Clinton and the economy - high deficits gov’t borrow money drove up interest rates let’s lower rates Raise taxes to cut deficit Universal Healthcare – sound familiar?? Hillary headed task force Opposed by small business, insurance co., doctors, Republicans Never voted on /watch?v=06QZyJY_eec /watch?v=06QZyJY_eec /watch?v=hEhuQynsgCIhttps:// /watch?v=hEhuQynsgCI CLINTON’S AGENDA
Domestic policy Family Med Leave Act – 12 wk unpaid leave AmeriCorps – improve low-income areas through edu and environ Brady Bill – waiting period for guns – What about now? CLINTON’S AGENDA
Clinton popularity way down – taxes up, no health care fix GOP takeover in 1994; first time in 40 years Gov’t shutdown – sound familiar?? Welfare Reform Act – no more than 2 years, have to work to get bennies REPUBLICANS TAKE CONGRESS
Economic Boom – Clinton credited Beats Bob Dole (R) easily Inflation, unemployment, crime low; stocks, wages high 1997 balanced budget, ‘98 surplus – WHAT?? Current debt Domestic spending – children are our future Cig ads, child healthcare /watch?v=DMLsB4w_UQQ /watch?v=DMLsB4w_UQQ /watch?v=0BdyYynJNJo /watch?v=0BdyYynJNJo ‘96 ELECTION
Clinton accused of arranging illegal loans for private business Att. Gen Janet Reno has Ken Starr look into it Early ‘98 – relationship investigated by Starr, too Perjury and obstruction of justice Feb 12, 1999 – Senate votes short to remove after House impeaches THE SCANDAL
CLINTON’S FOREIGN POLICY Haiti – revolution new rulers violent against opposition, UN trade embargo results Haitians want refuge in US, we almost invade Haiti Jimmy Carter gets new Haitian leaders to step aside
CLINTON’S FOREIGN POLICY Yugoslavia ‘91-’95 – civil war b/w Ortho Christian Serbs, Catholic Croatians, Bosnian Muslims Ethnic cleansing by Serbs – NATO attacks Serbs Dayton Accords – peace agreement signed
CLINTON’S FOREIGN POLICY War in Kosovo ‘98 – Serbs and Albanians Serbs mistreating Albanians, NATO bombs Serbia in ‘99 Serbs pull out of Kosovo Persian Gulf War aftermath Saddam still in power, threatening neighbors US attacks Iraqi military targets
CLINTON FOREIGN POLICY Israel and Palestine reach agreement in ‘93 - Declaration of Principles Doesn’t last – PM of Israel assassinated ’95 Oct 2000 – violence b/w Palestinians and Israeli soldiers
CLINTON’S PRESIDENCY Clinton’s presidency tarnished by impeachment trial