2 LOCATION Vyškov Military garrison complex FLCATF Lhota Rychtářov Military Training Ground
3 FLCATF AERIAL PICTURE Aerial picture of the FLCATF located in the valley of creek „Mala Hana“ (N ´57.76´´; E ´44.923´´) The test site is more known as the “Stone Cottage Site” according the former forester’s hut.
4 AREA „ALPHA“ Capacity of 38 personnel, suitable for seminars, small conferences or workshops including accommodation. Bar, small kitchen, fitness, whirlpool bath and sauna is also available.
5 AREA „BRAVO“ FLCATF HQ. The facility crew offices and stores are located inside the building.
6 AREA „CHARLIE“ The newly rebuilt and modernized „Roofed site“ together with supporting service building is the only place where testing and training with LCWA could be performed. Also indoor testing and training with LCWA is available.
7 AREA „DELTA“ Brand new built laboratory building, including analytical laboratories, laboratory of special appointment, special stores and technical service control centre. Still under approval and permission procedures and checkout routines performance.
8 TESTING AND EXPERIMENTING Stand-off detector transmitting and receiving system. STAND-OFF DETECTOR „DÁLKA-II“ EXPERIMENT STAND-OFF DETECTOR „DÁLKA-II“ EXPERIMENT Stand-off detector installation (back view with TEA CO laser). The special testing chamber for CWA vapours.
9 TESTING AND EXPERIMENTING Experimental “Hot Air” decontamination system designed for air flow parameters optimization and decon efficiency testing. Small aircraft turbo fan jet engine was used as a hot air generator. Solid CO 2 pellets decontamination Solid CO 2 pellets decontamination. HOT AIR AND CO 2 SOLID STATE DECONTAMINATION TESTS
10 TESTING AND EXPERIMENTING INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PROJECTS DECON FIELD EVALUATION (Switzerland, Canada, Germany & Czech Republic) Decontamination mixtures and technical means for their application. The system testing and evaluation. KÄRCHER TESTING (Germany & Czech Republic] Aggregates intended for decon emulsions application & technical means for “hot air” decontamination.
11 TESTING AND EXPERIMENTING SUPPORT TO THE WARFIGHTER ENVIRONMENTAL FATE OF CWA SUPPORT TO THE WARFIGHTER ENVIRONMENTAL FATE OF CWA Special dissemination device for CWA used for outdoor testing. Testing pad setup with experimental measuring mast. U.S. Ambassador's visit at the Testing and Training facility.
12 TRAINING Chemical survey & reconnaissance; CWA detection & identification ; Sampling operations; Thorough & Personnel decontamination; First Aid; IN FAVOUR OF CZECH ARMED FORCES Collection of liquid samples IPE Decontamination Samples field analysis
13 TRAINING IN FAVOUR OF FOREIGN ARMIES Austrian Army Medical unit of Greek Army NATO CBRN specialists Hungarian Armed Forces
15 LCAT LEGISLATURE VOP-026 Šternberk, s.p. – founded under MOD, but independent juridical and financial status – COE is able to sign appropriate TA with whichever parable object (without MOD being infringed on that matters) Law No. 310/1999 Law Coll. „On the stay of foreign armed forces on the territory of the Czech republic“ -any training of foreign military forces is conditioned by government’s approval; -training of foreign military forces may be conducted in military training grounds, military installations and airfields and (or) within restricted airspace only; Requirements for the training of foreign military forces shall be applied through Military Attaché to the Czech MoD up to end of March for following fiscal year (because a long-haul approval procedure).
16 HOW DOES IT OPERATES Foreign MoD Military Attaché (Prague) CZE MoD Defence Planning Division CEO VOP-026 Šternberk Director VTUO Brno Division FLCATF Head Vyskov My table Vyskov CZE Parliament Prague CZE Government Prague
17 IMPLICATIONS NATO and PfP Status Of Force Agreement (SOFA) can be applied: Military and civilian personnel are exempt of visa duties Military vehicles are exempt of road taxes and tolls Military equipment is exempt of customs duties Military convoys may be accompanied and backed by the means of CZE MP Military and civilian personnel may be attended in military medical facilities falling under MoD (charge of free within the scope of urgent medical care, surgical treatment or urgent acute conservation of dental cavity) Furthermore: Military accommodation capabilities and dinning facilities can be easily available (upon request)