Building a training partnership between Palama and the National Treasury
2 Contents 1.Overview of Palama 2.Programme suite and services 3.SCOA training partnership
3 Overview of Palama Statutory Mandate The purpose of Palama flows from provisions of our Constitution and the obligations they imply for public servants Palama’s extended role is to assist through expanding the provision of high-quality training to improve public servants’ competence and ethos Public Service Act (of 1994, as amended) mandates a training institution “to provide training or cause such training to be provided” This mandates includes assessments and certification Single Public Service Bill provides for an Academy with extended mandate to interact with other training institutions (public and private) Includes advising the Minister whether a training course should be a prerequisite for appointment or promotion in the public service Alignment to MPSA regulations and frameworks and government policies from departments like National Treasury
4 Palama’s Strategy is expressed in three strategic shifts: From doing training itself to providing and managing training From being a competitor to being a collaborator with the full range of training providers From selective to comprehensive coverage or ‘massified’ delivery First main stream of activity: Executive Development Programmes for entrant, lower and upper SMS In collaboration with universities and counterparts and provincial academies Second main stream of activity: Massively extended management training for junior and middle managers Training frameworks of curriculum, materials and accreditation Induction Programme for new entrants and blended learning approach Overview of Palama Broad Based Strategy
5 Overview of Palama What do we do? Multimodal learning approach within integrated learning framework - induction, formal programmes short courses, e- learning, seminars, etc. Seek accreditation. Manuals, information packs, course material, DVDs, cases, etc. Marketing, enrolment, bookings, coordination, roll-out, budgeting and M&E. IICs, trainers, HEIs, departments, provincial, local and sectoral training institutions, alumni, regional and international MDIs. Develop materials Manage roll out Needs analysis, development planning, research, environmental scan and business development. Quality assurance, train the trainers, knowledge sharing, review and upgrade quality. We develop junior, middle and senior managers and executives into leaders who can direct people, processes and institutions to achieve results in complex contexts and conditions. Assess needs Build and manage partnerships Manage quality Develop programmes
6 Integrated approach to ensure opportunities for scalable training, development and support. Work collaboratively to: Create and monitor training capacity through provider mobilisation; Maximise training take-up through co-ordination and marketing; Manage the training development from needs analysis through curriculum to certification, under the Learning framework, and via laterial collaborations; Establish training partnerships abroad aligned to South Africa’s foreign policy priorities (e.g. assisting post-conflict MDIs); Incubate mandated special projects that fall outside the usual operations of the Academy; Manage donor funds and strategic partnerships that support the work of Palama. Overview of Palama How do we do it?
7 Senior Middle Junior Supervisor Finance People ProjectsStrategy Change Other Finance Human Res. Supply Chain Information Other Immigration Pensions Induction CoreFunctionalSectoral Overview of Palama Integrated learning framework Executive Competencies
8 Overview of Palama Our partners DPSA, CG&TA and departments. HEIs, FETs and other providers. African and international MDIs and partners, and donors. 250,000 junior and middle managers (JMMS). 8,000 senior managers Executives (ministers, deputy ministers and DGs.) Provincial Academies, local and sectoral training institutes –, LOGOLA, PSC, SETA. Palama HR managers
9 Leadership Capacity Managing Public Finances Batho Pele and Service Delivery Human Resource Management Good Governance Executive Development Programme Advanced Management Development Programme Emerging Management Development Programme Foundation Management Programme Mentorship Programme Accelerated Development Programme Khaedu Supply Chain Management Asset Management Bid Committee Training Contract Management Revenue management Expenditure Management Risk Management PFMA for Non- financial Managers Bank Reconciliation Internal Audit Excellent Customer Service Batho Pele Improvement: Service Delivery for Operational Managers Service Delivery Implementation Plans Massified Induction Programme Job Evaluation (suite) Hearing Procedures Industrial Relations Skills Development Programme Introduction to HRM Monitoring and Evaluation Report Writing Diversity Management Disability Management Implementation of Integrated Disability Strategy Gender Awareness and mainstreaming HIV/AIDS Development programme for Government planners Programme suite and services Competency based training
10 Emerging Management Development Programme (EMDP) Entry: *Level 6-8 *Gr. 12 Advanced Management Development Programme (AMDP) Entry: *Level 9-12 *Gr. 12 Foundation Management Development Programme (FMDP) Entry: *Levels 3-5 *Basic literacy at NQF level 4 Executive Development Programme (EDP) Entry: *Level *3 year tertiary qualification or equivalent - Certificate of competence - 36 of 92 Credits - Admission to Honors programme (University entry requirements apply) - Certificate of competence - 92 Credits - Admission to Masters program (University entry requirements apply) - Certificate of competence - Postgraduate Certificate in Executive Leadership - Masters in Public Governance (awaiting final approval) - Certificate of competence - 15 Credits on NQF level 4 (provisionally accredited by PSETA / Services SETA) Programme suite and services Competency based training (2)
11 Short courses for JMMS 3 day introductory course - M&E concepts and links to planning process and GWM&E system 2 day M&E and data quality course - data sources, analysis and reporting Short courses for SMS M&E orientation course for DGs, MPs, MPLs,MECs (1 day) M&E and performance management (1 day) M&E and strategic planning (1 day) Delivery partners Negotiations with universities for M&E courses with curriculum relevant to government Different levels of M&E courses, including certificates, post-graduate diplomas and degrees Other service providers - short courses available to programme, project and service delivery managers. Programme suite and services Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
12 Programme suite and services Local government Working collaboratively with Department of Cooperative Governance e.g. M&E training in 46 districts and 6 metros Middle management programme being piloted with selected district municipalities funded by the Netherlands government Supply chain training rolled out in 283 municipalities, partnership with Treasury being explored Local government customisation is built into the rollout strategy and plan for the Executive Development Programme, others are: Khaedu, Gender Mainstreaming, Protocol and Diplomacy, Accelerated Development Programme and Coaching Design of a senior management induction programme involves a collaborative process with local and provincial government
13 Background July 2008, Palama requested by Budget Office) to assist with rollout of phase III of the SCOA training Partnership with National Treasury and will use lessons from rollout of financial management training initiative in 2007 Developing a Capacity Building Model for Financial Management Model provides for systematic design and rollout of public finance qualifications and courses in conjunction with National Treasury Aim and Objectives Aim to enhance the skills and build capacity amongst finance management units in government for improved service delivery Facilitate rollout of SCOA training for national and provincial government in order to capacitate departments and treasuries. Engage with the key stakeholders in the design and delivery of the appropriate training package that supports enhancement of the financial management function in government. Procure services of training facilitators and collaboratively render training of trainers with National Treasury SCOA training partnership Background and objectives
14 SCOA training partnership Extent of provision SCOA training courses will be offered at two i.e. immediate and advanced as follows. Introduction to SCOA: 3 days (Junior & middle managers) Orientation to SCOA: 1 day (senior managers) Treasury would like to train approximately government officials nationwide, over a period of five years Course No. of courses (projected) No. of candidates per group Est. no. of participants Orientation to SCOA (1 day) ,000 Introduction to SCOA (3 days) ,000 Projected Participant Total35,000
15 SCOA training partnership Costs and funding Costs of SCOA courses to clients will be based on the new Palama tariff model approved by Treasury in March Funding provided by Treasury will not exceed those indicated in table below for Year One Remainder of costs recovered by Palama from client departments, in accordance with the rates for each course Minimum 20 participants, if number of attendees drops below 20, client department will be required to pay for the ‘no shows’ Course Cost per official No. of officials Annual Cost (NT) Total (NT) % Spend (NT) Orientation1, ,000 3,104,000 13% Introduction3, ,784,00087%
16 SCOA training partnership Rollout plan ActivityPeriod Review of curriculum and learning materialMay-June 2009 Training of trainersJuly 2009 Delivery of training courses (1 st cycle)September 2009-March 2010 Palama and Treasury will agree on allocation of subsidised courses per national department and province National departments and provinces will nominate participants and provide details to Palama National departments and provinces will contract with Palama and be billed for ‘no-shows’ Palama will manage registration, delivery, assessment, certification and monitoring of SCOA training
17 Palama Contacts For more information on SCOA training or Palama’s services: Office: Fax:
18 Siyabonga