Spectrophotometer for quick and easy control of Food BRUINS INSTRUMENTS Spectrophotometer for quick and easy control of Food
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS 1979 founded by Hans Joachim Bruins 1980 High end spectrophotometer developed 1982 Development of the monochromator, basic electronics and software of the InfraTec 1982 - 1999 delivery of more than 5000 InfraTec monochromators to Tecator
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS 1988 Introduction of OMEGA 20 Modular design UV-VIS-NIR Transmission Reflectance Transflectance
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS 1998 OMEGA 40 process spectrophotometer OnLine analysis via fibre optic technique Up till 8 channel simultaneous measurements Measurement < 1 second
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS 1999 OmegAnalyzer F for food analysis NIR Transmission measurements from 730nm till 1100nm Analysis time < 1 minute
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS 2000 OmegAnalyzer G for whole grain NIR Transmission measurements from 730nm till 1100nm Analysis time < 1 minute
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS 2001 OmegAnalyzer S whole grain for small sample volume e.g. Plant breeding etc. Transmission measurements from 730nm till 1100nm Analysis < 1 minute
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS 2002 InfraScan for powder, meal and liquids Reflectance measurements 380nm till 2600nm Analysis < 1 minute
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS 2003 AgriCheck for whole grain NIR Transmission measurements from 730nm till 1100nm Analysis time < 1 minute
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS 2006 FoodCheck for production area Stainless steel casing, completely sealed, IP65 NIR Transmission measurements from 730nm till 1100nm Analysis time < 1 minute
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS Sample presentation in Petry dish By removing the sample holder easy cleaning due to flat surface
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS 2007 MultiCheck for whole grain, flour, mixed feed etc. NIR Transmission and Reflectance measurements Analysis time < 1 minute
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS MultiCheck NIR Transmission for whole grain NIR Reflectance for powder products like flour, bran, mixed feed, meal Analysis time < 1 minute
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS 2008 FoodCheck Plus for meat and dairy industry NIR Transmission and Reflectance measurements Analysis time < 1 minute
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS FoodCheck Plus NIR Transmission for meat, cheese, butter, yoghurt NIR Reflectance for powder products like spices, milk powder Analysis time < 1 minute
NIR = Near Infrared Spectroscopy BRUINS INSTRUMENTS NIR = Near Infrared Spectroscopy Wavelength of Light UV > VIS > NIR >(M)IR nm 380 750 1100 2500 (NIT / NIR) Energy of Light
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS Molecular Vibrations
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS Molecular Vibrations
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS Molecular Vibrations
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS NIR active groups O-H Water, Alcohol C-H Carbohydrates (Starch, Sugar, Cellulose) Fat / Oil N-H Protein
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS NIR Analysis Typical properties analysed by NIR are organic compounds like Oil Protein Starch And Water Useful concentration are in % range, ppm or ppb level are normally impossible.
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS AgriCheck or OmegAnalyzer G/S Wheat: Protein Moisture Starch Gluten Sedimentation
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS AgriCheck or OmegAnalyzer G/S Barley: Protein Moisture
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS AgriCheck or OmegAnalyzer G/S Malt: Protein Moisture
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS AgriCheck or OmegAnalyzer G/S Maize: Protein Moisture Starch Oil
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS AgriCheck or OmegAnalyzer G/S Soybeans: Protein Moisture Fibre Oil
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS OmegAnalyzer G/S Rape seed: Moisture Oil
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS FoodCheck: Meat and sausages Fat Water Protein Collagen - Non collagen protein (Salt)
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS FoodCheck: Pet Food Fat Water Protein Collagen (Salt)
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS FoodCheck: Convenience products (precooked food) Fat Water Protein (Salt) (Total energy)
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS FoodCheck: Dairy products (cheese, butter, yoghurt) Fat Total solids Protein Lactose (Salt)
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS FoodCheck: Confectionary (chocolate, sweets, marzipan, honey, molasses) Fat Water Total Solids Sugar
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS FoodCheck: Ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, salad dressing Total solids Fat Sugar (Salt)
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS FoodCheck: Olives etc. Moisture Iodine value Oil Saponification value
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS InfraScan: Flour Protein Moisture Starch Gluten Zeleny (Ash)
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS InfraScan: Milk Powder Fat Moisture Protein Lactose (Ash)
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS InfraScan: Chocolate and ingredients Cocoa, Milk powder etc. Fat Moisture Sugar
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS InfraScan: Hops Moisture α-Acids
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS MultiCheck: Mixed Feed / - Ingredients Protein Moisture Fat Starch Fibre (Ash)
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS MultiCheck: Oil Seeds / - Meal Protein Moisture Fat Starch Fibre (Ash)
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS AgriCheck & OmegAnalyzer Calibration Wheat protein: N=163, SEP=0.136, R² = 0.9885
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS OmegAnalyzer Calibration Flour protein: N=120, SEP=0.177, R² = 0.9801
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS OmegAnalyzer Calibration Flour moisture: N=120, SEP=0.124, R² = 0.939
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS OmegAnalyzer Calibration Meat Fat: Total range 1.2 - 91.2%, SEC=1.7, R² = 0.992
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS OmegAnalyzer Calibration Meat Water: Range 6.6 - 75.3%, SEC=1.6, R² = 0.989
BRUINS INSTRUMENTS OmegAnalyzer Calibration Meat Protein: Range 2.3 - 24.3%, SEC=0.7, R² = 0.971