09. Excel NPV and Goalseek
Discounted Cashflow modelling The key to estimating the value of an asset is to convert future cashflows to present value Can be used to value bonds, stocks or entire companies in IPOs or Mergers Future cashflows are discounted to present values at a certain interest rate The Net Present Value of the future cashflows is the fair value of that asset
Input the following projected cash flows and interest rate
Select cell D13
Click Formulas -> Financial -> NPV
For Rate select cell containing Interest Rate
For Value1 choose select the cashflows in table
Click OK
Calculates Net Present Value
Goal Seek
Calculating Yield Sometimes we want to find what interest rate we would earn by investing e.g. finding the yield to maturity of a bond The cashflows are the coupon payments from the bond The present value is the price we could buy the bond for in the market What interest rate would we earn from buying the bond, and waiting for the coupon payments?
Calculate the yield if the price of bond is £420 and the coupon payments are £100 per year
Click Data -> What-If Analysis -> Goal Seek
Set cell D13 to value 420 By changing cell D11
Click OK
Finds that the interest rate would be which means 6.1%
Click OK
If statements
If statements allow you to evaluate a cell and draw a conclusion
An investor may only be willing to buy an asset which provided an NPV of £450
Change the initial interest rate to 4% (0.04)
You want to make the conclusion obvious in cell D15
Click Formulas -> Logical -> IF
In Logical_test write the condition which must be true or false i.e. D13>450
If True then show Yes If False then show No
Click OK
In the current example the investor will not invest as the NPV is less than £450
Change the interest rate to 2% (0.02)
The conclusion has now changed, to say that the investor should invest
Table formatting
You can format cells to make them look more presentable
Select your table, right-click, then choose Format Cells
Choose Border
Select double line border
Choose Top and Bottom borders
Click OK
Interest Rate is currently displayed as a decimal
Right-click on the cell, then select Format Cells
Choose Number -> Percentage
Click OK
Interest Rate now expressed as a percentage
File -> Save As -> 09b-datacompleted.xlsx
Challenge Use Goal Seek to find the interest rate which would give an NPV of £480 Produce an If statement to say Yes when the interest rate is above 4%, and No when it is less than 4%