Advertising Types and Techniques
What type of advertisements are out there? Where do we see these advertisements?
Social Networking and Advertisement
Social Networking Statistics
Types of Advertising Television Infomercials Radio Online Billboard In Store Print Magazines Newspaper Classified Mobile Ads Celebrity Branding Corporate Sponsorship Covert Product placement Brands
How does advertizing impact you? "I can ignore most advertising" "Songs from commercials stick in my head" "I have made a conscious effort to look like someone specific I have seen in an ad." "Some ads make me feel bad about myself or inadequate“ “Advertising does not impact me at all.” Ask the students if they agree or disagree with the statements.
If you use this product you will... Join a wonderful group of people. Feel appreciated. Be rewarded. Be held in high esteem by others. Will have more love your life. Will enjoy the adventure or escape that you want. Will be more like famous or wealthy people. Will be associated with success, humor, tradition or modernity. Will find deep satisfaction.
And, if you do not use this product you will ... Face social isolation or career failure. Face failing health or death.
Lets take a closer look at some advertisements.
Common Techniques Bandwagon Effect (everyone’s buying it) Emotional Appeal (connect with fears and desires) Glittering Generalities (big promises) Plain Folks Appeal (relates to ordinary people) Testimonials (use celebrities or experts) Scientific Appeal (use stats or data) Emotional Appeal Bandwagon Effect
Glittering Generalities Glittering Generalities Testimonial Scientific Appeal Plain Folk Appeal
Point For Discussion Kalle Lasn, one of the most outspoken critics of advertising on the international stage, considers advertising “the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants. From the moment your radio alarm sounds in the morning to the wee hours of late-night TV micro jolts of commercial pollution flood into your brain at the rate of around 3,000 marketing messages per day. Every day an estimated twelve billion display ads, 3 million radio commercials and more than 200,000 television commercials are dumped into North America’s collective unconscious”. In the course of his life the average American watches three years of advertising on television.
Public Service announcements
Public Service Announcements Drugs Mental Health
PSA Continued Equality Environment Safety
PSA Parody
Steps to Analyzing Media Messages 1. What type of Text is it? - There are many kinds of media out there (television, radio, online texts, visual). Identify what kind of media it is first
Steps to Analyzing Media Messages 2. Who is communicating and why? Examine who is producing the text and what her or his goal is? For example, a message might inform the public about the environment. What ideas and values are the authors of the message trying to communicate?
Steps to Analyzing Media Messages 3. How has it been produced? The way a media message is produced affects how the message gets out Look for the kind of technology it uses
Steps to Analyzing Media Messages 4. Who is the intended audience? Look for clues about who the message is for – for example, in images and slogans Who will respond to the text or listen most to the message?
Steps to Analyzing Media Messages 5. How is the message constructed? Look for symbols, slogans, use of colour and other designs? - how do they convey underlying values or meaning? What does this tell you about the intent of the message?
Steps to Analyzing Media Messages 6. Is music of sound involved? If music is used, what emotions does it provoke? What do the lyrics relate to the content of the message?
Steps to Analyzing Media Messages 7. How does the content represent the subject? Think about how people and places are presented in the media Do you detect bias or stereotyping? Are the events portrayed positively or negatively? What persuasive techniques are used? Is the message realistic or sensational? What needs is the message saying it will meet, such as safety, comfort, health or popularity?
Let’s analyze together:
Class Activity Each table will be given an ad to examine As a group analyze the ad and answer the following questions on the sheet provided: What technique did the marketer use to advertise their product Who is communicating and why? Who is the intended audience? How is the message constructed? How does the content represent the subject? Be ready to share with the class