Investigations and Interviews How to ensure GALS are getting the best information from the correct sources
Your Investigation- Main Goals 1) To make an investigation to determine the facts, the needs of the juvenile, and the available resources within the family and community to meet those needs. 2) To conduct follow-up investigations to ensure that the orders of the Court are properly executed. 3) To report to the Court when the needs of the juvenile are not being met. 4) To protect and promote the best interest of the juvenile until formally relieved of responsibility by the Court.
Your Investigation- Habits What does a good GAL do? – Sees their child at least once a month – Has questions, gets them answered – Ensures orders of the Court are being followed – Does not let a roadblock (i.e. flighty social worker) stop them from getting the information they need What does a not-so-committed GAL do? – Sees the child one time before the hearing – Call the social worker the week before court to see what’s new – Doesn’t know what the Court ordered – Thinks second-hand information is adequate
Your Investigation- Starting Where to begin….. Read the case file, speak to the social worker, find out who the players are Know the orders of the Court Areas you’ll address in every court report –L–Location and status of child –E–Education –M–Medical –P–Psychological –V–Visits –O–Other
Your Investigation- Spider Web Child Educational Medical Psychological Visits Social Home
Your Investigation- Contacts Who should you talk to?!? child(ren) parents caretakers social worker teacher tutor house parent therapist medical provider mentor relatives principal neighbors psychologist foster parents
Your Investigation- More Web! Child Educational Medical Psychological Visits Social Home Doctor Placement Teacher Principal PlacementSocial worker Placement Teacher Supervisor Parents TherapistPlacement
Your Investigation- Information Some info is good, some bad If one party believes there is a need, talk to the other parties about it Ask individuals about all child’s needs, not just their specialty Don’t wait for court to get services in place!
Your Investigation Child Educational Medical Psychological Visits Social Home Doctor Placement Teacher Principal PlacementSocial worker Placement Teacher Supervisor Parents TherapistPlacement Baseball team Tutor IEP Braces Occupational therapy New Meds More visits Unsupervised visits
Your Investigation- Records and Reports NCCourts- Pending hearings ACIS- Automated Criminal Infraction System NCDOC- Active time Civil records- Restraining orders, Child support, etc. Reports from doctors, therapists, teachers, etc.
Your Investigation- Tips Time Saving Solutions – Set a time and date for visit each month with kids (i.e. first Friday of each month). – Find out who therapist, teacher, and other service providers are right away…GAL office will fax appointment. – Tell SW and service providers to you! – If your case is continued, make one more round of phone calls and give updated info to GAL office. – Call or service providers once a month. Get them to give you reports to attach to your report….remember they’re in it to help kids too!
Your Interviews- Keys Personal contact Factual observations To Consider – Location of interview – History with party – Ability to assess needs Feelings expressed Stages – Greeting – Opening – Body – Closing
Interviewing- Preparing Go in to an interview prepared Have questions you want answered Be prepared to put the pen down and just talk Don’t use leading questions Take good notes whether it’s during or after
Interviews- Getting the Most Out of Them Observe all communication types – Spoken, written, listening, eye contact, body language, tone of voice, silence Use clarifying statements – It sounds like…, my impression is…, I get the feeling that you… Build trust and rapport…it will be different for each party
Don’t Forget! A proper investigation cannot be made without regular contact with the child Each case is unique…you may take a different path each time Have a plan before you conduct an interview Get all the information you can, give out as little as possible Speak to Seth, Rene, Christy, and Laura about what is going on!
Questions? Comments? Concerns?