Phobia Lesson plan Phobia Treatment
Warm up I will discuss with students how they think phobia is treated. Then I will present the three videos.
Questions for discussion 1 - How do you think the patient feel during treatment sessions ? 2 – What is the role of the therapist ? 3 – How long does it take a patient to overcome his phobia? 4 - Can all kinds of phobia be treated in the same way? 5 –How long does it take a person to overcome his phobia? Questions for discussion
I present the three types of therapy: exposure therapy,cognitive behaviour therapy and mediaction therapy. So students can understand what is meant by each one Now you are going to watch three videos for three different types of phobia therapy. After watching , you will be asked to complete this worksheet
Students watch the first video for village expert that deals with exposure therapy
Students watch the second video for village expert that deals with cognitive behaviour therapy
Students watch the third video for village expert that deals with medication therapy
I hold a brief discussion after each video with students I hold a brief discussion after each video with students. Students watch the videos again. After watching the videos students complete a work sheet using THINK/PAIR/SHARE strategy
Students start working individually on worksheets to fill in main differences among each type of therapy. In pairs students discuss their answers. Students go back again and revise their answers
Area Type What is meant by How it wprks Role of counselor Steps Mediaction therapy Exposure Therapy Cognitive behaviour therapy