High-Quality, Low-Cost IC Fabrication with MOSIS The MOSIS Service is a not-for-profit organization. It is one of the High-Quality, Low-Cost IC Fabrication with MOSIS
What is MOSIS ? An organization dedicated to offering: High-quality access to the latest production-proven semiconductor technologies. Low-cost engineering samples of IC designs. Small-volume production services. Single-point of interface for additional services or products offered by partners. Support for questions on design rules, SPICE models and design kits. MOSIS IS NOT in the business of generating IP, we do not have IP development.
What does MOSIS do? Multi-Project Wafer (MPW) Runs. Dedicated (DED) Runs. 1/3 of the 100+ runs per year are Dedicated Runs. Taxi-Runs (for IBM only). Mid-way between a DED and a MPW run. MOSIS now offers "taxi runs" for selected IBM processes. Taxi runs provide the scheduling convenience of an on-demand dedicated run, but with reduced cost. Initially, the taxi runs will be restricted to the 6HP/6DM (0.25 micron SiGe), 5DM (0.5 micron SiGe), 5PA (0.5 micron SiGe). and 7SF (0.18 micron CMOS) processes. Access to taxi runs is available to holders of MOSIS commercial aacount that have obtained IBM fab access. A run date will be selected by the initial user. MOSIS will seek additional users, each of which will split the cost of the run. Pricing can be requested via the Request For Quote page: http://www.mosis.org/products/fab/rfq.html User will typically receive a minimum of 200 die. Full wafers will not be provided. Dedicated runs will continue to be available for these processes.
How does MOSIS do MPWs?
Who Uses the MOSIS Service? Companies with pilot-projects that require engineering samples for proof- of-concept. Organizations with small-volume production. Industrial firms. Governmental agencies. Academic institutions.
MOSIS – Chronology Phase I : 1981-1985 DARPA direct funded era: 100% DARPA. Phase II : 1985-1994 Multi-agency direct funding DARPA : ~80% + DoD, NSF : ~15% (1985). Commercial customers: ~5% (1985). Phase III : 1994-present Self-sustaining operations. Commercial customers provide 100% of income.
Benefits to Foundries MOSIS provides a single interface to a variety of companies exploring new technologies. MOSIS acts as an extension of foundry sales, marketing, and technical support. MOSIS allows foundries to better serve their customers.
Why Customers Come to MOSIS? Quality and low cost + fast turn-around time. Access to leading technologies. Multiple processes - multiproject, dedicated runs. Die size, quantity flexibility. Examples: 2 x 2, 3 x 6, 7 x 6 mm; 40, 500, 2000 parts (die and/or packaged). Design rules, spice parameters. Technology files, design kits. Includes standard cells, pads, others. DESIGN KITS – MOSIS is often able to obtain CAD tool support files, for example DRC or LVS decks for specific platforms. In some cases, very complete design kits may be available. Except where noted, the following design assists are distributed free of charge. They are made available through our document server after signature of the MOSIS customer agreement, and on condition that the designs are submitted to MOSIS for fabrication. It is up to each customer to watch for, and obtain newer versions from the MOSIS document server. You will only be able to see and download those documents your account is authorized to access. Artisan and IBM documents are restricted to accounts that have executed additional sub-license disclosure agreements. Peregrine documents are restricted to accounts that have purchased the Peregrine foundry design kit. To request access to documents you are not authorized to download, please contact MOSIS Customer Support. Fabrication Processes AMIS - 1.50 - 0.70 - 0.50 IBM SiGe BiCMOS 0.25 - 0.50: CMOS 0.13- 0.18 - 0.25 TSMC - 0.35 - 0.25 - 0.18 Microfabrica austriamicrosystems SiGe BiCMOS, HVCMOS OMMIC/PML - GaAs 0.20
MOSIS Capabilities (1/2) Organizes Multiproject, Dedicated, and Taxi runs. Gathers designs, handles purchase orders, etc. Supports users. Performs design-kit distribution. Handles questions. Design rules, modeling, etc. Mpw runs include functional reference designs. Works closely with design service providers. MOSIS does not use DRC results to make any decision as to whether or not your project should continue to be fabricated. That decision is for you to make: that is why we are sending this information to you. If your project was queued for fab, it remains queued for fab, regardless of the nature or number of flags or warnings in this report. That includes warnings such as "your project is in danger of being excluded due to insufficient fill"; no decision is being made at this point. If you wish to suspend processing of your project, please use the "CANCEL FABRICATE" form on the MOSIS website, but you must do so before the run closes; and if you wish to submit new layout to the current run, you must submit it before the run closes. The relevant deadlines remain firm, unaffected by your having received this report. Design Service provider – a 3rd party design firm that may develop IP.
MOSIS Capabilities (2/2) Orders masks, wafers. Fully-checked, -merged reticle compatible with production fabrication process. Performs packaging/test. Plastic, ceramic, flip-chip, etc. Functional testing available. Allows for die size, quantity flexibility. Die cut into desired size, provides larger quantities (e.g. 500, 2000) within runs (for MPW, Dedicated and Taxi).
AMIS Processes Feature Size Metal Layers Voltage (V) Description 0.35 mm 4 3.3 NPN, PNP capacitor (I3T80) 0.50 mm 3 5.0 2-poly, resistor (C5F/N) 0.70 mm 100 1-poly, resistor (I2T100) 1.50 mm 2 2-poly, NPN (ABN) C35B401 CMOS-Opto is a process with 4 metal layers. 2 poly layers, and a high resistance layer. The process is for 3.3 volt applications. A thick oxide layer can be used for 5.0 volt transistors. S35D4 SiGe BiCMOS is a process with 4 metal layers and 2 poly layers, thick top metal, MiM capacitor, and hi resistive poly. CXZ HV CMOS is a process with 2 metal layers and 3 poly layers (a high resistance layer, a vertical NPN, plus various options)
AMS Processes Feature Size Metal Layers Voltage (V) Description 0.35 mm 4 3.3/5.0 CMOS (C35B4C3) CMOS-Opto (C35B401) CMOS (C35B4M3) HV CMOS (H35B4D3) 2.5 SiGe (S35D4) 50 HV CMOS HiRes (H35B4D3) 0.80 mm 2 HV CMOS (CXZ) C35B401 CMOS-Opto is a process with 4 metal layers. 2 poly layers, and a high resistance layer. The process is for 3.3 volt applications. A thick oxide layer can be used for 5.0 volt transistors. S35D4 SiGe BiCMOS is a process with 4 metal layers and 2 poly layers, thick top metal, MiM capacitor, and hi resistive poly. CXZ HV CMOS is a process with 2 metal layers and 3 poly layers (a high resistance layer, a vertical NPN, plus various options)
IBM CMOS Processes Feature Size Metal Layers Voltage (V) Description 90 nm 7, 8 1.0 9SF (logic) 9LP (LP logic) 9RF (mixed-mode) 0.13 mm 8 1.2/2.5 8RF-LM (logic) 8RF-DM (mixed-mode) 0.18 mm 6 1.8/3.3 7SF (logic) 7RF (mixed-mode) 0.25 mm 5 2.5/3.3 6RF (mixed-mode)
IBM SiGe Processes Feature Size Metal Layers Voltage (V) Description 0.13 mm 7 1.2/2.5 8HP 0.18 mm 1.8/3.3 7WL 5 1.8,2.5/3.3 7HP 0.25 mm 6, 7 2.5 6HP, 6DM 0.35 mm 4 3.3/5.0 5HPE 0.50 mm 3, 4, 5 3.3 5DM 5AM 5PA
TSMC Processes Feature Size Metal Layers Voltage (V) Description 0.13 mm 8 1.2/2.5 CL013G (Logic) CR013G (Mixed-Mode) 0.18 mm 6 1.8/3.3 CL018 (Logic) CM018 (Mixed-Mode) 0.25 mm 5 2.5/3.3 CL025 (Logic) CM035 (Mixed-Mode) 0.35 mm 4 3.3/5.0 CL035 (Logic)
MOSIS Education Program MEP-Instructional Enrollment forms to MOSIS at the beginning of each semester or quarter. Processes available: AMIS ABN, and AMIS C5F/N. MEP-Research Requires a proposal by the PI + Dean’s letter. Processes available: AMIS ABN and AMIS C5F/N. IBM BiCMOS SiGe (7WL) and CMOS (8RF-LM/8RF- DM, 7RF) processes TSMC 0.35 and 0.25 mm CMOS processes. Reporting requirements (INS vs RES) Academic NDA every year.
MOSIS Web Site
For Project Submission, Tracking, etc. MOSIS Web Forms For Project Submission, Tracking, etc. Secure or Non-secure
Summary High-quality, low-cost, fast prototyping. Regularly scheduled prototype runs + dedicated runs based on customer’s schedule needs. Low volume production. Access to latest production technologies. Access to important 3rd-party resources for design tools and packaging. Reference designs on MPW runs. Acting as the interface, MOSIS greatly increases chances for first-pass success.
Contact Information César Pina — Director. — cpina@mosis.com, tel. +1 310 448-9400 Wes Hansford — Deputy-Director. — hansford@mosis.com, tel. +1 310 448-9199 Customer Support Line. — support@mosis.com, tel. +1 310 448-9400 Hudson J. Mota de Alcântara — Customer Support — hjma@mosis.com, tel +1 310 448-8351. MOSIS Fax: (310) 823-5624