Bike/Walk Twin Cities Conducting bicycle & pedestrian counts
Why count? Quantify travel behavior: Understand role of walking and bicycling Identify trends Estimate overall pedestrian and bicycle travel Provide accurate data Why is this useful: Automobile, transit, and other modes utilize consistent, widely- accepted methods of gauging demand, volumes, and impacts that allow for short and long range planning Examples: level of service, trip generation rates, parking generation rates, mode split assumptions Almost all policy and analysis flows from these sources, including decisions on improvements, funding, and impacts Bottom line: IF YOU DON’T COUNT IT DOESN’T COUNT!
Preparing for counts Instructions Locations maps Count forms Clip boards Pen or pencil and spare Watch or time piece Information sheet (about counts) Also: hat, sunscreen, jacket, folding chair water, snacks, etc.
Count types
Screenline counts Screenlines: Imaginary line perpendicular to street Count all persons on bike or afoot crossing the screenline Count both directions Use consistent location for observation
Count forms Two-hour counts (4:00 -6:00 pm) Start on time (arrive early) 15 minute intervals Count both directions Count each person crossing screen line each time they cross *Make a note of any unusual thing that impacted the count at the bottom of the sheet
Recording bikes and peds Every bicyclist or pedestrian is counted as being one of the four following: Bicyclist Male; Bicyclist Female; Pedestrian Male; Pedestrian Female NOTE: If unable to identify gender default to male and make a note in the comment section at the bottom Then indicate CHILDREN, SIDEWALK RIDING, and ASSISTIVE DEVICES with additional marks for all that apply. SIDEWALK RIDING only where applicable (an on-street location with adjacent sidewalk or path)
Subjects Bicycles Tandems Recumbants 3 wheelers Tag-alongs Bike trailers Walkers Joggers Skaters Segways Wheel chairs ( manual or automatic ) Strollers Crutches Razor scooters (non-motorized) Children being carried
How do you count this?
1 male bicyclist
How do you count this?
4 pedestrians: 3 female; 1 male 2 children 2 Asst
How do you count this?
2 female pedestrians 1 pedestrian with assistive device Do not count pets!
How do you count this?
2 female bicyclists; 1 child 4 pedestrians 1 male; 3 female
How do you count this?
2 bicyclists: 1 male; 1 female 5 male pedestrians; 2 on assistive devices (in- line skates)
How about this?
How many bicyclists? 2 cyclists: 1 male; 1 female 1 - child 5 cyclists: 3 male; 2 female; 3 - children 5 - riding on Sidewalk Count each person not each bike!
How many bicyclists?
HAPPY COUNTING Remember to mail or hand deliver originals to the count coordinator as soon as possible! Tony Hull