O.P.Gobée Wiki: We, the People Publish This work is under Creative Commons license: Attribute –Non-Commercial –Share Alike see:
Anyonepublishes Expert publishes User-generated content Web 2.0
Knowledge & infomation Music, photo, video Opinion & judgement Trade Social networking Production (software)
1.Quality / Reliability 2.Speed of Development and Progress 3.Distribution of Power How to judge it?
1. Quality/ reliability
See/hear… it yourself Plausible Trust, authority, expert Frequency Is it True?
Frequency Trust, authority, expert Plausible See/hear yourself Encyclopedia Brittanica Wikipedia, Google, Internet +/ (access orig. sources, photo, video) + (discussion, access more sources) - + (Google page-ranking, star-systems) + -
New Scientist, 22 September 2007, Volume 195, Issue 2622, P Jim Giles German Wiki: check prior to publishing by ‘trusted editors’ English Wiki: - certified entries available, besides default - quality rating
The proof of the pudding…
All errors (per lemma) Serious errors (total) Encyclopedia Brittanica online Wikipedia, Google, Internet / lemma 3 / lemma Internet encyclopaedias go head to head. Special report. J Giles, Nature, Vol 438, 15 Dec 2005, pp
Wikipedia for students? Cross-check any resourceCross-check any resource Web-resources:Web-resources: –volatile nature of the web draws extra attention to this need –easy access to large scores of resources facilitates cross-checking “it’s printed, so it must be true”
2. Speed of Development and Progress
Encyclopedia Brittanica exists 240 years 4000 authors articlesWikipedia exists 7 years authors 2.25 mln English articles, 10 mln articles in 250 languages
404-error The 404 error is the blessing of the Web
Tim Berners Lee: allow 404 error CHECK WWW April 2008: 166 mln host names 66 mln active sites
3. Distribution of Power
Knowledge & possibility to Influence = Power
Masses Printing has democratized the recipient, Internet has democratized the sender
Knowledge & infomation Music, photo, video Opinion & judgement Trade Social networking Production (software)
Monopolists of: knowledge and opinion (experts)knowledge and opinion (experts) means of distribution (publishers, tv, recording industry)means of distribution (publishers, tv, recording industry) means of production (music, photo, film, software)means of production (music, photo, film, software) lose their monopoly….
Digital revolution The availability to the people of means for production, distribution and receipt of knowledge, services and goods instead of only to a few
Developments leading to more equal sharing of power Magna Carta French Revolution DemocracyPrinting Mass media Internet, Web 2.0 More widely accessible easier means of production
Conclusion At the price of a small loss in guarantee of reliability an enormous increase in speed of development and a more equal distribution of power has been achieved Quality / ReliabilityQuality / Reliability Speed of Development and ProgressSpeed of Development and Progress Distribution of PowerDistribution of Power
Closed source proprietary software, e.g. Microsoft, Adobe Open Source software, e.g. Linux, OpenOffice, PHP, Apache, MySQL production of software ads in newspaperspersonal profile sites (e.g. FaceBook (USA), MySpace, Hyves (NL)), dating sites, career sites (Monster.com) social networking traditional auctions, (second-hand) shops eBay, Marktplaats.nl (NL) anyone wanting to sell something trade Limited number of criticists, journalists, experts, traditional newspapers, magazines, tv and radio programs rating-systems (e.g. stars ****) and reviews posted by anyone on sites as Amazon, Booking.com. Numerous weblogs judgements and opinions Film producers, recording industryYouTube, Flickr, p2p, musicians publishing own works online music, pictures, film Encyclopedia, books, publishersGoogle, Wikipedia, anyone who can publish online information and knowledge ‘Traditional era’‘Digital era’Field