Persuasion Is All Around You!
What is persuasion? A means of convincing people to buy a certain product to believe something or act in a certain way to agree with a point of view
Common persuasive techniques often used in advertising Some arguments are logical Some appeal to your emotions Some make you trust the advertiser Some are simply easy to remember How do they work and what are some examples? Purpose?
Logos: Is the appeal to logic. When using “logos,” one convinces an audience using logic or reason. Cites facts and statistics that no one can disagree with
Example of Logos Get the best coverage ever! Get the best coverage ever! Who is the oldest person you know? Who is the oldest person you know?
Is the ethical appeal Convinces the viewer of author’s credibility or character Uses expert speakers and and testimonials
Expert opinion Experts approve this product, so you should use it “Four out of five dentists recommend sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum”
Expert Opinion Midas Sensitive Teeth?
Testimonial A well-known person supports a product or service
Testimonial Katy Perry! She is SO COOL!She is SO COOL! Jennifer Anniston She's GORGEOUS!She's GORGEOUS!
PATHOS PATHOS: the most common The word Pathos comes from the Greek word for “feeling.” (Think of empathy, sympathy, and apathy) Commercials can appeal to your feelings in both positive and negative ways. You associate the product with positive and negative aspects of your life
Bandwagon A statement suggesting that everyone is using a specific product, so you should too
Bandwagon Be part of the new generation! Be part of the new generation! Take it to the next level! Take it to the next level!
Guilt and Responsibility A person is made to have strong feelings about situations or products that will help others. Make the Ethical choice!
Guilt and Responsibility I love the whole world Q Q Alyssa Milano Reach into YOUR pocket!
Glittering Generality Use vague words such as “patriotism” and “freedom.” They bring to mind things that we’re TAUGHT to agree with or gravitate towards, but have NOTHING to do with the product at hand.
Glittering Generalities Examples What's a shamwow? But Germans are bad! What's a shamwow? But Germans are bad! Diamonds and oysters and boats! Oh My! Diamonds and oysters and boats! Oh My!
Fear Fear You don’t want bad breath, do you? You don’t want to HURT people, do you? BY using fear as a persuasive method, companies SCARE their audience into buying their product
Fear Example Fear Example: Meet Terri Meet Terri or death or death WOULD YOU STILL SMOKE?
Family, Safety, and Security We, as Americans want our happy families! We want our 2.4 children, dog, white picket fences and happiness. Commercials try to sell us that!
Examples of Family and security See what Stouffer's can do for you! See what Stouffer's can do for you! Don't you want to feel at home? Don't you want to feel at home?
Beauty and sex….. Everybody wants to be a part of the beautiful, desired crowd. Products convince people that they too will be desired after using their product.
Let’s get beautiful! Women will flock to you too! Women will flock to you too! Even in the supermarket! Even in the supermarket! (Shoprite anyone?)
Mudslinging Mudslinging is a tactic that is often used in commercials and political campaigns where the speaker “slings mud” at the opponent to make them look bad
Examples of Mudslinging Ronald McDonald or Taco Bell? Ronald McDonald or Taco Bell? Aleve or Tylenol? Aleve or Tylenol?
Persuasion Technique: Persuasion Technique: Make it easy to remember! Sometimes advertisers simply want you to remember their ads so that when you are in the supermarket or voting poll, you will remember them. Slogans, repetitions and humor are some examples
Slogan Can you hear me now A diamond is forever Got Milk
Slogan: “Have it your way!” ‘I’m lovin’ it!” Some products use Slogans and Repetitions. These are catchy phrases or statements often used to sell a service or a product
Repetition: The name of a product is repeated many times HEAD ON Apply directly to the forehead
Repetition Head On Go Compare 9QFvhQWo&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list =PL819596E749660A2A 9QFvhQWo&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list =PL819596E749660A2A
Humor Companies use humor….sort of as a last resort to make you connect the product with a positive, happy feeling. At least when you are shopping and remember a commercial that made you laugh, you may be persuaded to buy the product. These commercials are often illogical and offer little or no information about the product... but at least they’re fun!
Examples of Humor: This one will make you laugh! This one will make you laugh! Pinnochio Pinnochio WEEEEEE! WEEEEEE!
Reflection “Persuasion is all around you” In addition to TV commercials, where else do you see persuasion all around you? Is that persuasion influencing you or your family in any way? Explain.