+ Resolutions Valery Bessmertnyy CNSA Legislative Director 2015
+ Make a Difference! Write a Resolution! Are you passionate about an issue in health care? Would you like to make a difference in health policy at the state and possibly the national level? Advocate and voice matters of importance for nursing students, CNSA, the nursing profession, and the health needs of the community.
+ Definition of a Resolution A resolution is a document that, when adopted by the CNSA House of Delegates, becomes the basis of policies, priorities and actions of CNSA. These position papers represent matters of importance to CNSA constituents, members, chapters, nursing and/or the health needs of the public.
+ 3 Types of Resolutions Resolutions of Substance serve as one means by which opinions may be expressed, purposes of CNSA can be implemented, and directions given for future action. Courtesy Resolutions communicate recognition for contributions made to CNSA by groups or for individuals. Emergency Resolutions resolutions on a topic that arises subsequent to the resolutions deadline date
+ An Author can be… CNSA members CNSA chapters CNSA Board of Directors CNSA Committees Faculty and Advisors are available only to help guide student authors
+ Topic First: determine an issue that is relevant to nursing students, nursing, healthcare policy and CNSA Choose a topic that has not been adopted by the CNSA or NSNA House of Delegates within the past 5 years. For NSNA Resolutions, check the resolutions archives here: For CNSA Resolutions, check the resolutions archives here: Must be able to be implemented within CNSA’s resources Fall within the CNSA bylaws and mission statement
+ Resolution Reaffirmation Resolution reaffirmation: duplication of an adopted resolution <5 years old First whereas statement must reference the original resolution Needs to have significant change in the status of an issue, new research or information
+ A resolution is composed of: 1. Title 2. Submitting Chapter 3. Submitting Authors 4. “Whereas” clauses: summarize with documentation the reasons and rationale for the resolution (with supporting documentation cited) 5. "Resolved" clauses: contain the position to be taken on the issue and/or actions to be taken by CSNA, its constituent associations, and its members.
+ Title Max of 15 words Includes the topic along with the goal Check the CNSA and NSNA Resolution Index for more examples “In support of___” “Increase awareness of___” “Seek to add___ to nursing curriculum” “Support policy that___” “Advocate for___”
+ Whereas 5-10 “Whereas” clauses, LIMIT 300 WORDS TOTAL Essentially pieces pulled from reliable articles/organizations which support the topic of the resolution Evidence-based information < 5 years old (unless the information is historical in nature) Each “Whereas” statement must cite a supporting reference/document Use direct quotes or paraphrasing from evidence Non-amendable by the House of Delegates Less is more, be concise
+ Resolved 3-5 Resolved clauses, which define the purpose of the resolution and the stance the author believes CNSA should take on this issue Define the ways in which the resolution may realistically be feasibly implemented by CNSA First statement: should be the position/initial action Following statements: subsequent actions Final statement: “send a copy of this resolution to…” and include a list of organizations (for CNSA resolutions list state and local chapters of organizations rather than the national organizations ) Amendable by majority vote in HOD
+ Before Submitting! Proofread / review your resolution Pre-Formatted Template provided on the NSNA website: APA 6 th ed All components of the Resolutions Submission Packet completed
+ Other Components: Resolutions Packet Abstract Cost estimate Articles used to develop the whereas statements Reference list Names and Addresses of those identified in the resolved clauses Resolution checklist
+ Abstract For Example: TOPIC:IN SUPPORT OF INCREASING AWARENESS OF THE BENEFITS OF ACUPUNCTURE THERAPIES FOR PAIN MANAGEMENT. SUBMITTED BY:California Nursing Students’ Association (CNSA) Board Abstract: It has been more than a decade since the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have declared that acupuncture is a sound medical technique capable of providing pain relief, comparable to that achieved by standard drugs. Acupuncture lowers analgesic requirement after surgery and reduces post-operative pain; by contrast, fewer adverse effects are associated with the use of acupuncture in comparison to the use of standard drugs. This resolution strives to increase awareness of the benefits of using acupuncture therapies (specifically acupressure, acupuncture and electro-acupuncture) for pain management in patient care. It also encourages constituents to advocate for patients’ rights to receive education about the use of acupuncture therapies to manage pain.
+ Cost Estimate Cost Estimate to be prepared based on projected cost of implementing the resolution, if adopted. Sample: Document Size 3 pages Photocopy costs $.10/page x 3 pages = $.30/copy x 65 mailings = $19.50 Postage costs $.45/mailing x 65 mailings = $29.25 Envelopes $.10/envelope x 65 envelopes $ 6.50 Total Cost $55.25
+ Articles Used Professional journals and appropriate sources Must be evidence based! Examples: Journal articles Text and reference books Materials from other organizations Speeches Research reports Documentation must be fact, rather than opinion. CINAHL, PUBMED, and other databases such as these are great places to search for reliable articles. And of course, no wiki!
+ Reference List Sample: Holly, C., Cantwell, E.R., & Jadotte, Y., (2012). Acute delirium: Differentiation and care. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 24(1), O’Mahony, R., Murthy, L. Akunne, A. & Young, J., (2011). Synopsis of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guideline for prevention of delirium. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 154(11), Retrieved from direct=true&db=aph&AN= &site=ehost-live Phillips L.A., (2013). Delirium in geriatric patients: Identification and prevention. MEDSURG Nursing, 22(1), Retrieved from search.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.nu.edu/login.aspx? direct=true&db=rzh&AN= &site=ehost-live
+ Submitting Resolutions must be submitted to the Legislative Director Resolutions are checked for completeness utilizing the CNSA Resolutions Checklist found on the CNSA website and NSNA Guidelines for Planning Resolutions Only complete resolution, accompanied with a completed checklist, will be considered for submission to the House of Delegates.
+ After Submission After the first submission, the resolution will be reviewed by the CNSA Legislative Director and Resolutions Sub-Committee All resolutions submitted have the chance to be adopted at the CNSA convention, as well as presented at NSNA. One resolution will be selected by the CNSA House of Delegates to be the resolution presented by CNSA at the NSNA convention. The sponsored resolution is then submitted as a “CNSA resolution”
+ Convention Resolutions Hearing: 1. Informal Hearing: Resolution Introduction: authors present a timed statement Informal discussion of resolutions; Changes may be made to the resolution 2. House of Delegates (HOD) Formal Debate Authors have the courtesy to speak first and give the first timed pro statement Adopted by a majority vote 50%+ of the HOD * It is advisable to know Robert’s Rules of Order before the House of Delegates meeting.
+ Be Concise Be Realistic Be Positive Be Knowledgeable Gather support and Assistance Use Microphone Time Wisely Be available Have Documentation Handy Ask Questions
+ What is the issue or problem that you want to address? Why is it important to nursing students and the nursing community? What do you want CSNA to do about it? If you can answer these questions, you can write a successful resolution!
+ Contact Valery Bessmertnyy CNSA Legislative Director Nicole Rumpf CNSA Resolutions Sub- Committee Chair Do NOT use the (this address is invalid)
+ References: Broggi, Alexis, CNSA Resolution Power Point Presentation, 2014 NSNA Guidelines for Planning Resolutions, web. ng%20Resolutions%20for%202015%20HOD.pdf