Q5: How did you attract your audience? By Brandon Jewell
MARKETING TOOLS For younger audience social groups roughly ages they will more likely address adverts through the internet, whether it is on social networking sites, YouTube, or other ways. Most of this age group are always interacting online, either by computer/laptop, phone or tablet etc. For older audiences ages they are much more likely to receive information/advertisements through newspapers, Television or on Billboards etc. As can be seen, both of these groups have mostly different types of advertising. Pull advertising is the more modern interactive and digital ways of advertising. This is mostly through technology and the internet, such as websites, viral videos/campaign. Push advertising is the more traditional, and is often pushed at us so we take it in. Examples are things such as billboards, newspaper ads, television ads, interviews and reviews etc. but most of these are often seen by other younger groups as well.
The majority of our target audience are young groups meaning a more digital, pull approach would be made. But billboards and television ads are always brilliant as all audiences can see them. Marketing them on big social sites and especially on YouTube videos or other big internet campaigns or review sites will reach younger audiences. It is also an option to put on unique or special interesting events that could promote the film. Such as coverage through film festivals or public performance on television of some sort attracting attention to the film.
ATTRACTING AUDIENCES In order for our film to stand out, we should consider including specific ‘draw-ins’, such as a unique selling point. Some things we could include on trailers or posters are things such as: From the BAFTA nominated director… The film from the first time director, that blew us away… These types of USP’s attract attention to the film as a whole and really getting others interested. Another way would be to include stars or actors that are unique or well-known to attract fan bases of the actor or get reeled in by the possibility of an amazing performance: Brad Pitt stars in… The world famous boxer David Haye smashes his first film feature in… These will really get the audiences attention on the potential characters and performance in the film.
AUDIENCE FEEDBACK We showed our film to a target audience in order to get some feedback on how we addressed audiences with our Opening Title Sequence. Genre: One thing that seemed to really work well was the choice and use of the soundtrack and how it really effected the mood of the sequence. It worked appropriately with the past and present switches, and was very typical of Thriller to have an effective soundtrack that matched the narrative and mood of the film. Also with sound, having no dialogue created a mysterious feel, and also did not give much away about characters keeping the information and characteristics of characters hidden but still obvious about who was who, which is typical of the Thriller genre.
Technical Aspects: The graphic matches were very effected and linked the different scenes together. The cutting between the past and present shots were quick and snappy; the white flashes also were effective as they made it visually more intense. The use of black and white for the flashbacks really portrayed the time differences from past to present. As well as this they also added a more dark and intense mood to the shots. Mise-en-scene: Our feedback tells us that the use of the mobile phone was almost like a plot device driving the story forward as it really linked the two main characters together and hinted at the stalker side of the narrative. Both locations were very good and extremely Thriller typical. The woods being isolated and quiet, and the school/college, usually being a fairly safe place still did not protect Niamh from her stalking and troubles. Overall based on the feedback we have been given, I felt we have successfully targeted our Thriller audience by including many Thriller Genre conventions. One of these in particular is the dark side of the narrative coming across which creates suspense which is what the Thriller Genre is all about.