LIMITING REAGENTS Bike Shop in stock 10 frames 14 wheels Assembly Requires: _1_ frame + _2_ wheels = _1_ bicycle What Limits Production? (i.e. what runs out first?) _10__ fr / _1_ fr/bike = _10_ bikes __14_ wh / _2_ wh/bike = _7_ bikes* *can only make this many (Why?) Wheels are the “limiting component”
LIMITING REAGENTS SHAKE STOICHIOMETRY ex: strawberry banana milkshake Recipe for 1 Shake: 1 banana + 5 strawberries + 2 scoops ice cream + 8 oz milk 10 bananas and plenty of other stuff yields _10_ shakes 25 strawberries _5_ shakes 8 scoops ice cream requires _20_ strawberries 5 bananas, 36 strwb’s, 10 scoops i.c. would need how much milk? _40oz__ Anything left over? __11 sb’s______ What is/are limiting ingredient(s)? _b’s & i.c.______ What is in XS?___sb’s____
LIMITING REAGENT- CH 12 Industry – must use correct proportions *prevent waste (profit margin) *purity of product Ex: production of ammonia N 2 (g) + 3 H 2 (g) 2 NH 3 (g) __1_ mol_3__ mol __2_ mol _28.0_ g_6.0_ g_34.0__ g 22.4_ L_67.2 L44.8_ L
Ex: production of ammonia N 2 (g) + 3 H 2 (g) 2 NH 3 (g) Questions: What will happen if 2.0 mol of H 2 and 2.0 mol of N 2 are mixed and react? a)How much ammonia could be produced from all the H 2 ? 2.0 mol H 2 x (2 mol NH 3 /3 mol H 2 ) = 1.3 mol NH 3 b)How much ammonia could be produced from all the N 2 ? 2.0mol N 2 x (2 mol NH 3 /1 mol N 2 ) = 4.0 mol NH 3 c)How much ammonia will be produced from this mix? 1.3 mol NH 3 d)Will anything be left over (unreacted)? What & how much? 1.3 mol N 2 will be left since 0.7 mol reacted e)Which reactant is the “Limiting Reagent” (LR)? f)Which reactant is in excess (XS)? H 2 is Limiting Reagent (it runs out first); N 2 is in XS