Understanding Marketing ety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active
Marketing is the process of developing, promoting, and distributing goods and services to meet customer wants and needs.
NEEDS- something that is essential; that you must have- Example: Water WANTS- something that you desire- Example: Soda
Products are: Goods and Services purchased by customers
Goods are Tangible! You can touch them
Services are intangible – you cannot touch them! Accounting Services Sports Agent
Exchange takes place every time something is sold in the marketplace. Marketing helps connect businesses to their customers We experience marketing principles everyday in our lives
How do you experience marketing in your life? What kinds of marketing experiences do you encounter just through your daily routine? On a piece of paper, write down your daily routine. Use a timeline! Think about how each activity that you do, relates to marketing. Needs VS Wants; Goods VS Services; and Exchanges Turn in Activity for Class Grade
6:00 AM Wake-up to Alarm Clock Used a Good (alarm clock) that I purchased to wake me up 6:15 AM-6:30 AM Drink Coffee and watch the news Coffee is a “want”- could exist without it, but it wouldn’t be pleasant Used Keurig Single Service coffee maker Purchased coffee at grocery store to have each morning While watching the news I see TV advertisements Advertising companies are a service business that produce the ads The ads try to influence me to make an exchange in the marketplace