= Defensive medicine Invasive tests are directly productive of illness. Immanuel Kant” Physicians think they are doing something for you if they label it as a disease.”
Old Model Practitioner Acute Medical Need Rx Refill Lab Test Mental Health Need Immunization Chronic Disease Practitioner Case Manager Behaviorist Specialist Medical Assistant Pharmacist
Behaviorist/ Social Worker New Model Mental Health Need Rx Refill Chron. Dis. Monitoring Test Results Prevention Need POC Lab Access Needs Compliance Barriers Acute Sx Case Manager Behaviorist/ Social Worker Pharmacist Practitioner Body Worker Medical Assistant
Physiomedical diagnosis (Alternative / Holistic medicinal aspect) Symptoms: the subjective and objective superficial evidence of systemic disturbance. Functional disorders: variations from normal standard performance or balance function in any organ or system, reflecting imbalance of autonomic function. The true disease state: involving organic changes in cells and tissues. The limit of treatment is restoration to a state of relative equilibrium.
Western Scientific Medicine The most significant difference in the approach of orthodox Western medicine is it emphasis on symptom suppression primarily through the use of surgery and drugs. Treatments are prescribed according to the specific disease, often with little regard for the nature and condition of the patient. Differential diagnosis (lab tests, sensory technology ie. ultrasound , isotope tech, MRI, ECG, )
Comparison of Eastern and Western Medicine Reductionism (reducing the body to its smallest components, organ system, tissue, cell) Diagnosis is made from inside out (a cause is searched for a particular symptom [heartburn>antacid]) Often therapy is designed to kill symptom No concept of an energy system Mind and body considered separate-”mental health” Balanced diet is defined in terms of dietary requirements and food group servings Eastern Holism – The whole is greater than the sum of the parts Diagnosis is made from the outside in –as are many of the treatments :acupuncture massage Therapies are designed to treat the underlying cause of symptoms An energy system exist within the body “Qi” The mind and body are not separated Diet emphasizes eating particular food types to maintain balance of Qi doshas etc.
Cause of Diseases <---> Lack of Balance Stress a) fear b)anxiety c) aggressivity mesolimbic hippocampus opioid system Pollution a) air b) water c) soil Diet a) composition b) deficiency c) tolerance Physical activity a) lack or excess of activity b) sexuality Inherited weakness a) genetic failure /predisposition b) Susceptibility (immune deficiency/sensitivity) Mind a) imbalanced interaction (excess or lack of stimulation) b) unbalanced ego, emotion , self-esteem c) lack of self-consciousness /education Spirituality, Soul