Moving Melbourne Alison Lee: Moving Melbourne Driver
Overview: Phase 1 What has been done to date? Public forum “Meeting the Environmental Shocks in Melbourne” (27/6/07). My Grandma Owned a Car roundtable discussion with 19 of Melbourne’s most innovative urban transport and development thinkers. Screening of the film My Grandma Owned a Car (made during round table discussion) at Federation Square throughout September. E-village online feedback. What are the Issues and Values? Frustration: There is no convincing vision on transport being produced Transformation: Business as usual is not an option Equity: The outer suburbs are significantly under resourced by public transport Fairness: The road is largely structured to prioritise cars
Beginning of Phase 2 What are the Options Option 1: Restricting Car Access Pedestrian Sundays 30kmph Speed Limit Pedestrianised Streets Congestion Changing Stroget Copenhagen
Beginning of Phase 2 What are the Options Option 2: Bike City Public Bike System (like Velib in Paris) Fully integrated separate bicycle-path network for the city Devoting more road space to cyclist use Special intersections and signs Target: 30 per cent of all trips by bike by 2030 Velib Public Bike System: Paris
Beginning of Phase 2 What are the Options Option 3: Local Community in a Global City Less travel More local: Jobs Food Socialising Services Urban Community Gardening: Cuba