, 2008 “Save the Earth” URL: ( ISSUE ADS 问题 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
WWF, 2007 “Water Pollution” URL: ( ) ISSUE ADS 问题 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
NRDC, 2008 “Windows” URL: ( ) ISSUE ADS 问题 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
The Alliance For Climate Protection, 2008 “Trees” URL: ( ISSUE ADS 问题 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
ThisIsReality, 2009 “Clean Coal!” URL: ( ) ISSUE ADS 问题 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Thank You! Political Advertisements Professor Crigler POLITICAL ADS 政治廣告 IntroductionOpportunitiesTypesChallengesElementsTechniquesExamples
Wolf Killer, 2008 “Wolf Killer” URL: ( PUBLIC-SPONSORED ADS 公众赞助 Political Advertisements Professor Crigler
Black Eyed Peas, 2008 “We Are The Ones” URL: ( ) IDENTIFICATION ADS 鉴定 Name RecognitionBiographyEndorsements Political Advertisements Professor Crigler