Consumer Health: Influence of Media on Children by: Cherie’ Holt Hannah Gibbs Lindsey Nelms
Did you know? According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Media and Family, children spend more time sitting in front of electronic screens than doing any other activity besides sleeping. The average American child spends more than twenty hours per week viewing television. Reports have indicated that many families in the US have their TV on an average of 6 ¾ hours per day potentially giving their TV a stronger foothold in a child's education than their school teacher. According to The Sourcebook for Teaching Science, the average child views 1500 hours of television per year compared to spending only 900 hours per year in school.
Too Much Media Exposure Can Lead to… lack of physical activity exposure to adult themes and content misconception of what is/is not acceptable lack of interaction with family and peers shorter attention spans poor school performance
Advertising – the average American child views over 40,000 television commercials each year. – The advertising industry spends $12 billion per year on ads targeted to children. – advertising is particularly effective with children due to the fact they don't have the same critical thinking/judgement as an adult. – advertising can lead children to unhealthy food and lifestyle choices. – advertising can greatly influence a child's body image and sexual development.
Media Literacy Children need to be able to distinguish between reality and fantasy in media messages. Students need a set of thinking skills to ask important questions about what they watch, see, listen to and read.
What can I do? Limit screen time. Watch with Your Kids. Keep TVs out of kids’ bedrooms. Turn off the TV during meals. Seek healthier entertainment.
References: Consuming Kids Series: – – – – – – – HBO’s Buy Me That – A Kid’s Survival Guide to TV Advertising Series: – –